Currently work in the Youth Justice Service developing programmes of intervention for young people in the service.
Past experience working as a teacher of Art and Graphics in a young offenders institute, teacher in alternative provision education specialising in SEMH & SEND, and mainstream secondary teacher of Design Technology and Art & Design.
I pride myself on creating visually appealing resources with interesting content that appeals to young people who are disengaged from education.
Currently work in the Youth Justice Service developing programmes of intervention for young people in the service.
Past experience working as a teacher of Art and Graphics in a young offenders institute, teacher in alternative provision education specialising in SEMH & SEND, and mainstream secondary teacher of Design Technology and Art & Design.
I pride myself on creating visually appealing resources with interesting content that appeals to young people who are disengaged from education.
This resource is something I designed to help embed literacy within my qualification.
The front of the resource contains a highly colourful range of examples to demonstrate the formal elements in Art and visual elements in Graphic Design.
The back of the resource contains:
Support for annotating work (with bullet points to encourage thinking)
Sentence starters to help reflect on positives about a piece of their design/art
Sentence starters to help reflect on areas to improve about a piece of their design/art
Sentence starters to help reflect on things the learner does not like about about a piece of their design/art
I chose to laminate these (double sided) and each learner has one in their folder to use as a point of reference if required. They would also work laminated and stuck to tables or even made larger and displayed on classroom walls.
This is a booklet that I have created for the boys I work with in the Young Offenders Institute.
It is designed to be self-directed, but can also be used as part of classroom teaching.
This is perfect for learners studying at KS3 or 4.
The focus of the booklet is creative typography. It provides learners with tasks, information and stretch and challenge activities.
It would work well as cover work, extended homework, or even during lessons as an introduction to typography.
Feel free to contact me with any questions and feedback!
This is a resource I have created for my current setting: I work in an alternative provision for excluded young people and I have identified a large number that have difficulties with appropriate social interactions and social skills
This resource would work for KS3-4
The pages can be modified to suit individual settings
These can be used on a display and referred to throughout the day to support with the social skills of young people
I will be uploading a range of interventions / emotional literacy resources over the upcoming weeks
Feel free to message me with any questions
These are a series of worksheets and information I have collated into a full project.
The theme of the project is MASKS & IDENTITY
Within the project, there are a number of mini sections relating to different mask types. I have uploaded these individually (see below) as they are perfect for cover / homework / one off lessons. I will also upload the full project once I have added the finishing touches.
Available worksheets:
Artists - Cindy Sherman / Marcus Coates / Haus-Rucker-Co
Cultural Map
Day of the Dead
Drill Music
Filipino Dinagyang
Venetian Carnival
Each upload contains a PowerPoint and PDF. I created the resources on a MacBook and sometimes Windows PowerPoint can open the fonts and formatting slightly off, so I wanted to offer both versions! You can also edit the PowerPoint to make it suitable for the students you teach.
Please feel free to ask any questions
This is part of an ongoing project I am developing. As I complete parts of it, I will upload them individually and eventually as a full bundle.
The pages contain mini factfiles about each design movement, with key artists / designers and information. They are designed to be cut out (black outlines).
Perfect printed as a display, used laminated as flashcards, used to encourage students to put the movements in order, or made into a mini booklet for reference
I have used a Mac to create this resource so I have uploaded both a PDF and PowerPoint file, as I often find some fonts and formatting are a bit off when opened on certain computers!
Feel free to ask any questions
I have started to create my own resources for Unit 01. As I create the lessons, I will upload them individually. Once I have a full Learning Objective uploaded, I will create a bundle!
PLEASE NOTE: The Food & Nutrition resources were all designed in the 2020-21 academic year when I taught this subject. I have since left the role and have not been back and checked for any links that no longer work.
This resource is from LO3: Understand how hospitality and catering provision meets health and safety requirements
L1 - Introduction to Health & Safety Laws and Documentation
L4 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
L5 - Manual Handling
L6 - Risk Assessments
L7 - Risk Assessments 2
Please note: The majority of the lessons are designed with online learning in mind, due to the current circumstances. They are easily adapted however, to work when practical lessons are back up and running!
If the formatting is off when you download it, this may be due to my font choice, I apologise in advance (Century Gothic).
Any questions please ask me :)
I have started to create my own resources for Unit 01. As I create the lessons, I will upload them individually. Once I have a full Learning Objective uploaded, I will create a bundle!
PLEASE NOTE: The Food & Nutrition resources were all designed in the 2020-21 academic year when I taught this subject. I have since left the role and have not been back and checked for any links that no longer work.
This resource is from LO2: Understand how hospitality and catering provisions operate
L1 - The Catering Kitchen
L2 - COSHH and Health & Safety
L3 - Kitchen Design Features & Stock Control
L4 - Large Kitchen Equipment
L5 - Small Kitchen Equipment & Chefs Uniform
L6 - Front of House Operations (Workflow, Equipment, Uniform)
L7 - Documentation, Administration, Safety, Security & Risk Assessments
L8 - Create an Establishment (AfL opportunity, summarises all the knowledge taught so far in LO1 / LO2)
L9 - Meeting Customer Needs & Requirements
Please note: The majority of the lessons are designed with online learning in mind, due to the current circumstances. They are easily adapted however, to work when practical lessons are back up and running!
If the formatting is off when you download it, this may be due to my font choice, I apologise in advance (Century Gothic).
Any questions please ask me :)
I have started to create my own resources for Unit 01. As I create the lessons, I will upload them individually. Once I have a full Learning Objective uploaded, I will create a bundle!
PLEASE NOTE: The Food & Nutrition resources were all designed in the 2020-21 academic year when I taught this subject. I have since left the role and have not been back and checked for any links that no longer work.
This resource is from LO3: Understand how hospitality and catering provision meets health and safety requirements
L1 - Introduction to Health & Safety Laws and Documentation
Please note: The majority of the lessons are designed with online learning in mind, due to the current circumstances. They are easily adapted however, to work when practical lessons are back up and running!
If the formatting is off when you download it, this may be due to my font choice, I apologise in advance (Century Gothic).
Any questions please ask me :)
This is lesson 3 in a KS3 (year 8) Food project I have written.
PLEASE NOTE: The Food & Nutrition resources were all designed in the 2020-21 academic year when I taught this subject. I have since left the role and have not been back and checked for any links that no longer work.
As I create the lessons, I will upload them individually. Once I have the full scheme of work uploaded, I will create a bundle!
L1 - Bacteria & Food Poisoning
L2 - Wastage & Consumption
L3 - Food Waste
Please note: The lessons are designed with online learning in mind, due to the current circumstances. They are easily adapted however, to work when practical lessons are back up and running!
If the formatting is off when you download it, this may be due to my font choice, I apologise in advance (Century Gothic).
Any questions please ask me :)
This is an online learning style lesson that I created for my KS4 WJEC Hospitality & Catering class.
It focuses on Exam Techniques for the UNIT 01 exam.
The lesson is designed to be worked onto by students, due to the current situation with online learning, however it is easily adapted!
PLEASE NOTE: The Food & Nutrition resources were all designed in the 2020-21 academic year when I taught this subject. I have since left the role and have not been back and checked for any links that no longer work.
Please feel free to ask any questions.
I have started to create my own resources for Unit 01. As I create the lessons, I will upload them individually. Once I have a full Learning Objective uploaded, I will create a bundle!
PLEASE NOTE: The Food & Nutrition resources were all designed in the 2020-21 academic year when I taught this subject. I have since left the role and have not been back and checked for any links that no longer work.
This resource is from LO1: Understand the environment in which hospitality and catering providers operate
L1 - Types of Establishment
L2 - Types of Food Service
L3 - Contract Catering
L4 - Standards & Ratings
L5 - Hotel Star Ratings
L6 - Hospitality & Catering Suppliers
L7 - Food Hygiene Ratings
L7 - Food Hygiene Ratings (a)
L7 - Food Hygiene Ratings (b)
L7 - Extension / Recap / Assessment Point - A great proforma for assessment in any subjects!
L8 - Job Roles (this is a large PowerPoint with multiple lessons included)
Please note: The majority of the lessons are designed with online learning in mind, due to the current circumstances. They are easily adapted however, to work when practical lessons are back up and running!
If the formatting is off when you download it, this may be due to my font choice, I apologise in advance (Century Gothic).
Any questions please ask me :)
I have started to create my own resources for Unit 01. As I create the lessons, I will upload them individually. Once I have a full Learning Objective uploaded, I will create a bundle!
PLEASE NOTE: The Food & Nutrition resources were all designed in the 2020-21 academic year when I taught this subject. I have since left the role and have not been back and checked for any links that no longer work.
This lesson is from LO1: Understand the environment in which hospitality and catering providers operate
L1 - Types of Establishment
L2 - Types of Food Service
L3 - Contract Catering
L4 - Standards & Ratings
Please note: The majority of the lessons are designed with online learning in mind, due to the current circumstances. They are easily adapted however, to work when practical lessons are back up and running!
If the formatting is off when you download it, this may be due to my font choice, I apologise in advance (Century Gothic).
Any questions please ask me :)
This is lesson 1 in a KS3 (year 8) Food project I have written.
PLEASE NOTE: The Food & Nutrition resources were all designed in the 2020-21 academic year when I taught this subject. I have since left the role and have not been back and checked for any links that no longer work.
As I create the lessons, I will upload them individually. Once I have the full scheme of work uploaded, I will create a bundle!
L1 - Bacteria & Food Poisoning
Please note: The lessons are designed with online learning in mind, due to the current circumstances. They are easily adapted however, to work when practical lessons are back up and running!
If the formatting is off when you download it, this may be due to my font choice, I apologise in advance (Century Gothic).
Any questions please ask me :)
This is lesson 5 in a KS3 (year 7) Food project I have written.
PLEASE NOTE: The Food & Nutrition resources were all designed in the 2020-21 academic year when I taught this subject. I have since left the role and have not been back and checked for any links that no longer work.
As I create the lessons, I will upload them individually. Once I have the full scheme of work uploaded, I will create a bundle!
L1 - Food Intro - Bacteria & Health and Safety
L2 - Allergens
L3 - The Eatwell Guide
L4 - Salad Skills & Equipment
L5 - Food & Our Senses
Please note: The lessons are designed with online learning in mind, due to the current circumstances. They are easily adapted however, to work when practical lessons are back up and running!
If the formatting is off when you download it, this may be due to my font choice, I apologise in advance (Century Gothic).
Any questions please ask me :)
This is lesson 3 in a KS3 (year 7) Food project I have written.
PLEASE NOTE: The Food & Nutrition resources were all designed in the 2020-21 academic year when I taught this subject. I have since left the role and have not been back and checked for any links that no longer work.
As I create the lessons, I will upload them individually. Once I have the full scheme of work uploaded, I will create a bundle!
L1 - Food Intro - Bacteria & Health and Safety
L2 - Allergens
L3 - The Eatwell Guide
Please note: The lessons are designed with online learning in mind, due to the current circumstances. They are easily adapted however, to work when practical lessons are back up and running!
If the formatting is off when you download it, this may be due to my font choice, I apologise in advance (Century Gothic).
Any questions please ask me :)
This Stop & Search programme is designed for use with children and young people who have been / or are likely to be stopped and searched by the police.
It can be used by staff in Youth Offending Teams for young people on court orders or prevention programmes, and by youth workers, Early Help and other social care officers, teachers and school staff and staff in secure settings.
PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Stop & Search programme is purely designed to meet the criteria for AQA 88958: Introduction to Stop & Search (Entry Level). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers more Stop & Search related topics in further detail
This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 88958.
I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting.
PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Lives Matter programme is purely designed to meet the criteria for AQA 118761: Knife Crime and Repercussions (Entry Level). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers knife crime, violent offences, the law, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for additional AQAs.
This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 118761.
Subject content includes:
Reasonable excuses for carrying weapons / knives
Real life examples of knife crime
I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting.
PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Drugs & Other Substance Use programme is purely designed to meet the criteria for AQA 117244: Introduction to Drugs Awareness (Entry Level). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers drugs, alcohol, vaping, tobacco, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for additional AQAs.
This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 117244.
I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting.
PLEASE NOTE: This version of the Drive programme is designed to meet the criteria for AQA 112723: Driving Awareness: Cars (Level One). There is also a more detailed version of the programme that covers road safety, driving, vehicle crime and driving under the influence, plus related topics in further detail, as well as separate programmes for additional AQAs.
This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets. Completion of all tasks will meet the criteria for the AQA Accreditation 112723.
Subject content includes:
Learning to drive - benefits
Importance of a driving licence
Vehicle safety
Pre-driving vehicle safety
Driving offences - Careless and dangerous driving
Penalties for driving and road offences
Road accident / fatalities statistics
This resource is part of a larger scale programme I have created called PROTECT.
The full Protect programme has the potential to claim for 5 AQA accreditations, or there is the option to complete any of the 5 AQA accreditations individually.
AQA 119626 covers: linking emotions to events, stressful situations and how to manage them, ways to improve self-confidence, bullying, passive, aggressive and assertive attitudes, peer pressure, physical and mental illness and the differences between the two, wellbeing activities to support emotional wellbeing.
Please note: the full Protect programme, plus all of the other 4 AQAs linked to the full programme, will be available to buy separately on here.
I created this programme for use with young people in contact with the Youth Justice Service, however I previously taught in mainstream secondary and alternative provisions and definitely feel this would be perfect for any setting.
This bundle contains the full PowerPoint needed with corresponding worksheets.
It also includes a section on ANTS - Automatic Negative Thoughts - which can also be purchased separately on my page.