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Starter activity to compliment lesson of same title. Pupils find the pairs in Spanish and English and colour-code each pair. Includes all food related vocabulary used in the lesson.


Match cards in Spanish and English that can be used to teach or consolidate basic conversation words and phrases in Spanish.
En Mi Mochila - TETRIS GAME

En Mi Mochila - TETRIS GAME

Tetris game created using linguascope with words and phrases to do with items in a school bag. compliments lesson of same title. Pupils have to type the word that appears in the box in Spanish / English before it touches the bottom. Once the words build up and the box is full it's game over....fun activity!
En El Mercado - LESSON

En El Mercado - LESSON

Lesson to compliment topic of food and drink. Looks at shopping for items at a market. Includes survey, translation activities to re-inforce sentence structure, listening activity (Mira book) and role play scenario.
Das Pausenbrot - WORDSEARCH

Das Pausenbrot - WORDSEARCH

Wordsearch to compliment lesson of same title. Pupils find the words for items of food and drink in German. NB: As I have never studied German before and have no qualifications in this subject please check carefully as there may be the occasional error.
Qué estudias?

Qué estudias?

Extension lesson to follow on from introduction of school subjects. Re-caps on masculine / feminine and plural rules and looks at 1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular of the verb ESTUDIAR. The background to this is a Christmas one as this is when I taught it!
Les Vêtements - LESSON

Les Vêtements - LESSON

Lesson to introduce clothes originally created for KS3 class but could be adapted for KS4. Match up activity to start which could be done in groups or pairs followed by lots of repetition to consolidate. Re-caps masculine and feminine nouns and looks at describing others using il / elle porte. Round Robin activity to finish.
Das Pausenbrot - LESSON ON FOOD

Das Pausenbrot - LESSON ON FOOD

Powerpoint lesson in German to learn words for food and drink items. Originally created for KS3 but could be adapted for other classes. Lots of repetition for re-inforcement of vocabulary, plus quiz-style activity which could be done with mini-whiteboards. NB: I have never studied German before and have no qualifications in this subject therefore there may be the odd mistake, please check carefully before using.
Vivo en la costa - LESSON

Vivo en la costa - LESSON

Lesson to re-cap talking about where you live. Looks at the present tense of the verb VIVIR with mini-whiteboard activity to complement. Translations to reinforce sentence structure. Game at the end to consolidate.
Quieres salir conmigo? - LESSON

Quieres salir conmigo? - LESSON

Lesson on making arrangements to go out. Looks at asking and answering questions, agreements / disagreements, grammar points such as 'a la' and 'al'. Nice running dictation game to consolidate and mini whiteboard activities. Opportunities for speaking and peer assessment also provided.
Mein Hause - LESSON

Mein Hause - LESSON

Lesson about where you live designed to follow on from countries. Looks at different types of accomodation as well as places such as on the coast. Plenty of group activities as well as writing tasks. NB: As I have never studied German before and have no qualifications in this subject there may be the odd mistake so please check carefully before using. If you do spot a mistake I would be grateful if you could let me know so I can edit this resource. Thanks.