
News, Politics, Current Affairs reading Comprehension
8 reading comprehensions which cover a combination of political headlines and global matters which have been in the news recently.
Could make useful activities for lesson time, general studies or tutorials.
Excellent value and a way of keeping your class up to date with whats going on in the world.
They have been written in a style which completes SATS, entrance exams etc.

Labelling Theory and Crime
This lesson introduces students to the idea of labelling theory and what can impact on being labelled as criminal e.g. the circumstance, historical period etc. Modern examples are used e.g. the one legged model to introduce students to this area in a way they can relate to.
Students will embark on a range of activities surrounding Becker, Labelling theory, Producing a Web Page based on the theory and will be briefly introduced to the overlap between sociological/criminological theory and philosophy by looking at John Stuart Mills and Jeremy Bentham.
This should last for around 2 hours depending on the group delivered to.