Lesson Objectives
To give a range of reasons why people commit acts of terrorism
To explore alternative non-violent and legitimate means of bringing about change
Y8 SOW - Unit 4; How do we get justice?
Lesson 3 - How are people punished for crimes?
Learning Objectives
To identify the different types of punishments and apply these to examples
To describe the reasons for punishment
To evaluate the laws on criminal responsibility
Y8 SOW - Unit 4; How do we get justice?
Lesson 5 - What is the right age to hold children responsible for their actions?
Learning Objectives
To understand how you will be assessed in a debate
To debate at what age a child should be held responsible for criminal actions
Y9 SOW - Unit 1; How has terrorism influenced the world we live in?
Lesson 4 - How has the global community reacted to terrorism?
Learning Objectives
To investigate and explain the potential responses to terrorism
To explore the responses to terrorism by the USA and UK
Y9 SOW - Unit 1; How has terrorism influenced the world we live in?
Lesson 2 - Why do people commit acts of terrorism?
Learning Objectives
To give a range of reasons why people commit acts of terrorism
To explore alternative non-violent and legitimate means of bringing about change
Y9 SOW - Unit 1; How has terrorism influenced the world we live in?
Lesson 3- Why did the USA become a target for terrorists?
Learning Objectives
To be able to explain why the USA became a target for terrorism
To be able to describe events of the 9/11 plot
Credit: Since9/11
Y9 SOW - Unit 1; How has terrorism influenced the world we live in?
Lesson 5 - How does terrorism affect us today?
Learning Objectives
To understand key vocabulary
To explain the rise of ISIS
To analyse why ISIS has been successful
Y8 SOW - Unit 3; How are we kept safe?
Lesson 5 - Should the police have greater powers?
Learning Objectives
To understand how you will be assessed in a debate
To debate whether the police should have increased powers to deal with terrorism
Y8 SOW - Unit 3; How are we kept safe?
Lesson 4 - What is the role of the police?
Learning Objectives
To identify the rights police have
To explain police rights and responsibilities to maintain a suspects rights.
To explore the debate surrounding police powers when combatting terrorism
Y8 SOW - Unit 4; How do we get justice?
Lesson 1 - How do police investigate crime?
Learning Objectives
To identify the role of the police
To describe how the investigation a crime takes place
To explain police rights and responsibilities to maintain a suspects rights
Y9 SOW - Unit 3; How can I be financially responsible?
Lesson 3 - How do credit and debt work?
Learning Objectives
To suggest at least three reasons why people get into debt.
To explore why some people use credit in today’s world.
Y9 SOW - Unit 5; How financially responsible is the UK?
Lesson 2 - How does the UK tax system work?
Learning Objectives
To define taxation
To describe how taxation works in the UK
To examine UK budget and tax priorities
Y9 SOW - Unit 3; How can I be financially responsible?
Lesson 5 - How can identity theft be prevented?
Learning Objectives
To explore what forms identity theft can take.
To assess ways in which to keep my identity safe and if there is enough help available for victims of identity theft.
Y9 SOW - Unit 5; How financially responsible is the UK?
Lesson 3 & 4 - Who provides what you need in the local community?
Learning Objectives
To identify the services provided by local councils
To identify the services provided by voluntary organisations
To take part in a Mock Cabinet exercise to make cuts to local services
Y8 SOW - Unit 3; How are we kept safe?
Lesson 3 - How are young people stereotyped?
Learning Objectives
To understand why there are 'stereotypes' of young people
To identify and discuss factors that can lead to negative stereotyping of young people
To understand that fear of crime is more prevalent than crime itself, and that this can have serious consequences for many people
Y8 SOW - Unit 2; How are Human Rights protected?
Lesson 2 - Who protects Human Rights?
Lesson Objectives
To recognise situations where people can take a stand for rights
To appreciate that this may require courage
To identify similar situations in their own lives