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Barbara Davis

Average Rating3.70
(based on 58 reviews)

I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.




I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.
Reflexive Verbs: Practice Packet

Reflexive Verbs: Practice Packet

This five page packet contains everything you need to introduce your students to reflexive verbs in Spanish. Includes: a list of reflexive verbs and their definitions, a step by step explanation on the use and conjugation of reflexives with practice samples, three worksheets to practice conjugations, deciding if a verb s/b reflexive in simple sentences and box charts of stem changers.
El Internado: Palabras con "H" y  Palabras con "V"

El Internado: Palabras con "H" y Palabras con "V"

This worksheet can be used with any episode of EL INTERNADO if you turn on the subtitles. Heritage Learners struggle especially with words that begin with a silent H and words that contain "V" that sounds like "B". Kids track words as they view the episode.
¿Qué hora es?  Six rounds of puzzles for practice telling time

¿Qué hora es? Six rounds of puzzles for practice telling time

This download will print onto Standard office mailing labels. There is a wide variety of clock times in Spanish and with numbers for students to match up. There are 6 rounds to the game, just print out the labels, stick them on colored notecards ( 1 sheet of labels for each color of notecards) and you have 5 sets of puzzles kids can use in class to race against each other. Rotate the puzzles after each round and practice telling time for 30 minutes! There is even a challenge round where clock times are given using military times. Great for practice after students have been working with telling time for a couple of days or as a review before the quiz. You can also use each deck for students to play MEMORY in small groups at tables, or as flashcard study aids for students who need extra practice. REMINDER: YOU WILL NEED TO LOAD AVERY 5160 size mailing labels to get these to print properly!
El Mejor de la Fiesta: Group Discussion about Parties in Spanish

El Mejor de la Fiesta: Group Discussion about Parties in Spanish

This activity is designed for Sp II level or higher where students have had at least a basic exposure to forming regular verbs in the preterite tense. Day one can be completed in class the day before or assigned as homework. Day 2 incorporates the principles of Native American Discussion circles, where all students engage in a large group conversation about the best and the worst of past parties they have attended. You will need a "talking piece" (any object that can be safely passed around the room from student to student to control the conversation". I use this strategy frequently to encourage conversations in Spanish with my students and its very effective. Lesson will take the entire class period to run after you do your anticipatory set. Arrange chairs in advance whenever possible. Product includes template for students to complete and detailed instructions.
La llamada del teléfono: Oral assessment on taking a message in Spanish

La llamada del teléfono: Oral assessment on taking a message in Spanish

Ever noticed how much harder it is to understand and obtain information when you cannot see the person? This mini project tests students ability to comprehend a simple phone conversation. Students receive a phone call from you and must take a message for someone else who isnt there at the moment. An easy way to practice interrogatives, numbers, basic vocabulary and get students speaking Spanish to obtain information and clarify answers. Students think this project is a little nerve wracking but very funny, and their parents really enjoy listening in at home to hear their student conversing in Spanish. Download includes outline of project with rubric, instructions for the teacher and a blackline master form to distribute to students and record your own notes. Project is designed for Spanish II and up students but could be easily adapted to French or German.
Interrogative Practice Large Group Activity

Interrogative Practice Large Group Activity

This download is a great way for students to practice using interrogatives while socializing in large group. Students first answer 30 simple questions using a wide variety of interrogatives. Then they each receive one question and "work the party" to take turns asking and answering questions. Students switch questions every round and activity runs until most students have asked or answered most questions. Lesson is best suited as a review of interrogatives for Spanish II students or for Spanish I students at the end of the year where they have some working knowledge of simple sentences, and have been practicing with interrogatives for several days. Download has a blackline master for students and 30 large size questions you can print onto cardstock and cut apart, all ready to go for class. Lesson takes about 30-40 minutes to run, 15 minutes for students to complete the questionaire and another 20-30 minutes to work the room.
HABER verbs with Past Participles : Notes and Practice Packet

HABER verbs with Past Participles : Notes and Practice Packet

This practice packet will guide students through HABER as a helping verb and how to use it in the present, imperfect, future and conditional. It also covers formation of past participles in regular and irregular forms and contains 56 practice exercises for conjugation in the four tenses. This works well for a level III or higher class where you are studying past participles or as a review for a AP level 5 class.
Partner Practice: Food with big numbers #2

Partner Practice: Food with big numbers #2

This partner practice reviews big numbers with food items. Students take turns asking about prices of items in a supermarket. Works best with students in Spanish I who have been studying fruits, vegetables and other basic food items. Each partner has 8 items to inquire about and 8 items to record. Takes about fifteen minutes in class to complete and is a great review or a warm up before a quiz.
Mejor que Tú game: Subjuntivo vs Indicativo vs Infinitivo

Mejor que Tú game: Subjuntivo vs Indicativo vs Infinitivo

Looking for a quick and fun way to assess students knowledge of Subjunctive vs Indicative vs Infinitives before a test or quiz? Better than you game keeps all students engaged, provides immediate feedback and gets them thinking about their choices. Directions for the game are included in the preview download. Powerpoint includes enough examples of the most commonly confused situations and the immediate answers. All you have to do is cue up the powerpoint, set up the stations and the students do all the work. Game takes about 30 minutes and works best as you near the end of the unit on Subjunctive. Verbs include irregulars, CAR GAR ZAR, weird yo's and stem changers.
Preterite  Weekend Chore and Activity Questions

Preterite Weekend Chore and Activity Questions

27 different questions in the preterite with individual instructions. Just print them, cut them apart and distribute to your class on a Monday to have them conduct a survey of their classmates about what they did over the weekend. Most of the questions are chore based, but there are a few others. After students have "questioned" classmates walking around the room, number the board and request the tally totals. Which activities were most/least popular? Easy warm up for Monday, students like that they are only asking one question and hardly realize they have answered dozens. Activity works best with a class of Spanish II or higher who has been working with regular preterite verbs and SER/IR for a while.
Movie Guide: GOAL! The Dream Begins

Movie Guide: GOAL! The Dream Begins

This movie is great for a middle school beginning Spanish class. It deals with a young Mexican athlete who lives illegally in Los Angeles and has a chance to realize his dream as a professional soccer player in England. Dialogue is mostly in English, with some family interaction in Spanish with subtitles. This film works great as a conclusion to a chapter on sports or as an opener to the discussion of the importance of soccer to Hispanic people and around the world. Film is rated PG-13, and contains a couple of swear words, but otherwise is "safe" for a middle school audience. Movie guide contains 29 questions in order of the film and 5 follow up themes for discussion. Movie is available from Amazon, on Netflix or on Youtube.
Movie Guide: Recycled Life

Movie Guide: Recycled Life

This short but powerful documentary Recycled Life presents the sad reality of the thousands of people who live and work in the Guatemala City Dump. Narrated by Edward James Olmos in English with interviews in Spanish of Guaejero dump workers, this film presents the sad day to day reality of the thousands of people who recycle millions of pounds of trash every day. The film will most certainly provoke discussion with students and for many serve as the first time they actually see the kind of poverty that motivates immigrants to risk their lives to come here. Movie guide contains 17-18 questions in chronological order and a couple of personal opinion/reactions. Guide is in English and Spanish. Amazing film, it will bring you to tears, while still leaving you with a sense of pride and dignity that these humble people maintain intact despite horrific circumstances.
Quiz: Subjunctive vs Indicative

Quiz: Subjunctive vs Indicative

50 point quiz suitable for level 3 or higher where students have been working on the present subjunctive tense. Quiz is scaffolded with SUB or IND choices for expressions first (15) followed by fill in blank with Subjunctive, Indicative or Infinitive (15) and 10 situations where students have to offer their own solutions using the subjunctive in complete sentences (20 pts, proficiency) Answer key is provided for the first two sections, the last section student answers will vary. Takes one class period to complete.
Powerpoint: LOS ANIMALES animals of all kinds

Powerpoint: LOS ANIMALES animals of all kinds

This giant powerpoint contains 82 animals from farm, forest, insects, pets all kinds of animals. I use this presentation with Spanish I when starting animals and students can create their own list of 25 animals that are of most interest to them. Photos are useful also to discuss physical descriptions of animals when reviewing adjectives, or GUSTAR with students preferences for certain animals.
Radio Ambulante: Episodio Auditivo :EL SUPERHEROE"

Radio Ambulante: Episodio Auditivo :EL SUPERHEROE"

This Radioambulante podcast interviews a real life every day superhero en Argentina Menganno. A family man by day, Menganno cruises the streets by night fighting crime on his motorcycle. This episode discusses the challenges of being a superheroe and is great preparation for the cultural comparision section of the Spanish Language AP test, where superheroes often come up. Download includes comprehension questions, essay prompt, extra link to a Youtube interview for post follow up with the real Menganno and a rubric for grading. This lesson is best suited for AP Level V students or a Heritage Language learner class where students can comprehend Spanish for a sustained period of time and takes one class period to complete.
Reading Guide: HOME OF THE BRAVE - Katharine Applegate

Reading Guide: HOME OF THE BRAVE - Katharine Applegate

These open ended, closed ended, decoding and reflection questions accompany the book HOME OF THE BRAVE by Katherine Applegate. This book tells the story of Kek, a refugee from Dharfur who relocates to Minnesota. This beautiful book is written in free verse and is an easy read for anyone in middle or high school. The underlying themes are deep and strike personal connections with many students. The language is not difficult and would be excellent reading for an ELL class of students. Questions are in order by chapter and there is a list of additional resources at the end on Youtube so you can educate everyone on the complexities of the situation in Dharfur and cultivate an understanding of the loss the suffering these refugees bring with them to the US. This book is culturally sensitive and opens up a lot of great discussions, and while sad at times, has some great comical moments.
Large Group Activity: ¿Qué harías tú? Practice w Conditional and Past subjunctive

Large Group Activity: ¿Qué harías tú? Practice w Conditional and Past subjunctive

This activity is designed for a Spanish III or higher class as a warm up or practice using the conditional and past subjunctive tenses. Students each receive a question that prompts them to answer in the conditional tense. Then they interview classmates to obtain answers to their question, while answering different questions from their peers. Students record their answers on the survey sheet, and then share out the most interesting answers in large group after completing the activity. Download includes template for students to record answers with directions and a model and 34 different question using the past subjunctive and conditional tenses for you to cut apart and distribute to students. Activity takes about 20 minutes to run and as long as you want to discuss in group afterwards.
¿Cómo eras de niño?  Group survey in the Imperfect tense

¿Cómo eras de niño? Group survey in the Imperfect tense

Working on Imperfect tense and childhood vocabulary? This 25 question grid gets students moving around the rooming interviewing classmates using the imperfect tense. Students ask the questions and try to find one each student can answer. They record their answer and have the student initial the box. First student to get all their boxes signed by different classmates wins. This activity works best if you model how to interview with a student volunteer. Penalty for speaking English if you catch them. All questions are in the imperfect and link habitual childhood activities to imperfect tense. Activity takes about 20 minutes to run in a large class and is best suited to Spanish II or higher who have studied formation of imperfect. You could easily follow this up with a discussion in group asking students to share specific pieces of information (name of favourite toy, what they were afraid of etc)
Movie Guide: NO, Pinochet Plebiscite

Movie Guide: NO, Pinochet Plebiscite

This film (winner Cannes film 2012) is based on the true story of a marketing campaign to oust Pinochet from his Presidency rather than extending it for another 8 years. Against all odds, with little resources and a comically clever campaign the opposition triumphs and Chileans are finally free to choose a new leader. Gael Garcia Bernal does an excellent job in this serious, thrilling, but also lighthearted film. This film carries an R rating for language, but is otherwise appropriate for an upper level Spanish class. It works best after a lab day to do some presearch on the Pinochet dictatorship or after teaching about desparecidos so students can situate the importance of the plebiscite within the context of his reign. Movie guide has both a Spanish version and an English version so it could be shown in a Social Studies class as well.
Reading Guide: EL HIJO - Horacio Quiroga

Reading Guide: EL HIJO - Horacio Quiroga

A four day lesson plan for the short story EL HIJO includes: Pre-reading questions for discussion in small group, chart for drawing the story as students listen to the audio version on the cold read, activity for students to complete as they re-read the story in pairs, 2 essay prompts for students to choose for final assessment, and link to a good version of the story narrated. El Hijo is available on line for free from a variety of sources if you don't have the text, and is best for a level IV class or higher or Heritage speakers as the vocabulary is complex. Lesson takes about 4 days to complete with time in class for reading and discussion. Preview file contains a suggested plan for how to teach this story with my activities. This lesson does not contain an answer key because the students will create their own discussion, reactions, ideas and they will vary depending on how they interpreted the story.