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Barbara Davis

Average Rating3.70
(based on 58 reviews)

I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.




I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.
Reflexive or Reciprocal? Verb Practice Exercises

Reflexive or Reciprocal? Verb Practice Exercises

This worksheet reviews the main differences between a reflexive and a reciprocal action with some brief notes and examples. Following are 44 practice exercises for students to decide if the actions are either reflexive or reciprocal, and to conjugate verbs that require pronouns. Good practice for Spanish III or higher as you must have a wide knowledge of various verbs in these families and their definitions in order to be successful in completing the exercises.
Powerpoint: Los Negativos y Postivos, Everything you need to know about indefinite words

Powerpoint: Los Negativos y Postivos, Everything you need to know about indefinite words

This powerpoint covers step by step negation and other indefinite words. Each slide introduces a different combination and in between there are lots of examples for practice that students can do either orally as a group or on paper. Presentation takes one full class period with time included for practice and checking Best suited for a level II class where students are being introduced to this tricky concept.
"Estoy Enfermo" - Rap song about being sick

"Estoy Enfermo" - Rap song about being sick

These lyrics in a mix of Spanish and English introduce vocabulary for being sick. You will need to download the karaoke version of Run DMC's "You be Illin'" which is available on Amazon.com for .99 cents. Kids will enjoy singing along, especially now that cold season is in full swing. Very entertaining.
Reflexive Verbs: Practice Packet

Reflexive Verbs: Practice Packet

This five page packet contains everything you need to introduce your students to reflexive verbs in Spanish. Includes: a list of reflexive verbs and their definitions, a step by step explanation on the use and conjugation of reflexives with practice samples, three worksheets to practice conjugations, deciding if a verb s/b reflexive in simple sentences and box charts of stem changers.


This thirty point quiz on negation goes from the very basic to sentence completion to turning positive sentences into negative ones. It works best after a few days of instruction on Negation with level II or higher as they must understand some vocabulary in order to manage the quiz. Answer key included.
Preterite Verb Grid to practice conjugation

Preterite Verb Grid to practice conjugation

This grid has some forms of verbs in it and students must complete the rest. Once completed it is a handy reference tool to review regular and irregular preterite verb conjugations. Suitable as a review for SPanish III or test prep for Spanish II at the end of the unit on preterite verbs.
Preterite Practice -AR verbs

Preterite Practice -AR verbs

This worksheet is best when first introducing preterite verbs or as homework for students. Only -AR verbs are presented here. The short sentences narrate a surprise party for a family member. (so, bonus if you are using party vocabulary... Realidades 2, En Español)
¿Cuánto cuesta? Partner Practice with Food and Big Numbers

¿Cuánto cuesta? Partner Practice with Food and Big Numbers

This partner activity reviews prices in the hundreds with food items and takes 10-15 minutes to run in class. Each partner has 8 items to inquire about and 8 items to offer pricing. A good review or warm up activity or useful if you happen to be studying food vocabulary at the moment.
Direct Object Pronouns: Notes and Practice

Direct Object Pronouns: Notes and Practice

This note taking outline introduces students to Direct Object Pronouns. Students complete simple practices together to identify and correct place DOP's in short sentences. Page 2 contains 20 practice sentences for students to practice identifying and using DOP's in 1 and 2 verb sentences, experiement with pronoun placement etc. Perfect for a quick review at level 3 or as an organizer/note outline for introducing DOP's at level II.
Movie Guide: Como Agua Para Chocolate (Like Water for Chocolate)

Movie Guide: Como Agua Para Chocolate (Like Water for Chocolate)

This movie is best suited for higher level classes. (Spanish III or higher) It carries an R rating for two very brief and innocent nude scenes, but will require a parental release form if your students aren't at least 17. There are 40 questions in Spanish that accompany the film and 7 temas para pensar that follow for class discussion or out of class writing assignments. The movie is in Spanish with subtitles.
Preterite and Imperfect Project: Create a MURDER MYSTERY

Preterite and Imperfect Project: Create a MURDER MYSTERY

One of my students favourite projects, the murder mystery project is excellent for 2nd year students finishing up preterite vs imperfect usage or for 3rd year students as a review of the concept. Students create their own powerpoint murder mystery where they present the victim, 3 suspects and the crime scene. Using preterite and imperfect they include motives, locations, descriptions, personality characteristics in a creative and unique presentation. I assign this project in pairs but a student could easily complete it alone. Students present their mysteries to classmates in powerpoint and peers can make their guess to arrest before the last slide gets revealed. This project won an award as a Missouri Best Lesson Showcase project. Project instructions are in English, model examples in Spanish, project could be easily adapted to Passe Compose/Imparfait usage in French.


21 chronological questions in both Spanish and English to accompany the film Motorcycle Diaries which chronicles the early life of Che Guevara. This film won awards and is excellent for any level of Spanish or Social Studies. However, one should note that the film carries an R rating for the language that appears in the subtitles. (the English is harsher than the original script) and you will want to obtain parental permission or limit this film to junior and senior students. Movie guide also contains 9 follow up topics for class discussion or independent student writing. Great film! Your students will love it.
Movie Guide: Miss Representation

Movie Guide: Miss Representation

Miss Representation is a documentary that explores how mainstream media and advertising contribute to the under-representation and discrediting of women in influential positions by circulating limited and often negative portrayals of them. The film explores the roles of news channels, commercial advertising and Hollywood as agents in the process of making women unhappy with their bodies, themselves and each other. Movie guide contains pre-watching activities for students to connect their own media habits and self image to what they will be watching, 18 questions for students to explore that follow the film and follow up topics for discussion and action. The film takes two class periods to view and could easily be extended to a third day with time built in up front and afterwards to process and contribute examples and personal experiences. This film is best suited for a high school audience in a Social Studies, Civics or even a Health class that is examining gender roles. It will generate some great discussion as well as heighten students awareness about the impact of the messages they receive through mainstream media and how that connects to political influence. Answer key included for the answers that wont vary. Film is available on DVD or NETFLIX.
Partner Practice: Una visita al museo de arte

Partner Practice: Una visita al museo de arte

Powerpoint contains 20 slides of art from various famous Hispanic and spanish artists. In pairs, students imagine they are visiting an art museum and asking about each work of art. (Partner A asks about odd numbered paintings, Partner B evens) Students describe the paintings, their styles and reactions to each painting. This lesson works well with anyone teaching art from Realidades level III or any higher level Spanish class learning about art and art vocabulary. It ties in well with one of the AP prep themes on beauty and aesthetics.I broke the practice into two separate class periods and had students discuss 10 paintings total each day. If you use the powerpoint as a class as opposed to having students download it on their own device, you might want to set a timer for each picture for 2 minutes. Students will be speaking Spanish fast and furious to answer the questions bc their time on each is limited. Practice takes about 20 min.
Cultural Investigation Portfolio: 101 Activities for Spanish Students

Cultural Investigation Portfolio: 101 Activities for Spanish Students

This project is my brainchild of 10 years of teaching. The Cultural Investigation Portfolio contains 101 different activities linked to various aspects of Hispanic culture, organized by interest (music, culinary, historical, artistic, etc) These student led projects start my class every day for the first 5-10 minutes as the 1-2 students of the day present their project and findings show- and-tell style. Because there are so many different activities, there is something for everyone in the room. Often one project leads to another, as a student is inspired by a classmate to pursue a topic further or connect it to another. I love this portfolio because kids have so many different choices, and most will select projects that showcase their individual talents in other areas, so you and the class learn about each others artistic or musical abilities. Many of these adventures are designed to send students into the Hispanic community to interact with local employees and business owners...
Passé Composé avec Napoleon Dynamite

Passé Composé avec Napoleon Dynamite

Students practice conjugation of verbs in the Passe Compose while watching a couple of scenes from Napoleon Dynamite. This is one of my students favourite activities bc the film itself is so stupid. They don't even realize they are working because they are too busy laughing. Passe Compose verbs use both AVOIR and ETRE. This activity serves as a great launchpad if you want to assign students to create their own similar practices from their favourite films to share with classmates.
El Condicional: Notes and Practice Packet (Conditional tense)

El Condicional: Notes and Practice Packet (Conditional tense)

This 4 page practice packet on the conditional explains to students step by step how to form it and when to use it. Packet contains detailed notes, 40 practice exercises and conjugation boxes, and an essay prompt for students to demonstrate creatively their usage. Can be assigned as homework, extra practice or completed in class. Best suited for a level III or higher class as introduction or extra practice for this concept.
Cultural Investigation Portfolio: 99 Independent Cultural Projects for French Students

Cultural Investigation Portfolio: 99 Independent Cultural Projects for French Students

Teaching the Cultural Component to a foreign language class can be challenging. This collection of 99 independent projects grouped together by interest (art, music, history, internet, etc) has something for everyone. Students select which projects to complete and present their findings in the first five minutes of the class daily. Projects have different point values based on time and difficulty levels which students combine to complete 50 points each semester. This portfolio is the ongoing work and revision of 15 years of teaching cultural topics in foreign language classes. Years later students tell me that these are the projects they found to be the most interesting and memorable in their foreign language experience because they connected to areas of personal interest. Download contains goals of investigation, step by step instructions on how to complete the projects, activity sheets for students, 99 diverse cultural activities, supporting guided adventure sheets for community excursions and an exit survey to collect their feedback year end. You will need a couple of days in class to explain to them how to do the projects and to field any specific questions they might have. I ask students to read the activity list and highlight projects of interest to discuss in further on day 2. Afterwards, every day is a new adventure as your students lead the class in their discoveries. Projects help students hone their presentation/public speaking skills while everyone learns. This portfolio works great for home-schooled students as well, they can work at their own pace to discover as many different adventures of interest and connect them to other curricular areas such as art, history, music and culinary. Load up your printer, download is 43 pages long! Note: You will need to insert your own "approved restaurant list" as it will vary depending on where you live and teach. Keywords: differentiated, internet, culture, French, presentation, community, historical, artistic, culinary, communicative
What is Culture? Discussion, Activities, and Project

What is Culture? Discussion, Activities, and Project

I use this activity to start my foreign language classes but it would work really well for ESL students, Social Studies or even a psychology course. Students examine components of culture, both surface and deep and discuss what makes up a person's culture. Small group brainstorming sessions interspaced with large group share outs and individual reflections on culture, social circles and deep vs surface. Project and reflection questions at the end for students to complete at home. This lesson takes at least one-two class periods to complete and is a great introduction to get them thinking about cultural differences and how people assimilate.