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Easter Math Game - Connect Four Numbers to Twenty
This Connect 4 Easter themed math game is a fun way for students to practice concepts in numbers up to 20. The math games includes: 6 game boards with a mixture of Easter tens frames, numbers up to twenty and numbers in word form, a set of Easter chic numbers from one to twenty, teacher instructions and preparation The math games can be incorporated into your daily math centers.
These games are a fun and easy to understand and are targeted for students from Kinder (Prep) to year One depending on each student’s ability level.
The Connect 4 math games assist students to further develop their number skills in:
• Recognizing and reading numerals to 20
• Reading tens frames and recalling the number represented

Spring Color by Number
Spring Coloring (10 pages) - Spring Color by Number is a kit of no prep printables! Your kiddos will have fun coloring these ten bug themed color by number coloring pages. These spring coloring pages will assist your students with number recognition to ten.
These Spring coloring pages would be great to use for: Math centers, homework or morning work.

Sight Word Cut and Paste Activities - Bug/Spring Theme
Spring Theme Bug Cut and Paste Activities-This sight word pack includes a variety of fun insect themed cut and paste activities for students to consolidate their understanding of sight word recognition. This pack is great to use for: literacy centers, homework or morning work.
This insect sight word pack includes:
• 7 cut and paste bug theme cut and paste sight word worksheets & answer sheets - read the simple sentence and match the picture
• 1 cut and paste bug theme sorting worksheet & answer sheet- sort sight words into 2, 3 and 4 letters.

Spring/Bug Theme - Adjectives Graphic Organizers
This Adjectives Bug/Spring theme Vocabulary kit includes 17 word maps for your kiddos to enhance their vocabulary skills! You can incorporate this activity into: morning work, literacy centers or guided reading groups.
These graphic organizers are suitable for lower or upper primary. With each vocabulary map students write an adjective in each box to describe the bug or flower picture. To extend students they can write each adjective in a sentence.
Simply print and laminate each word map on hard card stock paper and students can write their answers using whiteboard markers. If you do not wish to laminate the cards you can print each page and make a booklet for students to use in their daily morning work.

Easter Game - Roll a Die Literacy Fun
Are you looking for a fun and engaging way for your kiddos to get excited about writing on Easter Day! These vibrantly colorful dice games with absolutely adorable Easter clip art can be played either independently or in pairs. Each student rolls a die and completes the activity for the matching number. The dice games includes a variety of activities catering for different learning styles. The Roll a Die games can be incorporated into Literacy Centers or Daily 5 activities.
There are 3 different Roll a Die Easter games to choose from. I have also included a duplicate copy of one of the games with spelling changes to cater for Australian students (favourite).
On each game it includes the following topics:
♥ Write a fact about Easter
♥ Write your opinion about Easter
♥ Write 3 questions about Easter eggs.
♥ Create a word collage about Easter.
♥ List 3 good things about Easter.
♥ Design a cover for an Easter story.
♥ Write an acrostic poem about Easter.
♥ Design and label a new basket for the Easter Bunny.
♥ Write as many words as you can using the word chocolate.
♥ Write a title of a story or movie about chocolate.
♥ Write a problem for a story about Easter.
♥ If I was the Easter Bunny for a day I would...
♥ Write a letter to the Easter Bunny.
♥ Create a list of your favorite chocolate.
♥ My best Easter ever was...
♥ Write in your own words the meaning of Easter
♥ Design your own Easter egg wrapper
♥ Write a description about the Easter Bunny.

Spring Simple and Compound Sentences Sort
Spring Simple and Compound Sentences Sort - 15 pages - This sorting center is a fun and engaging way for your students to identify and revise their sentences. For this activity students will sort the sentences into the correct category: simple or compound. This activity is great to use in your daily literacy centers.
This pack includes two sets in color and black lined version:
• Teacher instruction sheet
• Fifteen Spring/Easter simple sentences
• Fifteen Spring/Easter compound sentences
• Two headers - simple and compound
• Student response sheet - black and white only
• Answer sheet - black and white only
Simply print and laminate the sheets onto hard card stock paper for durability. Then cut and the sorts are ready to be used in your literacy centers. Students could also copy their simple and compound sentences into their writing books.

Giraffes Can't Dance Character Traits Sorting Pack
Want a fun and interactive activity to help teach your students about character traits? This Giraffes Can't Dance pack includes a variety of character trait sorting cut and paste activities and printables for students to consolidate their understanding of character traits. By undertaking these activities students are expanding their vocabulary and making inferences about characters in order to sort the character traits correctly.
Product Use
♥ Literacy centers
♥ Morning work
♥ Assessment
♥ Homework
♥ Book Companion
This pack includes two sets of the following printables in color and black and white:
• Cut and paste sorting worksheet – sort Gerald’s character traits into beginning of the story and end of the story.
• Worksheet - students list their own character traits about Gerald at the beginning of the story and the end of the story. They also write a sentence about Gerald’s best quality.
• Cut and paste sorting worksheet – sort Gerald’s traits into appearance and qualities.
• Cut and paste sorting worksheet – sort the character traits into positive and negative. The positive traits were displayed by Gerald and the negative traits were by the other animals in the story.
• Cut and paste sorting worksheet – sort the cricket’s traits into appearance and qualities.
• Worksheet – students write their own positive traits to describe Gerald and negative traits to describe the other animals. They Then write what they infer about the other animals.
• Cut and paste sorting worksheets – sort the words into synonyms and antonyms for the words: proud and brave.
• Answer sheets for all cut and paste sorting activities provided

The BFG Task Cards - Character Traits, Physical Traits and Feelings
The BFG- These task cards will provide your students with practice with identifying character traits, feelings and physical traits of characters in the story. These multiple choice questions will allow your students to make inferences about characters.
Product Use
♥ Literacy centers
♥ Assessment
♥ Class discussions
♥ Early finishers
The kit consists of:
• 2 sets of 32 task cards- colored and black lined sets
• Student response sheet
• Answer Sheet

Giraffes Can't Dance Task Cards - Multiple Choice
Giraffes Can't Dance - These task cards are designed for first grade to third grade to provide your students with practice with identifying character traits, feelings and physical traits of characters in the story. These multiple choice questions will allow your students to make inferences about characters.
Product Use
♥ Literacy centers
♥ Assessment
♥ Scoot
♥ Class discussions
♥ Early finishers
The kit consists of:
• 2 sets of 20 task cards- colored and black lined sets
• Student response sheet
• Answer Sheet

Christmas Character Trait Task Cards
Do you want a fun and engaging Christmas activity for your kiddos to learn about character traits? These task cards include multiple choice questions to get your students thinking about character traits.
Product Use
• Christmas activities
• Literacy centers
• Work work
• Early finishers
• Scoot
This kit includes two sets of 20 Christmas themed task cards- 1 color copy & 1 black & white copy. Students will read each task card, make inferences and select the character trait that best describes the character/person. Student response sheet and answer sheet is also included.
I have included American and Australian spelling in this pack.

Shape Sorting - Differentiated Worksheets
Shape Worksheets (22 pages) - Sort 2D shapes and 3D shapes in a variety of ways. The differentiated sorting activities reinforces shape recognition, curved & straight edges, corners, shapes that roll and stack, quadrilaterals and real life 3D objects.
This no prep printables pack focuses on both 2D and 3D shapes and it includes differentiated worksheets to cater for the needs of your students. For students who are more capable at reading they sort the shapes by words whilst students who require more support sort the shapes by pictures.
This fun sorting pack consists of the following:
♦ Sort shapes into 2D & 3D shapes - 2 worksheets - sort pictures and words (see example in preview)
♦ Sort Shapes into curved and straight edges - 2 worksheets - sort pictures and words
♦ Sort shapes into shapes that roll, stack or both
♦ Sort shapes into quadrilaterals and not quadrilaterals - 2 worksheets - pictures and words.
♦ Sort shapes into cubes, cones and rectangular prisms
♦ Sort shapes into spheres and cylinders
♦ Answer sheets for all of the worksheets above
Your feedback is greatly appreciated. I would love for you to come back at some stage and rate my product. ♥

Christmas Math Game - Tens Frames
This Connect 4 Christmas Math Center Game (11 pages) is a fun way for students to revise concepts in numbers up to 20. The games includes: 6 game boards with Christmas tens frames, set of candy cane numbers from one to twenty, teacher instructions, preparation and variations to the game.These games are a great activity when undertaking Christmas activities in class.
These games are a fun and easy to understand and are targeted for students from K-2 depending on each students ability level.
The Connect 4 math games assist students to further develop their number skills in:
• Recognizing and reading numerals to 20
• Reading tens frames and recalling the number represented
• enhancing mental calculation of adding numbers

Winter Sight Words - No Prep Printables
Winter Sight Word Pack (17 pages) is a kit of no prep printables! There are a variety of Winter cut and paste worksheets for students to consolidate their understanding of sight word recognition. These Winter cut and paste activities would be great to use for: literacy centers, homework or morning work.
This pack includes:
• 7 cut and paste Winter theme cut and paste sight word worksheets & answer sheets - read the simple sentence and match the picture
• 1 cut and paste Winter theme sorting worksheet & answer sheet- sort sight words into 2, 3 and 4 letters.

Christmas and Winter Sorts
Winter & Christmas theme sorting pack (34 pages) is a kit of no prep printables! There are a variety of sorting cut and paste worksheets for students to consolidate their understanding of nouns, verbs, adjectives, syllables, sight words, odd/even numbers and shapes. These Winter Sorting activities would be great to use for: literacy centers, homework or morning work.
This kit consists of:
• 2 cut and paste sorting worksheets & answer sheets -sort Christmas words into nouns/adjectives & nouns/verbs
• 1 cut and paste sorting worksheets & answer sheet- sort Christmas words into syllables
• 1 odd and even sorting worksheet & answer sheet
• 1 2D & 2D shape sorting worksheet & answer sheet
• 2 cut and paste sorting worksheets & answer sheets -sort Winter words into nouns/adjectives & nouns/verbs
• 1 cut and paste sorting worksheets & answer sheet- sort Winter words into syllables
• 9 cut and paste worksheets - sorting sight words (variety of activities) & answer sheets
Please see the preview to see a snap shot of the Winter & Christmas sorting activities.

Materials Science Task Cards
Materials Task Cards - What would happen if.....? These fun science task cards are a fun way to promote conversation and creative thinking about materials and their uses. There is sure to be plenty of laughter in your classroom whilst using these task cards.
Each task card contains a question: What would happen if......?
Here are some examples of the task cards:
* What would happen if a car was made out of glass?
* What would happen if a mirror was made out of paper?
* What would happen if a shopping trolley was made out of fabric?
* What would happen if sunglasses were made out of clay?
There are 32 task cards included in the pack. These task cards can be implemented into your science or literacy centers, used as class discussions or to play, SCOOT with. Student can write their responses in their science journals or mini whiteboards or they could draw and label their answers.

Winter Simple and Compound Sentences Sort
Winter Simple and Compound Sentences Sort (14 pages) is a fun and engaging way for your students to identify and revise their sentences. For this activity students will sort the sentences into the correct category: simple or compound. This activity is great to use in your daily literacy centers.
This pack includes two sets in color and black lined version:
• Teacher instruction sheet
• Fifteen Winter/Christmas simple sentences
• Fifteen Winter/Christmas compound sentences
• Two headers - simple and compound
• Student response sheet - black and white only
• Answer sheet - black and white only
Simply print and laminate the sheets onto hard card stock paper for durability. Then cut and the sorts are ready to be used in your literacy centers. Students could also copy their simple and compound sentences into their writing books.

The Rainbow Fish Character Traits - No Prep
The Rainbow Fish Character Traits Pack (21 pages) - Is perfect to use when undertaking units on character traits, narratives or descriptive writing. Included in this activities pack is vibrantly colored and black and white versions of cut and paste worksheets. Anchor charts (answer sheets), and teacher instructions are also included.
Product Use
♥ Literacy centers
♥ Morning work
♥ Assessment
♥ Homework
♥ Book Companion
The pack entails the following activities for the popular story, 'The Rainbow Fish':
♥ Teacher instructions
♥ Cut and paste worksheets - students cut and paste the qualities and physical traits of The Rainbow Fish at the beginning and end of the story.
♥ Answer sheets or anchor charts for cut and paste activities only - you can use the answer sheets to display on your bulletin board so students can refer to them whilst writing.
♥ Write character traits- students write qualities and physical traits for the Octopus and the Blue Little Fish.
Please see the preview before purchasing to get a further insight into what this package entails.

Character Traits Sorting
Want to get your students thinking about character traits? This character trait pack (18 pages) provides additional practice in sorting various character traits under the correct heading. Sorts are a great hands on activity where students are actively engaged and expanding their vocabulary.
Product Use
*Literacy Centers
*Early Finishers
*Morning Work
Product Includes
*2 cut and paste sorting worksheets - sort character traits into positive and negative traits.
*2 cut and paste sorting worksheets - sort character traits into qualities and appearance
*4 answer sheets to cut and paste sorting activities only
* 6 worksheets - students list character traits about themself and their favorite movie star, superhero, character, best friend and teacher.
I have included American, Australian and British spelling for the word favourite/favorite.
Please see the preview for a closer look at the printables.

Christmas Literacy and Math Activities
This fun and engaging kit includes 57 pages (no prep) of fun filled Christmas activities. The pack is primarily targeted to K-1 and consists of literacy and math worksheets.
Product Use
♥ Literacy centers
♥ Math centers
♥ Early Finishers
♥ Homework
The Christmas activities includes:
♥ 5 Christmas Sorts: nouns/verbs, nouns/adjectives, 1 syllable/2 syllables, 2D/3D shapes, odd/even numbers
♥ 5 answer sheet to sorts
♥ 10 coloring Christmas coloring sheets
♥ 5 cut and paste activities - label Character traits: Santa, Elf and Rudolf
♥ 5 answer sheets to cut and paste activities
♥ Dear Santa - letter template - with handwriting lines
♥ 8 cut and paste activities - read the sentences with sight words and match to the correct picture.
♥ Partitioning worksheet - to 10
♥ Christmas patterns
♥ Christmas number stories: addition and subtraction
♥ Answer sheets included for all math activities
♥ 2 tens frames worksheets - to 10

Character Traits Christmas Theme
Character Traits Christmas Themed Pack (27 pages ) is perfect to use when undertaking a unit on character traits. Included in this pack is bright and colorful cut and paste activities and anchor charts (answer sheets) for students to consolidate their understanding of character traits. These activities would be great to use in: reading and writing activities, literacy centers or morning work.
The character traits pack entails the following activities for: Santa Claus, Rudolf and an Elf
• 1 page- Teacher instructions
• 2 sets of 6 cut and paste worksheets (available in color or black and white) - .Students cut and pase the qualities to match the characters. Students also cut and paste adjectives to describe the appearance of Santa, Rudolf and The Elf.
• 2 sets of 6 answer sheets or anchor charts (color or black and white) - you can use the answer sheets to display on your bulletin board so students can refer to them whilst writing.
• 2 character sheet worksheets (black and white only) - students draw Mrs Claus and write 4 qualities and 4 adjectives to describe her appearance. These worksheets are suitable for students who require extension.
Please see the preview before purchasing to get a further insight into what this package entails.