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AQA Urban Issues Retrieval Practice

AQA Urban Issues Retrieval Practice

This retrieval practice task includes 20 questions on the introductory section of the AQA GCSE Urban Issues topic. Questions include: HIC and LIC cities, reasons for growth, megacities, sqautter settlements etc.
AQA GCSE Urban Issues lesson starters

AQA GCSE Urban Issues lesson starters

This includes two resources: a PowerPoint of 16 slides of lesson starters and a What’s the Link word document - this is where students can link key terms to support them connecting their knowledge of the topic (links to slide 14).
Key Stage 3, Microclimates Investigation

Key Stage 3, Microclimates Investigation

This set of resources was created to support students in a scaffolded independent investigation into microclimates around the school site. The resources are tailored to our school, but the context can be easily changed.
AQA A Level Changing Places Example Question PowerPoint

AQA A Level Changing Places Example Question PowerPoint

This PowerPoint includes 47 example questions that are past paper/specimen paper questions published by AQA. My students find it incredibly helpful to have this PowerPoint printed 6 or 9 slides to a page and we annotate all questions as we move through the course.
AQA A Level, Coastal Landscapes, Shoreline Management Plans

AQA A Level, Coastal Landscapes, Shoreline Management Plans

This bundle of resources equips student in understanding the concept and function of Shoreline Management Plans (SMPs) in the UK. This also uses the example of the South Devona and Dorset SMP and so I have included my resources on a previously uploaded case study of Start Bay in Devon, as this might help for context.
AQA A Level, Coastal Landscapes, Coastal Management, Case Study, Start Bay

AQA A Level, Coastal Landscapes, Coastal Management, Case Study, Start Bay

This bundle of resources supports students in building a case study of a local scale coastal environment in the UK (Start Bay, Devon, UK). It includes a PowerPoint, map resource, two pdf articles. I have also included my previously uploaded resources on coastal management, for context, as I feel this may be helpful to teachers looking to teach this lesson.