My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
My name is Christopher Palmer and I am a languages practitioner. I am now in my sixteenth year of teacher and I have a wealth of experience of liaising with the standard EdExcel GCSE French, Cambridge International GCSE French, EdExcel A-Level French, beginner's Mandarin courses and I am starting to become acquainted with IB French. I have published a vast array of resources which span Key Stage 2-5.
Welcome to Stage 2: The Perfect Tense
Well done on mastering Stage 1: The Present tense! As I have outlined in all the stages for mastering the tenses in French, I have designed each stage which deals with the necessary tenses and stage 2 is the perfect tense. I cover a wide range of verbs that I deem necessary in one's learning of the language. Not only have I made a huge bundle which consists of over 50 verbs in the perfect tense, but the conjugation workbook is also included, which is required from Key stage 3 onwards or whether adults are learning it for the very first time. This bundle will be useful for either teaching the tenses for the first time or revision. Normally I sell each part for £3 each and the workbook for £5, but for £17.50 (which would normally be £29 for all 9 items!), you will have the following:
Part 1: Primary irregular -ir verbs: Aller, Avoir, Boire, Croire, Etre, Faire, Ouvrir, Prendre
Part 2: Regular -er verbs: Arriver, Entrer, Essayer, Manger, Parler, Partager, Porter, Regarder
Part 3: Regular -ir verbs: Bleuir, Choisir, Finir, Grandir, Ralentir, Refroidir, Rougir
Part 4: Regular -re verbs: Attendre, Perdre, Rendre, Vendre
Part 5: Irregular -re verbs: Dire, Ecrire, Lire, Mettre
Part 6: Irregular -ir verbs: Devoir, Pouvoir, Savoir, , Voir, Vouloir
Part 7: More irregular -ir verbs and intransitive verbs: Partir, Sortir, Tenir, Venir
Part 8: Impersonal verbs and reflexive verbs: Falloir, Pleuvoir, S'agir, Se laver, Se servir de, Se souvenir
Stage 2: The perfect tense workbook
Once again, for all 9 items this is incredibly great value which is a big reduction from £29 down to £17.50!
Do take advantage of this offer and I wish you very happy teaching and learning!
Hello everyone and welcome to the seventh installment of the series.
This series explores individual months of the year at Key Stage 2 level (or KS3 if desired).
In this series, the month of July is explored, alongside dates in July and typical events which occur in France during that month.
Enclosed in this resource is a powerpoint with the story and a quiz and a workbook.
The accompanied workbook is outlined as follows:
Pages 2-3 - The same story in the powerpoint which the children can follow
Pages 4-5 - The children can colour in the pages with any colour they wish
Page 6 - The children answer the questions on the story and explain why the answers are false in English
Page 7 - The children copy and write the word ‘juillet’
Page 8 - Reading comprehension on the month July 2025
Pages 9-10 - The children answer the questions based on the calendar and explain why the answers are false in English
Page 11 - Wordsearch on the vocabulary associated with July in France
Page 12 - Crossword where the children write in the dates in French according to the clues, i.e. 07/01 - le premier juillet
Page 16 - The children colour in, cut out and stick the labels on the appropriate dates on the calendar on pages 13 and 14
Page 18 - The children cut out and colour in the greetings card
Happy teaching and learning!
Hello everyone and welcome to the eighth installment of the series.
This series explores individual months of the year at Key Stage 2 level (or KS3 if desired).
In this series, the month of August is explored, alongside dates in August and typical events which occur in France during that month.
Enclosed in this resource is a powerpoint with the story and a quiz and a workbook.
The accompanied workbook is outlined as follows:
Pages 2-3 - The same story in the powerpoint which the children can follow
Pages 4-5 - The children can colour in the pages with any colour they wish
Page 6 - The children answer the questions on the story and explain why the answers are false in English
Page 7 - The children copy and write the word ‘août’
Page 8 - Reading comprehension on the month August 2025
Pages 9-10 - The children answer the questions based on the calendar and explain why the answers are false in English
Page 11 - Wordsearch on the vocabulary associated with August in France
Page 12 - Crossword where the children write in the dates in French according to the clues, i.e. 08/01 - le premier août
Page 16 - The children colour in, cut out and stick the labels on the appropriate dates on the calendar on pages 13 and 14
Page 18 - The children cut out and colour in the greetings card
Happy teaching and learning!
Hello everyone and welcome to the ninth installment of the series.
This series explores individual months of the year at Key Stage 2 level (or KS3 if desired).
In this series, the month of September is explored, alongside dates in September and typical events which occur in France during that month.
Enclosed in this resource is a powerpoint with the story and a quiz and a workbook.
The accompanied workbook is outlined as follows:
Pages 2-3 - The same story in the powerpoint which the children can follow
Pages 4-5 - The children can colour in the pages with any colour they wish
Page 6 - The children answer the questions on the story and explain why the answers are false in English
Page 7 - The children copy and write the word ‘septembre’
Page 8 - Reading comprehension on the month September 2025
Pages 9-10 - The children answer the questions based on the calendar and explain why the answers are false in English
Page 11 - Wordsearch on the vocabulary associated with September in France
Page 12 - Crossword where the children write in the dates in French according to the clues, i.e. 09/01 - le premier septembre
Page 16 - The children colour in, cut out and stick the labels on the appropriate dates on the calendar on pages 13 and 14
Page 18 - The children cut out and colour in the greetings card
Happy teaching and learning!
Hello everyone and welcome to the twelfth installment of the series.
This series explores individual months of the year at Key Stage 2 level (or KS3 if desired).
In this series, the month of December is explored, alongside dates in December and typical events which occur in France during that month.
Enclosed in this resource is a powerpoint with the story and a quiz and a workbook.
The accompanied workbook is outlined as follows:
Pages 2-3 - The same story in the powerpoint which the children can follow
Pages 4-5 - The children can colour in the pages with any colour they wish
Page 6 - The children answer the questions on the story and explain why the answers are false in English
Page 7 - The children copy and write the word ‘décembre’
Page 8 - Reading comprehension on the month December 2025
Pages 9-11 - The children answer the questions based on the calendar and explain why the answers are false in English
Page 12 - Wordsearch on the vocabulary associated with December in France
Page 13 - Crossword where the children write in the dates in French according to the clues, i.e. 12/01 - le premier décembre
Page 17 - The children colour in, cut out and stick the labels on the appropriate dates on the calendar on pages 14 and 15
Page 19 - The children cut out and colour in the Christmas card
Happy teaching and learning!
Hello everyone and welcome to the eleventh installment of the series.
This series explores individual months of the year at Key Stage 2 level (or KS3 if desired).
In this series, the month of November is explored, alongside dates in November and typical events which occur in France during that month.
Enclosed in this resource is a powerpoint with the story and a quiz and a workbook.
The accompanied workbook is outlined as follows:
Pages 2-3 - The same story in the powerpoint which the children can follow
Pages 4-5 - The children can colour in the pages with any colour they wish
Page 6 - The children answer the questions on the story and explain why the answers are false in English
Page 7 - The children copy and write the word ‘novembre’
Page 8 - Reading comprehension on the month November 2025
Pages 9-10 - The children answer the questions based on the calendar and explain why the answers are false in English
Page 11 - Wordsearch on the vocabulary associated with November in France
Page 12 - Crossword where the children write in the dates in French according to the clues, i.e. 11/01 - le premier novembre
Page 16 - The children colour in, cut out and stick the labels on the appropriate dates on the calendar on pages 13 and 14
Page 18 - The children cut out and colour in the greetings card
Happy teaching and learning!
Hello everyone and welcome to the tenth installment of the series.
This series explores individual months of the year at Key Stage 2 level (or KS3 if desired).
In this series, the month of October is explored, alongside dates in October and typical events which occur in France during that month.
Enclosed in this resource is a powerpoint with the story and a quiz and a workbook.
The accompanied workbook is outlined as follows:
Pages 2-3 - The same story in the powerpoint which the children can follow
Pages 4-5 - The children can colour in the pages with any colour they wish
Page 6 - The children answer the questions on the story and explain why the answers are false in English
Page 7 - The children copy and write the word ‘octobre’
Page 8 - Reading comprehension on the month October 2025
Pages 9-10 - The children answer the questions based on the calendar and explain why the answers are false in English
Page 11 - Wordsearch on the vocabulary associated with October in France
Page 12 - Crossword where the children write in the dates in French according to the clues, i.e. 10/01 - le premier octobre
Page 16 - The children colour in, cut out and stick the labels on the appropriate dates on the calendar on pages 13 and 14
Page 18 - The children cut out and colour in the greetings card
Happy teaching and learning!
Welcome to the first installment!
This installment explores the weather associated with January in France and it looks at some sport and introduces four different countries with the capitals and their prepositions.
The contained vocabulary is as follows:
Quel temps fait-il?
C’est quel mois? / Quel mois nous sommes?
C’est janvier
C’est quelle saison? / Quelle saison nous sommes?
C’est l’hiver
En hiver
Il neige / Il est neigeux
Il fait froid
Il fait mauvais / Il fait un mauvais temps
Telling the temperature
Il fait combien de degrés?
Il fait deux degrés
Il fait zéro degré
Il fait moins un degré
Il fait moins deux degrés
à Paris
à Londres
à Shanghaï
à Tokyo
le Japon / au Japon
le Royaume-Uni / au Royaume-Uni
la Chine / en Chine
la France / en France
Use of the ‘y’ pronoun
Est-ce que tu es habitué(e) au temps froid? Oui j’y suis habitué(e)
Sport and using the preposition ‘en’
Faire du ski
Est-ce que tu fais du ski? Oui, j’en fais
The verb ‘croire’ in the present tense
The powerpoint contains a story with questions in English with follow-up reinforcement activities and a translation quiz.
There is also an accompanying workbook which also contains the story with various different activities in the workbook. There is also an accompanying booklet with the answers.
This powerpoint contains the following materials:
Accompanying workbook
Accomoanying booklet with the answers
Vocabulary handout with various sports, activities and countries
The verb ‘croire’ in the present tense
Wordsearch on the countries and capitals with the prepositions
Battleships game worksheet in order to reinforce learning
Transcription of the listening activities
Audio file of the listening comprehension
A bingo sheet to review the vocabulary
Happy teaching and learning!
Welcome to the second installment!
This installment explores the weather associated with February in France and it looks at some sport and introduces four different countries with the capitals and their prepositions.
The contained vocabulary is as follows:
Quel temps fait-il?
C’est quel mois? / Quel mois nous sommes?
C’est février
C’est quelle saison? / Quelle saison nous sommes?
C’est l’hiver
En hiver
Il neige / Il est neigeux
Il fait froid
Il fait mauvais / Il fait un mauvais temps
Il y a du gel
Telling the temperature
Il fait combien de degrés?
Il fait deux degrés
Il fait zéro degré
Il fait moins un degré
Il fait moins deux degrés
à Berlin
à Moscou
à New York
à Hanoï
le Vietnam / au Vietnam
la Russie / en Russie
l’Allemagne / en Allemagne
les États-Unis / aux États-Unis
Using ‘quand’ in a sentence
Quand le lac est gelé, on peut faire du patinage
Sport and using the preposition ‘en’
Faire du patinage
Est-ce que tu fais du patinage? Oui, j’en fais
Faire du hockey sur glace
Est-ce que tu fais du hockey sur glace? Oui, j’en fais
The verb ‘avoir’ in the simple future tense
The powerpoint contains a story with questions in French with follow-up reinforcement activities and a translation quiz.
There is also an accompanying workbook which also contains the story with various different activities in the workbook. The answer booklet to the accompanying workbook is also provided in this pack.
This powerpoint contains the following materials:
Accompanying workbook
Accompanying answer booklet to the workbook
Vocabulary handout with various sports, activities and countries
The verb 'avoir’ in the future tense
Wordsearch on the countries and capitals with the prepositions
Battleships game worksheet in order to reinforce learning
Transcription of the listening activities
Audio file of the listening comprehension
A bingo sheet to review the vocabulary
Happy teaching and learning!
Welcome to the tenth installment!
This installment explores the weather associated with October in France and it looks at some sport and introduces four different countries with the capitals and their prepositions.
The contained vocabulary is as follows:
Quel temps fait-il?
C’est quel mois? / Quel mois nous sommes?
C’est octobre
C’est quelle saison? / Quelle saison nous sommes?
C’est l’automne
En automne
Il ne fait plus chaud
Il est orageux / Il y a un orage
Il y a un tornade
C’est la moisson
Telling the temperature
Il fait combien de degrés?
Il fait huit degrés
Il fait quatre degrés
à Doha
à La Havane
à Las Palmas
à Wellington
la Nouvelle-Zélande / en Nouvelle-Zélande
le Cuba / à Cuba
le Qatar / au Qatar
Plural countries
les Îles Canaries / aux Îles Canaries
la falaise
Sport and activities
Jouer au billard américain
Jouer aux fléchettes
Other vocabulary
Un verger
Un aller-retour
Par le train
Avoir tort
Avoir raison
Verbs followed by a preposition before an infinitive
Aider à faire
The verb ‘aller’ in the conditional tense
The powerpoint contains a story with questions in French with follow-up reinforcement activities and a translation quiz.
There is also an accompanying workbook which also contains the story with various different activities in the workbook. An answer booklet is also accompanied with the workbook
This powerpoint contains the following materials:
Accompanying workbook
Accompanying answer booklet for the activities in the workbook
Vocabulary handout with various sports, activities and countries
The verb 's’amuser’ in the perfect tense
Wordsearch on the countries and capitals with the prepositions
Battleships game worksheet in order to reinforce learning
Transcription of the listening activities
Audio file of the listening comprehension
A bingo sheet to review the vocabulary
Happy teaching and learning!
This powerpoint teachers numbers from 1-60 in French. It also reinforces or introduces age and (for the gifted and talented) years in French, in addition to how to express one’s age and when one was born in French, but of course, this part is optional. If you don’t wish to introduce the numbers in the context of age, this is absolutely fine and you can just introduce them non-contextually, i.e. 'Répétez après moi - ‘un’, ‘un’, ‘deux’, ‘deux’, etc.
After having introduced the numbers, try out the listening comprehension and it is differentiated into two different levels. For level 1 (lower level), the students choose the correct answer according to the number they hear. For level 2 (higher level), they have a choice of 60 answers to choose from and they can simply colour in the box according to what they hear.
There are also follow up activities in this powerpoint such as a number of games, such guess the number, hit the correct number and picture pairs, French mathematics and a giant wordsearch! For the snakes and ladders game, you can get the children to draw on the snakes and the ladders and split the class into different groups. Get them to translate a number into either English or French. If they give a correct answer, they can take their turn. If they give an incorrect answer, they miss their go. There is also a handout available with this resource that you can print and distribute to the class.
There is also a variety of differentiated quizzes on kahoot based on French numbers and calculations which reinforces numbers 1-60 and they are defined as follows:
Only numbers in French
Level 1 - Choose the correct answer and they have 45 seconds to answer
Level 2 - Choose the correct answer and they have 30 seconds to answer
Level 3 - Choose the correct answer and they have only 20 seconds to answer
Level 4 - Choose the correct answer and they only have 10 seconds to answer
Level 5 - Choose the correct answer and they only have 5 seconds to answer
Calculations in French (additions, subtractions, divisions and
Level 1 - Choose the correct answer and they have 1 minute to answer
Level 2 - Choose the correct answer and they have 45 seconds to answer
Level 3 - Choose the correct answer and they have only 30 seconds to answer
Level 4 - Choose the correct answer and they only have 20 seconds to answer
Level 5 - Choose the correct answer and they only have 10 seconds to answer
Level 6 - Choose the correct answer and they only have 5 seconds to answer
Level 7 - Type in the correct answer in words (NOT figures) and they have only 20 seconds to answer
The links to all of the quizzes are provided at the end of the powerpoint.
When you have finished teaching the numbers and when you feel the students have sufficiently mastered them, get them to complete the reflection slip which is also attached to this resource, so they can reflect on how much they have mastered the numbers. It is titled as ‘Numbers 1-60 - Reflection’.
Happy teaching and learning!
Welcome to the fifth installment of indirect object pronouns when using the perfect tense. Indirect object pronouns are widely covered in the IGCSE syllabus.
There are plenty of examples in the target language in a cartoon format with follow-up checkpoint questions in English. There are many differentiated activities for consolidation.
This pack contains:
A powerpoint exploring indirect object pronouns in the perfect tense. A click to a Kahoot quiz is provided at the end of the powerpoint.
A colourful handout on the use of indirect object pronouns in the perfect tense
Do keep an eye out for the sixth sequel installment which explores the use of two or more complimentary object pronouns together in a sentence. This is now available.
Happy teaching and learning!
Welcome to the fourth installment of indirect object pronouns in the present tense. Indirect object pronouns are widely covered in the IGCSE syllabus.
There are plenty of examples in the target language in a cartoon format with follow-up checkpoint questions in English. There are many differentiated activities for consolidation.
This pack contains:
A powerpoint exploring indirect object pronouns in the present tense. A click to a Kahoot quiz is provided at the end of the powerpoint. There are two parts to the quiz. Part 1 focuses on the introduction of indirect object pronouns and part 2 focuses on how they are used in context.
A colourful handout on the use of indirect object pronouns in the present tense
Do keep an eye out for the fifth and sixth sequel installments. These are now available.
Happy teaching and learning!
Welcome to the third installment of direct object pronouns when using the perfect tense. Direct object pronouns are widely covered in the IGCSE syllabus.
There are plenty of examples in the target language in a cartoon format with follow-up checkpoint questions in English. There are many differentiated activities for consolidation.
I have also attached displays for the classroom featuring direct object pronouns in the perfect tense.
This pack contains:
A powerpoint (with a link provided to play a quiz on Kahoot regarding the use of direct object pronouns in the perfect tense)
A colourful handout detailing the use of the direct object pronouns in the perfect tense
A colourful classroom display to hang up in your classroom
Do keep an eye out for the sequel installments. These are now available.
Happy teaching and learning!
Welcome to the second installment of direct object pronouns when using two verbs together. Direct object pronouns are widely covered in the IGCSE syllabus.
There are plenty of examples in the target language in a cartoon format with follow-up checkpoint questions in English. There are many differentiated activities for consolidation.
This pack contains:
A powerpoint (there is also a link provided to play a Kahoot quiz on using direct object pronouns with two verbs together at the back of the powerpoint)
A colour handout explaining the use of direct object pronouns with two verbs together
Do keep an eye out for the sequel installments. These will be available soon.
Happy teaching and learning!
This bundle exclusively contains the use of direct and indirect object pronouns, in addition to the context of using them as complimentary object pronouns.
The contents are as follows:
Part 1: Direct object pronouns in the present tense
Part 2: Direct object pronouns when using two verbs together
Part 3: Direct object pronouns in the perfect tense
Part 4: Indirect object pronouns in the present tense
Part 5: Indirect object pronouns in the perfect tense
Part 6: Direct and indirect pronouns: Using two pronouns together
Each part contains a colourful powerpoint with detailed explanations and a colourful handout for the students’ reference. In some parts, a colourful classroom visual is provided, which you can hang up in your classroom. In addition, a link to a Kahoot quiz is provided in each part.
For a reduced price of just £10, these parts can be all YOURS!!
Happy teaching and learning!
This is the final installment regarding the use of direct and indirect object pronouns. This resource explicitly looks at using two complimentary object pronouns together (COD) and it can be geared towards IGCSE and A-level French.
First of all, get your students to revise over existing object pronouns that they already know and then get them to read the story and answer the questions which occur after each picture of the story. There are subsequent and differentiated activities which follow.
This pack contains:
Powerpoint on the using two complimentary object pronouns together
A copy of the story ‘Julie et son argent de poche’
Colourful handout on the order of the complimentary object pronouns
The previous installments regarding the use of direct and indirect object pronouns in a variety of tenses are also available. They are as follows:
Part 1 - Direct object pronouns in the present tense
Part 2 - Direct object pronouns using two verbs together
Part 3 - Direct object pronouns in the perfect tense
Part 4 - Indirect object pronouns in the present tense
Part 5 - Indirect object pronouns in the perfect tense
In addition, a bundle is now available and you can purchase all six installments at a reduced price of only £10!
Happy teaching and learning!
Welcome to the seventh installment!
This installment explores the weather associated with July in France and it looks at some sport and introduces four different countries with the capitals and their prepositions. It also explores the festivities of Bastille Day in France.
The contained vocabulary is as follows:
Quel temps fait-il?
C’est quel mois? / Quel mois nous sommes?
C’est juillet
C’est quelle saison? / Quelle saison nous sommes?
C’est l’été
En été
Il fait très chaud
Il fait un temps superbe
Telling the temperature
Il fait combien de degrés?
Il fait trente-cinq degrés
Il fait quarante degrés
à Ankara
au Caire
au Cap
à Kingston
l’Afrique du sud / en Afrique du sud
l’Égypte / en Égypte
la Jamaïque / en Jamaïque
la Turquie / en Turquie
Le désert
Le jour de la Bastille
La Révolution française
Sport and activities
Faire de la natation
Other vocabulary
Une valise
Des feux d’artifice
Un défilé
Verbs followed by a preposition before an infinitive
Commencer à faire
Décider de faire
The verb ‘pouvoir’ in the simple future tense
The powerpoint contains a story with questions in French with follow-up reinforcement activities and a translation quiz.
There is also an accompanying workbook which also contains the story with various different activities in the workbook.
This powerpoint contains the following materials:
Accompanying workbook
Vocabulary handout with various sports, activities and countries
The verb 'être’ in the future tense
Wordsearch on the countries and capitals with the prepositions
Battleships game worksheet in order to reinforce learning
Transcription of the listening activities
Audio file of the listening comprehension
A bingo sheet to review the vocabulary
Happy teaching and learning!
Hello everyone and welcome to the eighth and final edition of the days of the week in French. This edition focuses on all the days of the week (Monday to Sunday in French). Whether you have already introduced the days of the week (whether by using my resources or alternative resources) or you are introducing them for the very first time, this powerpoint is the very place!
This pack includes:
Powerpoint of an introduction or a reinforcement of the days with the week, followed by a story in the context of school subjects with questions and answers, followed by several games, a quiz and a reinforcement activity.
First of all, introduce or reinforce the days of the week and play games with the word such as the hot and cold game or you can simply the use the games in the powerpoint. Get the children to read the story and ask them questions after each picture and them ask them to complete the quiz and then the subsequent, differentiated reading comprehension on page 219 of the powerpoint . There are also questions differentiated in three different levels in the quiz. ‘Level 1’ is the easiest level and ‘level 3’ is the most difficult (suited for the gifted and talented)
A workbook
Pages 2-8 - The children can colour in the words and the flags of the different countries where the days of the week is translated into multiple languages
Pages 9-15 - A duplication of the story where the children can read it at their own leisure or follow it while reading the story on the powerpoint
Pages 16-18 - The children answer the questions on the story and they can explain in English why the statements are false
Pages 19-25 - The children copy out the words featuring the days of the week on the light grey font
Pages 26-27 - The children fill in the missing days of the week on the speech bubbles. They can refer to the supplementary handout featuring the vocabulary for ‘hier, aujourd’hui and demain’
Page 28 - The children find the vocabulary in the wordsearch as many times as they can. The word ‘lundi’ appears 5 times, ‘mardi’ appears 6 times, ‘mercredi’ appears 3 times, ‘jeudi’ appears 8 times, ‘vendredi’ appears 7 times, ‘samedi’ appears 9 times, ‘dimanche’ appears 4 times, ‘hier’ appears 12 times, ‘aujourd’hui’ appears 2 times and ‘demain’ appears 10 times.
Page 29 - The children write in what their favourite day of the week is and then draw a picture of their favourite day of the week.
A handout with the days of the week translated into multiple languages, including French and English.
A handout featuring ‘hier’, ‘aujourd’hui’ and ‘demain’
A bundle featuring all eight episodes will be available shortly on my shop.
Happy teaching and learning!