I hope that you find all of your k-12, SAT/ACT/GED prep needs in my store. Although I currently teach high school math and test prep classes, my resources span all subjects. Happy Shopping!!!!
I hope that you find all of your k-12, SAT/ACT/GED prep needs in my store. Although I currently teach high school math and test prep classes, my resources span all subjects. Happy Shopping!!!!
As an ESL/ABE/GED teacher, I have accumulated a ton of worksheets that I put together. This assortment (especially) has made a huge difference in my class of mid-level ESL's.
Make sure that your ESL language arts class is fully equipped with the essential skills needed for speaking, listening, reading and writing.
This group of worksheets is a bargain investment for use as an in-class activity, homework, and/or assessment.
Topics include basic skills for:
-reading and comprehension
-cultural and social language use
Teacher answer sheet included.
If you would like great Adult Ed products, please visit My Shop.
Total Page-27
Answer Key Included
Be the superhero of your classroom with pages and pages of addition and subtraction worksheets for students in grades 1-3. Worksheets include up to 10, up to 100, and up to 1000.
Believe me, the kiddos will absolutely love it!
When you need a plan in a flash, these are great to have.
If you need any type of basic operations worksheets, please visit My Shop..
Total Pages-17
This 20 page product includes Easter/Spring themed fraction worksheets from basic to advanced.
Beginning Fractions
Reduce Fraction to Lowest Terms
Equivalent Fractions
Fill in the Fraction
Simplify the Fraction
Compare Fractions
Fraction Word Problems
Also includes great math and Easter clip art.
You’ll find tons of themed math products in My Shop.
All students in any grade should know and understand customary and metric units of weight and measurement. The worksheets are aligned to Common Core Standards and include complete description of conversions.
Can be used as an assessment or as a lesson.
This product includes problems pertaining to metric and customary conversion charts and word problems with teacher answer key.
Please visit My Store for more great math and science resources.
Total Pages-16
Answer Key Included
Spring/Easter-themed worksheets with assorted multiplication and division problems (12x table).
When you need a plan in a flash, these are great to have.
18 pages of worksheets.
This is a great Spring product for teaching the steps in calculating basic to somewhat advanced percent word problems.
The colorful guide can be used as a handout or for steps to a lesson plan.
The worksheets include 2 parts. Part 1 is computation using the Percent Circle (included in guide). Part 2 includes fun percent word problems with an Easter theme. Kids will love it!
You’ll find tons of themed math products in My Shop.
Total Pages-16
This is a great lesson plan (with step-by-step instruction and tips) for your 1st grade class on fractions and proportion with an Easter theme. No it is not too early to begin teaching the concept of fractions and proportions because it involves equal-sharing.
There is even a section on what do do when you encounter problems.
The plan includes amazing visual descriptions of each step along with Easter-themed worksheets for students to complete each step. You will wonder why you hadn't thought about this sooner!
Included in the bundle is an extra pack of beginning fraction Easter-themed worksheets.
30 pages with great clip art.
You’ll find tons of fun math products in My Shop.
This resource is a step-by-step plan (with examples, student worksheets, and teacher answer sheet) on rounding and estimation. Believe me, this plan works for any 3rd-4th grade class.
It is completely CCSS aligned to:
CCSS.Math/Content/3/OA/D/8 Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.
CCSSMath/Content/4/OA/A/3 Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.
Total Pages-24
Answer Key Included
Worksheets include 25 questions with answer key. Comparing fractions has never been so much fun.
Great superhero and football clip art on each page. 3rd graders will absolutely love it!
5 pages with answer key.
This is a great lesson plan for your Kindergarten class on fractions and proportion with an Easter theme. No it is not too early to begin teaching the concept of fractions and proportions because it involves equal-sharing.
There is even a section on what do do when you encounter problems.
Extra Worksheets included!
The plan includes amazing visual descriptions of each step along with Easter-themed worksheets for students to complete each step. You will wonder why you hadn't thought about this sooner!
30 pages with great clip art.
Now is the time for a special value on worksheets with Easter-themed percent word problems, reading, writing and adding decimals, and loads of beginner to advanced fraction problems.
Great clip art included.
You’ll find tons of themed math products in My Shop.
Total Pages-28
This Powerpoint will make math fun and productive when learning about the special qualities of 30-60-90 triangles. Believe me, this plan works for students of all abilities.
To be used as a complete lesson with topics, examples, and applications.
The slides are animated for emphasis.
PDF also included.
If you need math worksheets, quizzes, and/or SAT/ACT prep material, please visit My Shop.
Total Slides-28
Answer Key Included
Fun fraction word problems with a Mom's Day theme. 12 pages of comparing fractions and decimals, and solving calculations with 4 operations. Great to use as homework or when a substitute needs worksheets.
Answer key included.
A super mini-lesson on functions and relations for your pre-algebra class. Students generally have difficulty determining the difference between functions and relations. This lesson clarifies the difference with fun and visually clear examples in order to help students avoid the misunderstanding.
Completely CCSS aligned and great student interaction in calculating answers.
If you need any type of math resource, please visit My Shop.
Total Slides-38
Answer Key Included
Included in this file is Edition 3 of my comprehensive SAT math practice test (one of my best-sellers). Give your students SAT math prep without paying the sky-high prices.
SAT practice should cover all areas of math, and especially algebra 2 and geometry, which make up most of the actual SAT test. The test included in this file is truly representative of the actual test, but better yet, give full explanations for answer. That alone will be a plus, when students can self-assess, and pinpoint where they need additional review.
The 49 full-length SAT prep questions are challenging to all grades. Answer sheet with full explanations.
If you missed Editions 1 and 2 of the practice test, you can find it in My Shop.
Total Pages-29
Answer Key included with full explanations.
40 pages of multiple-choice 1) grammar/vocab, 2) compound and complex sentence-structure questions with flip-side answers.
Students can self-assess their progress with full explanations for answer.
Great product for a flash and as a warm-up activity.
Kids from 3rd-5th grade will love the 42 pages of baseball themed worksheets. You will find a fit for any ability in your class.
Fractions: from beginning to difficult. There pages on basic color fraction problems, and there are pages on simplifying fractions and adding different 2-digit denominators. The fraction word problems are baseball-themed.
Decimals: There are pages of adding decimals, fill-in the missing decimals, and read and write the decimal.
Percents: This is my favorite section because it includes a Percent Circle Guide (instructions on how to use the percent circle). No teacher should be without one when teaching the most simple way to calculate percent word problems. Also, the word problems have a baseball theme. Kids will love it!
Common Core aligned.
You’ll find tons of fun math products in My Shop.
The topics in this ratio and proportion lesson plan are aligned to the Common Core and PA standards (6th and 7th) and also CMP3 math curriculum.
Grade 6-Ratios & Proportional Relationships
• CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.1
• CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.2
• CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.3
Grade 7-Ratios & Proportional Relationships
• CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.1
• CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.2
• CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.3
77 pages with teacher answer key.
This 77 page Common Core aligned complete unit includes topics, steps and procedures for teachers, tips, a study guide for students, 4 worksheets, all answer keys, and an end of unit test.
Since this has become one of my best-sellers, I have added my Ratio and Proportion Task Cards to this complete plan. The questions on the task cards come directly from the worksheets and end of unit test, and should be used as added reinforcement of the topic. The preview shows only the task cards.
My students have gained tremendously from this complete bundle. They are swift to explain the facts and differences between ratios and proportions, where before the development of this format, they could not.
The topics are aligned to the Common Core and PA standards (6th and 7th) and also CMP3 math curriculum.
Grade 6-Ratios & Proportional Relationships
• CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.1
• CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.2
• CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.3
Grade 7-Ratios & Proportional Relationships
• CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.1
• CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.2
• CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.3
If you need any grade level or subject in math, please visit My Store.
Total Pages-77
Answer Key Included with Rubric
3rd grade math teachers will never find this amount of fun-themed and productive resources at such an unbelievable price! If you were to buy each resource separately, it would cost over $125. Included in this bundle are all of my 3rd grade best-sellers plus so much more. There are tons of worksheets, study guides, fun activities and 2 sets of task cards. You can find all of my 3rd grade resources here!
The main bundle is tremendous but check out the additions to the bundle. This is only a few of them:
Measurement Notebook
Multiplication and Division Worksheets-Baseball Theme
Rounding and Estimation
Geometry Bundle
Geometry Worksheets
3rd Grade Fraction Equivalence
3rd Grade Math Word Problems
Analyze Patterns and Relationships
Superhero Order of Operations
Metric and Customary Measurement Worksheets
Math Task Cards
Superhero Addition Subtraction
3rd Grade-Developing an Understanding of Fractions as Numbers
Fractions-3rd Grade Lesson Plan
Note-My 3rd and 4th Grade Bundle have many duplicates.
Worksheets are a staple in the 3rd grade classroom. You will find an exact match for your needs with this product. Great visuals, diagrams, tables and charts will assist students of all math abilities (including gifted and talented learners).
Topics are completely aligned with CCSS for 3rd grade math.
If you would like fun math products sold separately, please visit My Shop.
Total Pages-500+
Answer Key Included