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A full lesson on substitution. Depending on the class you may want to use all of it or just a couple of slides.
It starts by looking at the very basics (front bit is quite slow you may want to chop it down a bit), before having some differentiated questions for the pupils to work through before moving to a catchphrase puzzle. :-)

Converting Metric Units
Here is a lesson on converting between different metric units. It has a variety of different activities for practicing similar skills including differentiated questions.
Feel fee to use all of its or pick individual slides to use :-)

Sample Space Probability
This is a lesson I made on sample spaces. It is quite class specific so you may need to do a lot of adapting to the middle section to make it fit to your class. Nice question at the end though where I got pupils to work in pairs to justify their answers.

KS3 Revision Rally Robin Activity
A KS3 sheet full of quick fire questions. Pupils work in pairs to answer the questions give 1 to 2 minutes depending on the group. They must answer one question then pass to partner to answer one question and so on.
Great way to motivate pupils with revision.

Area of a Circle (Worlds biggest pizza)
A lesson I designed on calculating the circumference of a cricle. Based around the wprlds biggest pizza. A section in middle where pupils try and come up with the formula by cutting up circles, printable sheet on last slide.
It also has a nice differentiated problem solving task at the end where pupils are required to apply knowledge.
A slide on what do we need to know where pupils need to brainstorm what things they need to answer the question before they are giving any information.

Thoughts and crosses - Linear Graphs (y=mx+c)
An activity for pupils to play in pairs based on blooms or a way to provide differentiated questioning to pupils. Just as in normal noughts and crosses pupils need to make a line of 3, but instead of nought and crosses they must write their answer in a noughts and crosses grid. As an extension for those who finish I get them to work

Adding Fractions - Thoughts and crosses
An activity for pupils to play in pairs based on blooms. Just as in normal noughts and crosses pupils need to make a line of 3, but instead of nought and crosses they must write their answer in a noughts and crosses grid. As an extension for those who finish I get them to work as a pair to complete the rest of the grid.

How Many Meatballs!
Here is a problem solving lesson all about the volume of spheres and cylinders!
You will need a pack of meatballs a jar of pasta sauce and a pan for the pupils to use and measure.
I have included teacher hints on the slides which will need deleting out before you can use it.
I wish I could claim it was all my idea but I stumbled across it on Dan Meyer's blog and developed the idea into something that I could use in my classroom.

GCSE 10 Problems to Solve Worksheet
A collection of 10 problems complete with solutions which I used with some high ability Y9 pupils.
Good lesson starter.
It gave them all something to think about and work on in small groups.

Missing Angles - Thoughts and crosses
An activity for pupils to play in pairs based on blooms. Just as in normal noughts and crosses pupils need to make a line of 3, but instead of nought and crosses they must write their answer in a noughts and crosses grid.
As an extension for those who finish I get them to work as a pair to complete the rest of the grid.

Thoughts and Crosses (Calculating Percentages)
An activitiy which can be used a way of providing differentiated questions in class. Pupils to pick 3 questions from the noughts and crosses grid to answer must form a line of 3. Can be used for pupils to answer 3 as an individual or play as a game of noughts and crossses between a pair.

Areas of Circles Team Activity
Here is an activity I used to consolidate finding areas of circles 'Usain's Insane Circle Race'. Pupils answer questions to move their runner down the track.
My pupils loved it! Feel free to switch the picture of me.

Thoughts and Crosses (Proportion)
An activitiy which can be used a way of providing differentiated questions in class. Pupils to pick 3 questions from the noughts and crosses grid to answer must form a line of 3. Can be used for pupils to answer 3 as an individual or play as a game of noughts and crossses between a pair.
Calculating proportion and best value.

Probability Treasure Hunt
A set of probabilty treasure hunt cards. Pupils to answer a question then line it up with the next question.

Division Battleships
Split the class in half the teams take it in turns answering questions from their side of the board. The first team to find the 5 ships hidden under their squares wins.
This one is basic mental division facts ideal for KS2 and low attaining KS3 class, mainly single digit divisions.

GCSE Unit 1 Revision Thoughts and Crosses 2
An activity for pupils to play in pairs based on blooms. Just as in normal noughts and crosses pupils need to make a line of 3, but instead of nought and crosses they must write their answer in a noughts and crosses grid. As an extension for those who finish I get them to work as a pair to complete the rest of the grid.

Missing Angle Blockbusters
Contains a range of missing angle questions from simple ones on a line to harder one involving parallel lines.

Designing Maths Top Trumps
Here is a set of blank top trump cards on pop stars on pop stars along with a rating sheet. Pupils had to complete the rating sheet ranking each star out of 20 on various categories then design questions on the cards which had the same answer as the rating. Swapping card sets with another group at the end to play each others games.
I used them for BIDMAS/BODMAS but they could also be used for anything such as percentages, fractions, rounding or basic number.

Proportion and best value lesson (inc loop cards)
A full lesson on proportion and the unitary method including a range of differentiated questions on proportion and best value. It also includes a thoughts and crosses activity and 2 different plenaries. There is also a copy of the loop cards I printed off for the pupils to work on.
I have included instructions on the slides of where to click to show the questions please deleted them off before you use it.

Pythagoras' Theorem Lesson
Here is a complete lesson on Pythagoras' theorem with included assessment opportunities and printable differentiated worksheets on the IWB. Extension tasks using Pythagoras to find perimeters and areas of shapes too.
There is a quality activity which I printed out where pupils have to role 2 dice to select the base and height of a right angled triangle then use the information to calculate the hypotenuse.
I have included teacher hints on the slides which need deleting out because there are a lot of things that need clicking or pulling out. Enjoy!