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I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.




I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Presentation on Religious Language (A Level OCR Religious Studies)

Presentation on Religious Language (A Level OCR Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Two Problems of Religious Language, The Vienna Circle, Schlick, Evaluation of Vienna Circle, Ayer – Weak Verification, Evaluation – Weak Verification, Eschatological Argument – John Hick, Falsification Principle - Karl Popper, Antony Flew and R.M. Hare, Evaluation of Falsification, Language Games - Wittgenstein, Via Negativa - Plato, Evaluation of Via Negativa, Analogies - Aquinas, Analogy of Attribution, Analogy of Proportion, Evaluation of Analogy, Symbols – Paul Tillich, Evaluation of Symbols, Myths - Bultman and Evaluation of Myths.
Revision Notes on UK Pressure Groups (A Level Government & Politics)

Revision Notes on UK Pressure Groups (A Level Government & Politics)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Types of Pressure Groups, Functions and Features of Pressure Groups, Pressure Groups and Political Parties, Methods and Tactics of Pressure Groups, Factors affecting Pressure Group Success, Do Pressure Groups Enhance Democracy? Do Pressure Groups Strengthen Pluralist Democracy? Have Pressure Groups Become More Powerful in Recent Years?
Presentation on The Three Marks of Existence - Buddhism (A Level Religious Studies)

Presentation on The Three Marks of Existence - Buddhism (A Level Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: The Buddha’s Teaching, Dukkha: The First Mark of Existence, Dukkha Dukkha, Viparinama Dukkha, Samkhara Dukkha, Patticchanna Dukkha, Apaticchanna Dukkha, Pariyana Dukkha, Nippariyaya Dukkha, Quotes for Dukka, Anicca: The Second Mark of Existence, Gross Level, Momentary Level, Causal Connections, Interpreting Experience, Positives of Anicca, Quotes for Anicca and Anatta: The Third Mark of Existence.
Presentation on Science & Religion (A Level AQA Religious Studies)

Presentation on Science & Religion (A Level AQA Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Creationists and The Bible, The Bible Says the Earth is Young, the Big Bang Theory Challenges the Literal Interpretation, Other theological Challenges by the Big Bang Theory, Young Earth/ Conservative Creationism, Old Earth Creationism, Conflict between Science and Religion, Big Bang Supports Christianity, Chance vs. Intelligent Design, Goldilocks Effect, Theistic Evolution, Evaluation of the Big Bang Theory, Non-Overlapping Magisteria, How/ Why Distinction, Before Darwin, Darwin, Process of ‘Natural Selection’, Darwinism ‘Origin of Species’, Key Events in the Darwinism v Creationism Argument, Supporters: Anthropic Principle, Aesthetic Argument, The Flying Spaghetti Monster Theory, So What is So Good About Science? Evaluation of Scientific Method and How did the Universe Come About?
Revision Notes on Ecosystems (A Level WJEC/Eduqas Geography)

Revision Notes on Ecosystems (A Level WJEC/Eduqas Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: The Structure of Ecosystems, Energy Flows and Nutrient Cycling, Trophic Levels, Food Chains and Webs, Ecosystems in the British Isles Over Time - Succession and Climax, Development of a Succession, Lithosere, Hydrosere, Temperate Deciduous Woodland, Arresting Factors, Plagioclimax: Heather Moorland, Tropical Biomes, The Tropical Equatorial Rainforest Biome - Climate, Soils, Characteristic Features, Vegetation, The Effects of Human Activity on Plant Succession, Causes of Deforestation, Impacts of Deforestation, Tropical Biome – Savannah Grassland, The Savanna Grassland Biome - Climate, Precipitation Varies, Temperature Varies, Ecological Responses - Soil Moisture Budgets - Northern Ghana, Northern Ghana Characteristics, Adaptations by Vegetation, Impact of Human Activity, The Tropical Monsoon Forest Biome - Climate, Ecological Responses - Soil Moisture Budgets, Adaptations by Vegetation and Animals, Impact of Human Activity, Development Issues in the Three Biomes, Ecosystem Issues on a Local Scale - Urban Niches, Colonisation of Wasteland, Succession - Industrial site, Ecologies Along Route Ways, Introduction of New Species, Gardens and Parks, Changes in the Rural Urban Fringe, Ecological Conservation Areas, Dulwich Upper Wood Conservation Area, Species in the Wood, Why the Site is Interesting? Ecosystem Issues on a Global Scale - Human Activity, Biodiversity and Sustainability, Management of Fragile Environments, Case Study: Central Amazon Conservation Complex - Management, Case Study: Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania - History, Management, The Sundarbans Reserved Forest, Bangladesh - Threats, Flora and Fauna and Management.
Revision Notes on Coastal Landscapes (A Level WJEC/ Eduqas Geography)

Revision Notes on Coastal Landscapes (A Level WJEC/ Eduqas Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes Covering: Coasts are Natural Systems, Sources of Energy in Coastal Systems, Coasts Can Be High Energy or Low Energy, Sediment Sources in Coastal Systems, Six Ways Waves Erode the Coastline, Transportation is the Process of Eroded Material Being Moved, Deposition is the Process of Dropping Eroded Material, Sub-Aerial Weathering Occurs Along the Coastline, Salt Weathering, Freeze-thaw Weathering, Chemical Weathering, Wetting and Drying, Some Coastal Landforms are Caused by Erosion, Some Coastal Landforms are Caused by Deposition, Sea Level Changes are Eustatic or Isostatic, Climate Change Causes Changes in Sea Level, Climate Change Has Impacts on Coastal Areas, Sea Level Rise Result in Coastlines of Submergence, Only Some Parts of the Coast are Defended, Four Options for Coastal Management, Hard Engineering Defences, Soft Engineering Defences and Sustainable Management Strategies for the Future.
Revision Notes on Regenerating Places (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Revision Notes on Regenerating Places (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Covers: How and Why Do Places Vary - Economics, Function and Characteristics of Places, Past and Present Connections, Why Might Regeneration Be Needed? - Economic and Social Inequalities, Engagement and Experience of a Place, The Lived Experience and Attachment of Places Varies, Evaluating the Need for Regeneration, How is Regeneration Managed? - The Role of UK Government Policies, Local Government Policies, Changing Public Perception, How Successful is Regeneration? - Measuring Success, Employment, Urban Regeneration and Urban Stakeholders, Rural Regeneration and Rural Stakeholders, Changing Public Perception, How Successful is Regeneration? - Measuring Success, Urban Regeneration and Urban Stakeholders alongside Rural Regeneration and Rural Stakeholders.
Presentation on UK Prime Minster & the Cabinet (A Level AQA Government & Politics)

Presentation on UK Prime Minster & the Cabinet (A Level AQA Government & Politics)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: the Executive, the Development of the Executive: from Disorder to Order, the Prime Minister, Prime Ministers since 1945, Principle Powers of the Prime Minster, the PM’s International Role, Strong and Weak Prime Minsters, What Makes a Successful PM? Who did MPs vote ‘best modern Prime Minister’? the Cabinet, the Cabinet: Collective Responsibility, Control at the Centre, Rise of a British Presidency? the Cabinet Today, Cabinet’s Educational Background and Gender, Elitism, Key Propositions of Classical Elitist Perspective, Who are ‘the elite’? the ‘Political Formulation’ of the Ruling Class, Class Background of British Cabinets: 1970-2007, Privately Educated MPs, Representation in Parliament of Female MPs and Feminist Perspective.
Presentation on Ecosystems (A Level WJEC/Eduqas Geography)

Presentation on Ecosystems (A Level WJEC/Eduqas Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation that Cover: The Structure of an Ecosystem, Gersmehl Diagram, Gersmehl Diagram: In Real Life, Energy Flow between Organisms, Vegetation Succession in the Lithosere, Arresting Factors, Structure of a Deciduous Woodland - The British Isles, The Plagioclimax: A Case Study, Tropical Savanna Grasslands, Characteristics from the Rainforest to the Hot Desert (Influenced by ITCZ’s), Soil Moisture Budget, The Origin of the Savanna…Climatic or PlagioClimax?Development Pressures on the Savanna Grasslands: Kenya, Colonisation of Wasteland, Introduction of Species, Routeway Ecologies, Conservation: Dulwich Upper Wood, Why is Biodiversity Important? Balancing Preservation with Exploitation - Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development: Is it possible with Fragile Environments? Sustainable Development: Is it possible with Fragile Environments? Managing Fragile Environments: Serengeti, Managing Fragile Environments: Serengeti, Managing Fragile Environments: Amazon Rainforest and Managing Fragile Environments: Amazon Rainforest.
Presentation on Religious Experience (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Presentation on Religious Experience (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Caroline Franks Davis, Bishop Andrew Greeley, What Is a Religious Experience? William James, Religious Experiences: Conversion, Religious Experiences: Revelatory Experiences, Religious Experiences: Mystical, The Cumulative Argument, Principle of Testimony and Credulity: Swinburne, Arguments Against Religious Experience, Arguments Against Religious Experience and Psychological Critiques.
Presentation on Coastal Landscapes and Change (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Presentation on Coastal Landscapes and Change (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation Covering: Holistic Management – ICZM Schemes, Policy Decisions, Odisha ICZM, Making Complex Judgments, Coastal Management, Sustainable Management, Consequences Of Coastal Recession And Flooding, The Threat Of Rapid Coastal Retreat At Holderness, Causes Of Cliff Retreat, The Influence Of Sub-Aerial Processes On Coastal Erosion And Temporal Variation, The Risk Of Coastal Flooding, Storm Surges, Northern Europe Storm Surge 2013, Climate Change And Flood Risk, Sea Level Change, Coastal Features Produced By Sea Level Change, The Risk Of Contemporary Sea Level Change, Subaerial Processes I - Weathering, Subaerial Processes II – Mass Movement, Sediment Transport, Depositional Landforms, Depositional Landforms II, The Sediment Cell Concept, Waves, Waves II, The Contribution Of Waves, Erosion Processes, Erosional Landforms, The Impact Of Lithology On Cliff Recession, Differential Erosion, Stabilisation, Lithology Influences The Formation Of Certain Coasts, The Influence of Lithology, The Littoral Zone, Types Of Coast and Sediment Supply.
Presentation on The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Presentation on The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Future Climate Uncertainty, Future Climate Uncertainty II, Adaptation Strategies, Mitigation Strategies, COP21: PARIS 2015, Degradation Of Water And Carbon Cycles, Kuznet’s Curve, Water Cycle, The Threat To Biological Carbon Cycles, Land Use Cover Trends, Land Use Trends II, Ocean Acidification, Marine Ecosystems Under Threat, Drought Trends, Alternatives To Fossil Fuels, Renewable And Recyclable Sources Of Energy, Biofuels, Radical Technologies, Fossil Fuel Supply And Demand, Energy Pathways, Unconventional Fossil Fuels, Energy Players, Energy Players II: The Role Of Governments, Energy Consumption, Energy Security, Comparing Energy Security, The Greenhouse Effect, Regulating The Composition Of The Atmosphere, Fossil Fuel Combustion, Marine Sequestration, Terrestrial Sequestration, Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle, Types Of Carbon And Varied Fluxes and Geological Processes.
Revision Notes on AQA A Level Geography

Revision Notes on AQA A Level Geography

6 Resources
Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Ecosystems Under Stress, Water and Carbon Cycles, Hot Desert Systems and Landscapes, Population, Coastal Systems and Landscapes and The Environment alongside Contemporary Urban Environments.