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I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.




I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.
AQA Chemistry bond energy calculations

AQA Chemistry bond energy calculations

A complete lesson covering how to calculate bond energies. This lesson would support both the trilogy GCSE and the separate Chemistry course. The lesson starts with a retrieval starter covering a variety of topics form molecules 1-4 with answers It then recaps endo and exothermic reactions with examples including a video It then covers what is meant by a bond energy using a variety of examples. Students then work through some examples The lesson then moves onto calculating overall energy changes in reactions before going through some examples. There are then some independent examples for students to work through with answers The lesson finishes with some exam question examples All resources provided
OCR A level Chemistry Addition Polymers from Alkenes

OCR A level Chemistry Addition Polymers from Alkenes

A complete lesson, with associated resources, covering points 4.1.3 j,k and i of the OCR A level Chemistry specification- Polymers from Alkenes and disposing of waste Polymers. It covers addition polymerisation, the discovery and properties of poly(ethene), producing equations for polymerisation, methods of disposing of polymers and their environmental impacts. Also icnldues a video about the first heat resistant polymer produced-bakelite. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various independent student activities and a differentiated summary activity at the end. All answers provided
OCR Chemistry Calculating Kc from results

OCR Chemistry Calculating Kc from results

This is a complete lesson covering section 5.1.2 b, c, d and e of module 5 the OCR A level chemistry course- calculating Kc. It remind students what Kc and how to calculate it when given the data. It then covers deriving the units for Kc and the two types of equilibria (homogeneous and heterogeneous). The lesson closes with how to calulate Kc directly from experimental results including the use of titrations to establish concentration. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, worked examples, lots of student practice and a differentiated summary at the end All answers provided
OCR Properties of covalent compounds

OCR Properties of covalent compounds

A full lesson delivering section 2.2.2 n and o covering the properties of simple covalent molecules. Also covers some of the content on giant covalent structures from section 2.3.1. Includes a starter, full notes, a practical with teacher and technician notes, various activities and a differentiated summary activity at the end. All answers are included Some slides have additional information to support delivery of the activities included
OCR Electrons, bonding and structure

OCR Electrons, bonding and structure

10 Resources
A set of 10 lessons to cover all the content from section 2.2 of the OCR A level Chemistry specification. It covers electron structure, ionic boning and properties, covalent bonding and properties, molecular shape, polarity and intermolecular forces. Each lesson includes a starter, full note, various student activities and a differentiated summary at the end Some lessons include practical work with full teacher and technician notes All answers are included Some slides have additional guidance notes to support delivery / understanding of the concepts and activities
OCR Chemistry Structural isomers

OCR Chemistry Structural isomers

A full lesson covering section 4.1.1e of the OCR A level Chemistry specification- structural isomers. Contains full notes and worked examples covering the three ways that structural isomers can occur. The lesson contains a starter, various student activities as well as a differentiated summary activity at the end. All answers are included. Some slides have additional notes to support delivery of the content
AQA C3 calculating reacting masses

AQA C3 calculating reacting masses

A complete lesson taking students through the calculations for reacting masses Suitable for trilogy and separate chemistry It starts with practice of moles and molar calculations. It then demonstrates the idea of ratios using recipes for making cakes. There are then some worked examples for the whole class to do together plus some individual practice. The lesson closes with more students practice and then com exam questions. Updated 23/11/20 as my class requested more worked examples to do as a class All answers included
OCR A level chemistry E/Z Stereoisomerism

OCR A level chemistry E/Z Stereoisomerism

A complete lesson covering section 4.1.3c- Sterioisomerism. It includes E/Z isomers, Cis-Trans isomers and the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority rules to identify priority in E/Z isomers. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, diagrams of example isomers as well as photos of molecular models showing the isomers, various student activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers included Some slides have additional notes to support delivery
OCR covalent bonding

OCR covalent bonding

A complete lesson covering section 2.2.2 d-f of the OCR A level Chemistry specification- covalent bonding. This is the fourth lesson in the topic Electrons, Bonding and Structure. Covers what a covalent bond is, dot and cross diagrams, double and triple bonds, lone pairs and average bond enthalpy. It includes a full set of notes, various activities and differentiated summary questions at the end of the lesson. Some of the slides have additional information to support delivery of the lesson.
OCR A level Chemistry Haloalkanes bundle

OCR A level Chemistry Haloalkanes bundle

2 Resources
A pair of lessons covering all the specification points from section 4.2.2- Haloalkanes It covers Structure of haloalkanes Hydrolysis reactions with NaOH and water PAG 07 The environmental hazards of haloalkanes Both lessons have a starter, full notes, various student activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end All answers provided
OCR Chemistry condensation polymers

OCR Chemistry condensation polymers

A complete lesson covering section 6.2.3 a-c of the OCR Chemistry specification- condensation polymerisation to form polyesters and polyamides. The lesson starts by recapping addition polymerisation for year 12. It then introduces condensation polymers. The lesson then goes through the formation of polyamides and polyesters using either one monomer or two. The lesson includes multiple opportunities for students to independently practice. The lesson then covers the hydrolysis of polymers to return to the original monomers. The final part of the lesson is practice at working out the original monomer using a digram of the original polymer. The lesson includes lots of independent tasks I aim to reduce photocopying so all activities and answers are in the PowerPoint- a total of 42 slides
OCR Chemistry analysis and synthesis

OCR Chemistry analysis and synthesis

3 Resources
A bundle of three lessons covering sections 6.2.5 and 6.3.1 of the OCR Chemistry specification: Synthetic routes TLC and gas chromatography Testing for functional groups PAG7 Each lesson includes detailed notes and a range of guided and independent student activities All answers ar erovided All activities are within the PPT as I actively aim to eliminate photocopying
OCR Chemistry PAG 10 + Rate and concentration

OCR Chemistry PAG 10 + Rate and concentration

A full lesson covering section 5.1.1.g and h of the OCR Chemistry specification as well as PAG 10.1- the use of rate and concentration graphs especially in clock reactions. It covers what a rate coneration graph is and how they can be used to work out both the order of reactant and the value of k for reactions. It introduces clock reactions and the method and analysis for PAG 10.1 The lesson includes a starter, full notes, student activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers included
OCR Chemistry functional group tests + PAG7

OCR Chemistry functional group tests + PAG7

A complete lesson covering section 6.2.5c of the OCR specification - testing for functional groups and PAG7.3 The lesson starts with reminders of the tests for the main functional groups in the OCR specification. Each one is set out with the same structure- first giving an opportunity for recall before revealing the answer. The lesson then introduces PAG7.3 (you will need to download the full details off the OCR interchange). After the practical there are a series of activities allowing students to apply what they have learned about the tests. These can be done individually or as a class. I am to actively reduce photocopying so all activities are in the PowerPoint (29 slides in total)
OCR A level Chemistry Properties of alcohols

OCR A level Chemistry Properties of alcohols

A complete lesson covering section 4.2.1 a of the OCR A level chemistry specification- properties of alcohols. It covers a reminder of the IUPAC nomenclature, the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols, the trends in the main physical properties and the explanation of those trends. This is a free sample showing the quality and styling of the rest of my lessons. Please see my shop for more A level Biology and Chemistry resources. The lesson includes a revision starter, full notes, lots of independent student activities and a differentiated summary at the end All answers provided
AQA C2 revision- ionic and metallic bonding

AQA C2 revision- ionic and metallic bonding

PowerPoint recapping the main information for ionic and metallic bonding along with summary questions in the PPT with answers Includes starter activity with answers Also attached are a series of exam questions with answers. these are predominantly aimed at the 4/5 borderline
New AQA C2 revision atomic structure

New AQA C2 revision atomic structure

Revision activity of three of the topics in C1- mixtures, the periodic table and atomic structure. Each section has a number of slides going over the content followed by an exam questions with mark scheme. Exam questions are two standard demand and a higher demand.
AQA chemistry paper 1 final revision

AQA chemistry paper 1 final revision

A complete lesson revising key ideas from AQA trilogy and GCSE chemistry paper 1 Includes an updated version for 2023 It covers: Electrolysis RPA Makings salts RPA energy changes RPA Bonds calculations formula atomic structure trends in the periodic table Includes multiple choice section and exam questions All answer provided
OCR A level Chemistry The rate equation

OCR A level Chemistry The rate equation

This is the first lesson in OCR A level chemistry specification section 6.1.1- Rates of reaction. It covers outcomes a-c including the definitions of key terms, the rate equation, the rate constant and orders of reaction. It also covers calculating k, obtaining its units and analysing results to deduce orders. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, a variety of student activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers included