This lesson includes:
How are we exploiting natural ecosystems
Key Services
Tropical rainforest - Key service example
water cycle in the tropical rainforest
Useful to have the Eduqas Geography text book to assist with this lesson
This lesson looks at the issues of migration and includes a practical activity developed by the Red Cross where students need to move around the room based on the decisions that they make.
This lesson includes:
Benefits provided by ecosystems
A look at how the production of renewable energy affect ecosystems
case study: the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System
Enquiry activity
You will need the Eduqas WJEC text book to assist this lesson
This lesson includes:
Group work - A disappearing resource (w/sheet attached)
Sustainable management - including an animal power clip
Strategies for sustainability - table to complete
Exam based question
This lesson includes:
How much water do we use - activity
Water footprints- students work out their own water footprint - computers needed for this.
Questions activities
Eduqas WJEC books needed to assist this lesson
This lesson includes:
The causes of deforestation
The effects of deforestation through a Venn diagram
Developing the Amazon - True or False quiz
You will need the Eduqas WJEC book to assist this lesson
This lesson includes:
What is shrimp farming
Intensive farming
Activities on shrimp farming
You will need the Eduqas WJEC text book to assist this lesson
This lesson includes:
Threats to coral reefs
How coral reefs can be managed
Problem solving activities - Coral reefs
2 x problem solving exam presentations
You will need to use this example from the Eduqas WJEC text book
This lesson includes:
what is desertification?
What are the Savannah's like?
Brain pop video
What are deserts like?
Distributions of areas at risk of desertification.
This lesson includes:
Causes of desertification
students activities - table to complete
News report
Questions -
You will need the Eduqas WJEC text book to assist this lesson
This lesson includes:
location of the Savanna
The Seasonal movement of the tropical rain band (ITCZ) across Africa
Graph activity
What is the Savanna like? Geog.GCSE text book required to assist this
Eduquas WJEC book required to assist this lesson
This Lesson includes:
Is commercial farming to blame for desertification and food shortages?
Stakeholder mix and match activity
How local communities manage the problems of desertification - Video clip
Diamond rank activity
This lesson includes:
Video clips - desertification using the Lion King
Desertification stages
Paired work -land management
You will need the Eduqas WJEC text book to assist this lesson