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Mr Williams' Geography resources

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A variety of predominantly KS3 resources for a variety of topics. All assessments I have created are entirely free and will save you a huge amount of time, so please feel free to download them all and adapt them to suit you! Hope you find them helpful!... Mr Williams.




A variety of predominantly KS3 resources for a variety of topics. All assessments I have created are entirely free and will save you a huge amount of time, so please feel free to download them all and adapt them to suit you! Hope you find them helpful!... Mr Williams.
KS3 Tourism - Managing Tourism in the Lake District

KS3 Tourism - Managing Tourism in the Lake District

A lesson for the topic of Tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson but could be extended to cover a double lesson if all resources are used with younger KS3 pupils. Completely FREE. This lesson is challenging if taught to younger pupils in KS3, but great for challenging higher ability classes especially. You may not need to use all of the activities in the presentation in a 1hr time frame. Hope its helpful, enjoy!
KS3 Tourism - Impacts of tourism in Iceland

KS3 Tourism - Impacts of tourism in Iceland

A lesson for the topic of Tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. This lesson explores the HIC case of Iceland in Northern Europe. The lesson starter involves the pupils deciding on whether the image presented to them is either Greenland or Iceland. Later in the lesson the pupils will be dividing impacts of tourism into positives and negatives (social, economic and environmental). The pupils' final activity involves answering a 6 mark question using the lessons learning as the basis for the content.
KS3 Tourism - Negatives factors affecting tourism

KS3 Tourism - Negatives factors affecting tourism

A lesson for the topic of tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. In this lesson, pupils will be exploring how negatives factors can impact upon tourism. The pupils will be put into the shoes of a hotel owner early in the lesson and will write how they feel that their business will be affected as a result of the two scenarios they are put in (London Olympic Games 2012 and then the 7/7 bombings). Later in the lesson, the pupils will attempt to answer a 8+4 mark question using the example they have been given. This question could be the first time a KS3 class have attempted an 'Explain' question so a TOP TIP for structure is included on the question slide. Perhaps a teacher led example could help classes struggling with the question if that appears to be the case.
KS3 Tourism - Tourism in an LIC: Kenya

KS3 Tourism - Tourism in an LIC: Kenya

A lesson for the topic of Tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. In this lesson, the pupils will be exploring Kenya as an example of LIC tourism. The main bulk of the lesson see's the class split into two halves and being given 6 different 'local opinions' about how tourism affects Kenya. The two sides are not to know how their quotes vary (one side is completely positive, the other side is completely negative). At the end of the lesson, the pupils will explain why they think tourism is good or bad for Kenya, before the two sides discover why they appear to disagree. Extra time at the end to debate their opinions would be an excellent idea!
KS3 Tourism - Improving Blackpool

KS3 Tourism - Improving Blackpool

A lesson for the topic of Tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. Completely FREE. This lesson leads on from the first few lessons in the bundle and is predominantly an extended writing task where pupils consider the butler life cycle model, positives, negatives and strategies to improve Blackpool (previous lessons learning for much of the information). Could potentially be adapted to any lessons about Blackpool that have otherwise been taught outside the bundle. Not many slides but I hope it helps, enjoy!
KS3 Tourism - Positives and negatives of tourism in Blackpool

KS3 Tourism - Positives and negatives of tourism in Blackpool

A lesson for the topic of Tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. In this lesson, the pupils will begin by describing Blackpool based on the 5 images/videos they are shown, before later categorising the positives and negatives of tourism into social, economic and environmental, an important GCSE skill. Higher ability can be pushed to explain which impacts of tourism may be the most helpful and detrimental to Blackpool.
KS3 Tourism - Mass Tourism

KS3 Tourism - Mass Tourism

A lesson for the topic of tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. In this lesson, pupils will be exploring mass tourism and more specifically, the economic and environmental gains and losses that come as a result of it. The first main activity will see the pupils colour code a sheet with a key based on mass tourism categories, before using this information to write a short speech about mass tourism, giving their opinion on it in the process.
KS3 Tourism - Why do tourists go to Blackpool?

KS3 Tourism - Why do tourists go to Blackpool?

A lesson for the topic of Tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. In this lesson, the pupils will begin by stating what they believe is 'characteristic' of a UK coastal resort, before embarking on a game of 'Blackpool or not?', where they write whether they believe the image on the board was taken in Blackpool or not. From this, the pupils' main activities will be based around the Butler life cycle model. A good lesson as many KS3 pupils are too young to be aware that UK coastal resorts were once immensely popular holiday destinations.
KS3 Tourism - UK tourism choropleth map

KS3 Tourism - UK tourism choropleth map

A lesson for the topic of Tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. In this lesson, the pupils will firstly make a case for the five cities within the U.K that they believe have the most tourists visit. The pupils will then be probed to discuss reasons as to why London makes the most money from tourism in the UK, before the main activity of completing 2 choropleth maps and answering a set of questions comparing the results.
KS3 Tourism - The different types of tourism

KS3 Tourism - The different types of tourism

An introductory lesson for the topic of Tourism. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. In this lesson, the pupils will firstly become familiar with what tourism and a tourist are. The activities of the lesson are a group of quizzes involving real-life geographical places, where the pupils must rank them in order of their appropriate tourism-related value; these games have always been highly engaging for the pupils I have taught, especially for any pupil who has visited the places included in the lesson (Disneyland, Times Square, Eiffel Tower etc). The main activity of the lesson involves sorting characteristics of certain types of holidays.


9 Resources
My entire half terms work for KS3 Development. These lessons are designed around the new AQA 1-9 GCSE but adapted for KS3. Taught in the order of: 1. World Development. 2. Measuring Development. 3. Demographic Transition Model. 4. Factors influencing development. 5. Uneven development. 6. Industrial development and investment. 7. Aid and Fairtrade. 8. Borrowing and Debt Relief. 9. Assessment
KS3 Development - Assessment

KS3 Development - Assessment

The end of half-term assessment for my KS3 Development lessons. Completely FREE. Previously used in a 1hr lesson with time to revise at the start for the pupils. Created to be used in line with the Development lessons I have made, but feel free to download and adapt to anything else you may use. Mark scheme included. Hope you enjoy!
KS3 Development - Borrowing and Debt Relief

KS3 Development - Borrowing and Debt Relief

A lesson for the topic of Development. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. Completely FREE and built around the AQA 1-9 GCSE. The lesson begins with a flags quiz, before a link is made to the choice of the flags involved (you could obviously choose many more when you see the link). The main activities of the lesson firstly involve the pupils correctly ordering the five stages of a microloan, before the pupils write a three paragraph unbiased speech about microloans. Writing frame is included on the activity slide. Activity slide can be printed to help lower ability, higher ability can stretch themselves beyond three paragraphs if they wish to do so.
KS3 Development - Aid and Fairtrade

KS3 Development - Aid and Fairtrade

A lesson for the topic of Development. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. This lesson begins with a game of 'Blockbusters' based on the previous learning within this half terms worth of work (bundle), this game is excellent and I would recommend that you adapt it for other lessons you teach in the future. The main activities revolve around a 'positive and negative' table for aid, followed by a set of questions for Fairtrade. Information sheet and YouTube link to Fairtrade video included.
KS3 Development - Industrial development and investment

KS3 Development - Industrial development and investment

A lesson for the topic of Development. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. The lesson starter is a crossword based on previous lessons in the bundle, followed by a recap 'true or false' exercise. The main activity is based on Kenco's 'Coffee vs Gangs' campaign. The pupils must create an information poster explaining why Honduras should push to make goods which are not primary products. Help sheet is provided, but further research is essential (finish for homework exercise).
KS3 Development - Uneven Development

KS3 Development - Uneven Development

A lesson for the topic of Development. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. Not the best lesson I've ever made and does not reflect the other development lessons I have made, but its yours for FREE regardless. The 'Birkenhead or not?' game can be adapted for any location and gets the pupils engaged. Best part of the lesson is the 'only connect' game that is based on my previous lessons, adapt that game for literally anything I guarantee it will get the pupils engaged! Hope you enjoy!
KS3 Development - Factors influencing development

KS3 Development - Factors influencing development

A lesson for the topic of Development. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. This lesson leads the pupils to explore a variety of factors that affect development including conflict, corruption, natural hazards and food prices to name a few; the pupils will use information sheets to answer a set of questions about the factors. The final activity uses Haiti as an example of how a natural hazard can affect development in a domino effect, where pupils must complete the worksheet with the sentences written in the correct areas of the columns. Includes a homework related to the lessons learning.
KS3 Development - Demographic Transition Model

KS3 Development - Demographic Transition Model

A lesson for the topic of Development. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. In this lesson, pupils will explore the five stages of the Demographic Transition Model. Spelling homework from the previous lesson in the series (Measuring development) is early in the presentation but optionally delete the slide if you have not taught it. The first part of this lesson introduces population pyramids and the DTM to the pupils. The first activity sees the pupils decide on suitable missing words in a Stages of the DTM worksheet, before the final activity where the pupils must decide where certain scenarios would place on the DTM. Easier to do as a numbers exercise, with the pupils sticking the sentences above their DTM's in their books.
KS3 Development - Measuring Development

KS3 Development - Measuring Development

A lesson for the topic of Development. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. This lesson focuses on looking at ways of measuring development. This this lesson, pupils will look at a variety of measures of social development and attempt to correctly place descriptions into the boxes on the social development worksheet. Pupils will also use their knowledge of HIC's, NEE's and LIC's to attempt to locate 10 countries on a GNI per capita ($) vs Life expectancy sheet. Pupils will also explore the human development index. Spellings homework included.
KS3 Development - World Development

KS3 Development - World Development

An introductory lesson for the topic of Development. Ideal for years 7 to 9. Designed as a KS3 version of the AQA 1-9 GCSE. Previously taught in a 1hr lesson. The lesson starter involves the pupils drawing what they believe is on the other side of the image taken in Sao Paolo. The lesson moves on to a game of 'HIC or not?', where the pupils will write whether they believe the image is taken in an HIC or whether it is not. The final task involves the pupils attempting to answer a 6 mark question about describing the distribution of HIC's, NEE's and LIC's.