Make Your Job Adverts Stand Out
Tes Marketing

Make your job adverts stand out from the crowd

Four quick tips to make your Tes Jobs advert more effective
27 Sep 18

Teacher recruitment is highly competitive. With fewer teachers entering the profession and more leaving it, demand for suitable teachers among schools is higher than ever. As a result, schools need to work harder and harder to attract the type of quality teachers every school would love to have.

It all starts with a good job advert, but just what is it that makes it good?

Here are a few simple tips to help you improve your ads

1. Attract attention

The opening line of your advert and your job-listing summary is your first opportunity to engage and excite candidates. So be different and make sure you grab their attention from the start.

(TOP TIP: Inviting candidates to visit the school prior to application can lead to a staggering 140% increase in applications!)

2. Think like a teacher

Put yourself in the shoes of the jobseeker and think about what it is you would be looking for. Perhaps let some of your own teachers see it to get their feedback.

3. Focus on what makes your school and job special

It’s highly likely that a teacher looking at your job is also looking at jobs in other schools. You want them to pick you, so make sure your school and the role you’re offering stands out.​

(TOP TIP: Including career development and CPD in your advert can increase applications by 150%.)

4. State exactly what you’re looking for in a candidate

Make it absolutely clear about the type of teacher you’re looking to employ at your school. This helps jobseekers decide if the role is right for them, and they will appreciate the extra information. It helps present your school as unique, special and professional and will naturally also help you to attract the right type of candidate.

Make the most of your precious advertising resources and make sure you have them optimised to work as hard for you as they can. A poorly worded and badly thought-out ad wastes time and money and produces unsatisfactory results, whereas a well-planned advertisement that really sells your school and role can work wonders.

Recruiting with Tes offers you the comprehensive support you need to stand out from the crowd and find the right teacher for your school. Contact us to see how we can help you.

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