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MFL Materials

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An MFL teacher and private tutor focusing on producing high-quality, interactive resources for MFL students - primarily working with Spanish and French. Feel free to message to organise a personalised bundle.




An MFL teacher and private tutor focusing on producing high-quality, interactive resources for MFL students - primarily working with Spanish and French. Feel free to message to organise a personalised bundle.
Spanish Grammar - Verb "Tener hambre"

Spanish Grammar - Verb "Tener hambre"

A 2-page Spanish resource outlining the conjugations of “Tener hambre” and “Querer” into both the preterite tense and the future tense. There are thus numerous grammar activities, a writing task and a speaking task. Level: Medium Tenses used: Future Tense/Preterite Tense Skills developed: Grammar/Writing/Speaking For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Grammar - Verbs "Comer" and "Beber"

Spanish Grammar - Verbs "Comer" and "Beber"

A 1-page Spanish resource based on conjugating the verbs “Comer” and “Beber” into the future tense, whilst discussing Queen Letizia, to expose students to Spanish culture. There is also a writing task at the end of this resource. Level: Medium Tenses used: Future Tense Skills developed: Grammar/Writing For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Reading Comprehension - Food and drink

Spanish Reading Comprehension - Food and drink

A 2-page Spanish reading comprehension based on the topic of 'food and drink’. This resource is based in Santiago (Chile), to broaden students’ knowledge of Hispanic cultures. There are vocabulary activities, reading comprehension questions and a writing activity. Disclaimer: This text contains lots of niche vocabulary (eg. La merluza/las gambas/las especias). Level: Medium/Advanced Tenses used: Present Tense Skills developed: Reading/Writing For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Reading Comprehension - Food and drink

Spanish Reading Comprehension - Food and drink

A 1-page Spanish reading comprehension based on the topic of 'food and drink’. This resource is based in Boca Chica (Panama), to broaden students’ knowledge of Hispanic cultures. There are vocabulary activities, reading comprehension questions and a writing activity, based on Panamanian fruit. Level: Medium Tenses used: Present Tense Skills developed: Reading/Writing For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Reading Comprehension - Food and drink

Spanish Reading Comprehension - Food and drink

A 2-page Spanish reading comprehension based on the topic of 'food and drink’. This resource is based in Puerto Natales (Chile), to broaden students’ knowledge of Hispanic cultures. There are vocabulary activities, reading comprehension questions and a writing activity. This is a rather complex activity, so best suited for students wanting a challenge or higher sets. Level: Medium Tenses used: Present Tense/Preterite Tense Skills developed: Reading/Writing For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Worksheet - Food and drink

Spanish Worksheet - Food and drink

A 2-page Spanish worksheet based on the topic of ‘food and drink’. This resource incorporates most of the vocabulary required for GCSE, and interlinks it with grammar and written activities, with the main emphasis placed on translation. Not only are there Spanish>English translations, the last activity focuses on English>Spanish translations, which will help consolidate student’s knowledge on food and food adjective vocabulary. Level: Easy Tenses used: Present Tense Skills developed: Grammar/Translation For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Grammar - Food

Spanish Grammar - Food

A 4-page Spanish document outlining the verbs ‘comer’ and ‘beber’ in the present and preterite tenses. Within this document, there are numerous grammar activities, translations, reading comprehensions as well as the opportunity to practice speaking skills at the end of the document. Level: Medium Tenses used: Present Tense/Preterite Tense Skills developed: Reading/Translation/Speaking/Grammar For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Reading Comprehension - Food

Spanish Reading Comprehension - Food

A 2-page Spanish reading comprehension based on discussing specific vocabulary based on ‘meat and fish’. This resource outlines the more niche vocabulary (eg. “el bacalao” and “la merluza”) before incorporating them into reading activities, translations and a writing task towards the end of the task. Level: Medium Tenses used: Present Tense Skills developed: Reading/Translation/Writing For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Reading Comprehension - Recycling

Spanish Reading Comprehension - Recycling

A 3-page Spanish reading comprehension based on ‘recycling’, within the topic of ‘environment’. This text is based in San Pedro de Atacama (Chile), to broaden students’ knowledge of Hispanic culture. This resource features vocabulary activities, reading comprehension questions and writing tasks, before introducing the Perfect Tense. There are consequently numerous grammar activities, which finally prompts students to describe the environment with the Perfect Tense. *Disclaimer: Extra-curricular designed for more-able students, with potential for an AS-Level resource. Level: Advanced Tenses used: Present Tense/Imperfect Tense/Conditional Tense/Perfect Tense/Subjunctive Mood Skills developed: Reading/Writing/Grammar For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Worksheet - Environment

Spanish Worksheet - Environment

A 6-page Spanish resource recapping elements of the ‘environment’. Alongside typical translation tasks, writing activities, vocabulary activities and reading comprehensions, there are also two ‘fun activities’: crossword and wordsearch. The topics covered in this worksheet are: La contaminación atmosférica Los residuos químicos e industriales La energía nuclear Las mareas negras Los desechos domésticos La contaminación acústica Level: Medium/Advanced Tenses used: Present Tense/Preterite Tense/Imperfect Tense Skills developed: Reading/Translation/Writing For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Worksheet - Daily routine

Spanish Worksheet - Daily routine

A 15-page Spanish resource which prompts students to consolidate their knowledge of ‘daily routine’, and the associated verbs. The present tense is recapped, along with reflexive pronouns, before moving on to grammar tasks. There are translation tasks based on ‘daily routine activities’, as well as an opportunity for some speaking (also incorporating times). Students can write a small paragraph describing their morning daily routine (prompted to include reflexive verbs, the time and connectives). At the end of the document, these same verbs are conjugated into the preterite tense, before prompting students to carry out an EN>ES translation and carrying out writing/speaking questions. Level: Medium/Advanced Tenses used: Present Tense/Preterite Tense Skills developed: Translation/Writing/Grammar/Speaking For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Grammar - Reflexive Verbs

Spanish Grammar - Reflexive Verbs

A 1-page document outlining the conjugations of four irregular reflexive verbs, based on ‘daily routines’: Despertarse Vestirse Dormirse Acostarse Please note, there are no activities with this resource. For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Translations - Customs and festivals

Spanish Translations - Customs and festivals

A 3-page Spanish resource, incorporating three translations (2 ES>EN and 1 EN>ES) based on ‘customs and festivals’. Specific festivals mentioned include ‘El Carnaval de Tenerife’ and ‘La Feria de Abril’ to broaden students’ knowledge on Hispanic culture. Level: Medium/Advanced Tenses used: Present Tense/Preterite Tense/Future Tense Skills developed: Translation For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Worksheet - La tomatina

Spanish Worksheet - La tomatina

A 1-page Spanish resource focusing on ‘La tomatina’, within ‘customs and festivals’. This resource introduces the festival, with two reading comprehensions and a translation. Level: Medium Tenses used: Present Tense/Preterite Tense Skills developed: Reading/Translation For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Reading Comprehension - La nochevieja

Spanish Reading Comprehension - La nochevieja

A 2-page Spanish reading comprehension based on the topic of La nochevieja, within ‘customs and festivals’. This resource is based in Cochabamba (Bolivia), to broaden students’ knowledge of Hispanic cultures. There are vocabulary activities, grammar tasks, reading comprehension questions and writing activites. Level: Medium/Advanced Tenses used: Present Tense/Preterite Tense/Conditional Tense/Pluperfect Tense Skills developed: Reading/Writing/Grammar For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Worksheet - El día de los muertos

Spanish Worksheet - El día de los muertos

A 2-page document focusing on ‘El día de los muertos’, as part of the topic ‘customs and festivals’. This resource outlines what the day consists of, with a translation, a reading comprehension, and vocabulary activities. Level: Medium Tenses used: Present Tense/Perfect Tense Skills developed: Translation/Reading For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Nationalities

Spanish Nationalities

A 1-page document outlining the main country and nationality vocabulary required for GCSE-level. Alongside the nationalities like “español(a)” and “frances(a)”, this document also includes more ‘original’ vocabulary such as “sueco(a)” and “boliviano(a)” to prompt the higher-achievers to incorporate more ‘unique’ words in their writing and speaking. There are no activities within this resource, yet it is useful to use as a handout or a classroom poster. For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Worksheet - Countries and Nationalities

Spanish Worksheet - Countries and Nationalities

A 3-page Spanish worksheet to aid students in consolidating their knowledge on the topics of ‘countries’ and ‘nationalities’. This resource involves vocabulary recall, a fun crossword based on nationalities and a small, basic writing activity towards the end. Level: Beginners Tenses used: Present Tense Skills developed: Writing For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Reading Comprehensions - Clothing

Spanish Reading Comprehensions - Clothing

A 1-page Spanish worksheet incorporating three small reading comprehensions based on clothing. This resource incorporates ‘free-time activities’ too (retrieval practice). Level: Medium Tenses used: Present Tense/Future Tense Skills developed: Reading For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Spanish Worksheet - Verb "Llevar"

Spanish Worksheet - Verb "Llevar"

A 1-page French worksheet focusing on the verb “llevar” and the topic of ‘clothing’. This document focuses on the grammar associated with this verb, and incorporates translations, written activities and a reading comprehension. Within this resource, students’ knowledge on clothing vocabulary will be greatly consolidated. Level: Medium Tenses used: Present Tense/Future Tense/Preterite Tense Skills developed: Reading/Translation/Writing For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages