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Common Sense Math Products

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(based on 33 reviews)

Materials found here will focus on a common sense approach to teaching the NCC Math Standards. I believe standards are valuable and should serve as a "teaching roadmap." Lessons should be based on measurable outcomes derived from grade level standards. Multiple intelligences should always be considered during lesson design. Cooperative learning, hands-on lessons and maximum use of available technology are keys to holding a students attention; key to passing on knowledge.




Materials found here will focus on a common sense approach to teaching the NCC Math Standards. I believe standards are valuable and should serve as a "teaching roadmap." Lessons should be based on measurable outcomes derived from grade level standards. Multiple intelligences should always be considered during lesson design. Cooperative learning, hands-on lessons and maximum use of available technology are keys to holding a students attention; key to passing on knowledge.
Use Multiplication to Compare Fractions - 5.NF.5

Use Multiplication to Compare Fractions - 5.NF.5

Use multiplication to compare fractions. Answer word problems, estimate, and explain answers. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Interpret multiplication as "re-sizing" or scaling - Explain why multiplication by a fraction greater than 1, results in a product greater than the given number - Explain why multiplication by a fraction less than 1, results in a product less than the given number - Estimate answers. Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 5.NF.5 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net!
Multiplication Equations and Comparisons - 4.OA.1

Multiplication Equations and Comparisons - 4.OA.1

Explore commutative property, factors, writing and solving multiplication number sentences and using multiplication as a comparison. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Apply commutative rule for multiplication - Find factors of individual numbers up to one hundred - Write and solve multiplication number sentences - Recognize multiplication as a comparison - Solve word problems Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 4.OA.1 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net! Total Pages - 6 Answer Key Included Teaching Duration 2 Days
Add/Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators - 5.NF.1-2

Add/Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators - 5.NF.1-2

Convert fractions to add and subtract. Features a full page extended response word problem suitable for lesson or assessment. Objectives: 1. Find common denominators 2. Add and subtract fractions 3. Solve fraction word problem and describe process Aligned with NCCS Math 5.NF.1 Use as a smartboard lesson, independent practice or as an assessment. Use on smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printables. Includeds 4 scaffolded pages of problems and answer keys. Find additional help at commoncoremath.net
Fourth Grade Multiplication Packet - 4.NBT.5

Fourth Grade Multiplication Packet - 4.NBT.5

Multiplication practice using multi-digit numbers and to determine area. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Multiply using the standard algorithm - Multiply to find area - Multiply one-digit by 4-digit numbers - Multiply two digit by two digit numbers - Use place value and properties of operations to multiply Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 4.NBT.5 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net!
Fourth Grade Division Packet - 4.NBT.6

Fourth Grade Division Packet - 4.NBT.6

Division exercises including dividing whole numbers into equal sets, the relationship between multiplication and division, and dividing numbers with whole number quotients and remainders. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Divide whole numbers using the standard algorithm - Understand the relationship between division and multiplication - Divide using strategies including place value - Divide using strategies including properties of operations Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 4.NBT.6 Look for more help at commoncoremath.net! Total Pages 6 Answer Key Included Teaching Duration 2 Days
Find Volume of Prisms with Fractional Edge Lengths - 6.2.G

Find Volume of Prisms with Fractional Edge Lengths - 6.2.G

Find the volume of right, rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths. Pack with fractional cubes, and apply the formulas V = lwh and V = bh to solve problems. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Identify unit cubes with appropriate fractional edge lengths and fill a right rectangular prism to find volume - Find volume of prisms with fractional lengths by using the formula V = lwh - Find volume of prisms with fractional lengths by using the formula V = bh Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 6.G.2
Rational Numbers and Absolute Value - 6.NS.7

Rational Numbers and Absolute Value - 6.NS.7

Understand the ordering and absolute value of rational numbers. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Objectives: - Recognize rational numbers - Determine the relative position of two numbers on a number line - Understand "absolute value" as distance from zero on a number line - Order rational numbers - Distinguish absolute value from statements about order Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 6.NS.7
Measurement Systems, Units, and Conversions Presentation - 4.MD.1

Measurement Systems, Units, and Conversions Presentation - 4.MD.1

Interactive Powerpoint presentation requires understanding of relative sizes of measurements and which measurement to use based on the size of the item being measured. Additionally, learn to move from larger to smaller units in a single system, and create a chart illustrating measurement equivalents. Editable version included. NO PREP. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printables. Great lesson for cooperative learning. Objectives: - Know relative sizes of measurement units within single systems - Express measurements in terms of smaller units - Generate a conversion table for feet and inches Includes 23 interactive slides Aligned with NCCS Math 4.MD.1 Be sure and check commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Proportional Relationships - 7.RP.2

Proportional Relationships - 7.RP.2

Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Determine whether two quantities are proportional by: A.) testing for equivalent ratios in a table B.) Observing whether a graph on the coordinate plane is a straight line through the origin - Identify the constant of proportionality (unit rate) - Represent proportional relationships by equations - Explain a point on the graph in terms of the origin or unit rate Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.RP.2 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Utilize Measures of Center and Variability - 7.SP.4

Utilize Measures of Center and Variability - 7.SP.4

Draw inferences from two data sets by using measures of center and variability. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Compare two sets of data using center (median and mean) - Compare two sets of data using variability (MAD and IQR) - Analyze and draw inferences across two data sets Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.SP.4 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Analyze and Compare Data Sets - 7.SP.3

Analyze and Compare Data Sets - 7.SP.3

Identify data landmarks such as mean, median, M.A.D. and interquartile range using a variety of data sets. Make informal comparison of data sets focusing on variability and overlap. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Identify data landmarks in a variety of data sets - Measure variability within and across data sets - Recognize variability across two data sets - Understand median is related to interquartile range and mean with M.A.D. Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.SP.2 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Develop and Use Probability Models - 7.SP.7

Develop and Use Probability Models - 7.SP.7

Develop probability models and use to find probabilities of events. Compare to observe frequencies and explain discrepancies. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Use theoretical probabilities to predict frequencies of outcomes - Perform probability experiments and compare results to theoretical probability - Explain discrepancies found when comparing results to theoretical probability Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.SP.7 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Describe 2-D Slices of 3-D Figures - 7.G.3

Describe 2-D Slices of 3-D Figures - 7.G.3

Describe the resulting 2-dimensional figure from slicing rectangular prisms and pyramids. Cuts are made parallel, perpendicular and at an angle. Recognize and describe attributes. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Understand formulas for area, surface area and volume - Recognize surface area is the additive of all faces of object - Solve for missing dimensions given area or volume Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.G.3 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Draw Geometric Figures - 7.G.2

Draw Geometric Figures - 7.G.2

Draw geometric figures freehand and with ruler and compass. Draw from parameters including parallel lines, angles and perpendicular lines. Focus on triangles drawn using 3 angles or sides. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Draw geometric figures given parameters - Draw triangles given 3 angles or sides - Draw quadrilaterals with no right angles - Draw shapes using compass and ruler Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.G.2 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Use Integers and Properties of Operations to Solve Problems - 7.EE.3

Use Integers and Properties of Operations to Solve Problems - 7.EE.3

Convert between fractions, decimals, percents and other forms of numbers. Solve real-worlds and mathematical problems using integers and stategic tools such as properties of operations. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Convert between number forms - Use conversions and strategic tools to solve mathematical and real-world problems Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.EE.3 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Use Rational Numbers for Problem Solving - 7.NS.3

Use Rational Numbers for Problem Solving - 7.NS.3

Solve real-world and mathematical problems using rational numbers to complete the four operations. Includes fractions, decimals, negative numbers and requires understanding of order of operations rules. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Correctly use order of operations in problem solving - Recognize and utilize rational numbers - Solve problems using all four operations - Know rational numbers terminate in zero or eventually repeat Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.NS.3 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Multiply and Divide Rational Numbers - 7.NS.2

Multiply and Divide Rational Numbers - 7.NS.2

Use understandings of multiplication, division and fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers. Scaffolded lesson provides for classroom differentiation. Can be used as a lesson leader, guided practice, independent practice, for cooperative learning and math centers, or as an assessment. Use with smartboard, projector, computer, pad or as printable. Lesson is complete - NO PREP. Editable version included. Objectives: - Multiply using properties of operations and rules for integers - Understand integers can be divided and quotients will be rational numbers - Convert rational numbers to decimals using division - Know rational numbers terminate in zero or eventually repeat Includes 6 practice pages and answer keys. Aligned with NCCS Math - 7.NS.2 Visit commoncoremath.net for additional help.
Identify Input-Output Table Rules Worksheet - 5.OA.3

Identify Input-Output Table Rules Worksheet - 5.OA.3

The learner determines the rule for input-output tables and completes the table. For use as part of a lesson, or for guided practice Suitable for smartboard, pad or projection Objective - write the rule for the input output table and complete the table NCC Math Standard 5.OA.3 Contains worksheet and answer sheet
Write Equations to Solve Word Problems Worksheet - 4.OA.3

Write Equations to Solve Word Problems Worksheet - 4.OA.3

The learner writes equations to solve progressively more difficult word problems. Use as a component of a lesson introducing or reinforcing order of operations. Could also be used as differentiated guided or independent practice. Suitable for smartboard, projector or pad Objective - Write an equation based on the word problem and solve it following the order of operations. NCC Math Standard 4.OA.3 Contains worksheet and answer page