
The British - Benjamin Zephaniah - Comprehension Activities Booklet!
This 16-page resource booklet contains a wide range of challenging and engaging comprehension activities for use throughout the reading of Benjamin Zephaniah’s poem 'The British.’ Teachers have found the activities particularly useful throughout teaching, or for revision or guided reading sessions. Students have found these resources extremely engaging, and it is clearly highlighted within each task regarding which assessment strands the task is designed to demonstrate.
It is provided in both Word (to allow for easy editing) and PDF (to ensure for consistency of formatting between computers).
Activities within the booklet include (amongst many others):
‘Analysing Context’ - helping students to ‘Show understanding of the relationships between texts and the contexts in which they were written.’
‘Analysing Subject Matter, Language and Structure’ - to help students to ‘Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate.’
‘Diary Entry’ - to help students to ‘Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation. Make an informed personal response, recognising that other responses to a text are possible and evaluating these.’
‘The Speaker’ - to help students to ‘Read, understand and respond to texts. Students should be able to: maintain a critical style and develop an informed personal response use textual references, including quotations, to support and illustrate interpretations.’

War Horse - Historical Context: World War One!
This engaging and informative lesson enables students to understand the key features of the historical context of World War I, in order to gain a clearer of understanding of Michael Morpurgo’s War Horse. In particular, students learn about the key features of World War I (including the role of horses) before linking their understanding of historical context to different extracts from the text. Finally, they analyse Morpurgo’s key intentions/messages in including such ideas within his novel.
The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through:
Researching and understanding key information about World War I, including how it was initiated, the role of horses, life in the trenches, and going ‘over the top;’
Linking the key features of context to sections of the text;
Reading selected extracts from the text, in order to link ideas regarding context and text together;
Analysing Morpurgo’s key messages and ideas in through his depiction of the historical context;
Creating their own anti-war propaganda posters, detailing what war was really like for young soldiers;
Peer assessing each other’s learning attempts;
Included is:
Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and comprehensive;
Research Template;
Selected extracts (from chapters 2, 4, 7 and 8);
Essay template
Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, speaking and listening, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. I originally used these resources with year 7 and 8 classes, however colleagues have used them for between year 4 (advanced) and year 9 with minimal adaptations.
Please note that students will need internet access for the research introduction task.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.

Stone Cold - The Dual Narrative!
This engaging and informative lesson helps students to understand the effects of the dual narrative structure used in Robert Swindells’ Stone Cold. Students consider the purpose of dual narratives and the way in which the structure is employed by Swindells, before analysing the impact that the dual narrative has upon readers.
The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through:
- Defining the key term ‘dual narrative’ and considering famous examples;
- Skimming and scanning ‘Stone Cold’ to find evidence of the dual narrative in action throughout the text;
- Analysing the effects that dual narratives can have upon the reader, including the rise in dramatic tension and dramatic irony in Stone Cold.
- Storyboarding Stone Cold to reveal how the dual narrative is used throughout for effect;
- Peer assessing each other’s learning attempts;
Included is:
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and comprehensive;
- Storyboard template (pdf and word);
- Dual Narrative Perspectives Worksheet;
- Essay Template;
- Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, speaking and listening, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. I originally used these resources with a year 8 class, however colleagues have used them for between years 5 and 9 with minimal adaptations.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.

Esio Trot - Roald Dahl - KS1 Comprehension Activities Booklet!
This resource booklet contains a wide range of age-appropriate, engaging, and meaningful comprehension activities for use throughout the reading of Roald Dahl’s ‘Esio Trot.’ (Teachers have found them particularly useful in comprehension or guided reading sessions). They are perfect for aiding the progress of children towards meeting the KS1 expectations within the new National Curriculum framework. Children love learning from these resources, whilst they are also of great use to teachers, as there is explicit information within each task regarding which comprehension strands the task is designed to demonstrate. They also relate to key extracts, characters, and themes from the story, ensuring that children gain a deep understanding of the text.
Activities within the booklet include:
- ‘Feed Alfie’ - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: ‘talk about their favourite words and phrases in the story;’
- ‘Dahl’s Description’ - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: ‘Explain meanings of words that they know and ask the meaning of new words. Link the meaning of new words to words that they already know;’
- ‘Mr Hoppy’s Plan’ - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: ‘Say what might happen next in a story based on what has happened so far;’
- ‘Story Mountain’ - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: ‘Enjoy reading and discussing the order of events in books and how items of information are related.’
Plus many, many more activities (the booklet is around 20 pages in length!) I’ve also added it as a PDF in case the formatting differs on your computer.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on a separate document (included).
Bundle Sale

Writing for Different Forms Big Bundle!
These engaging, varied, and informative lessons are designed to help students build their skills at writing for a number of different forms, through utilising a range of sophisticated and original language ideas, tasks, and techniques.
Included in this bundle are lessons focusing on:
- Diary Writing;
- Recount Writing;
- Writing Autobiographies;
- Writing Newspaper Articles;
- Writing Reviews.
Also included are helpsheets for students to use when writing for a wide range of purposes (e.g. inform, explain, etc.)
Stimulating, visual, and easily adaptable, these lessons provide suggested learning objectives and outcomes for students of a wide-range of abilities - The vast majority of tasks are differentiated to allow for different abilities and needs in your classroom. Each lesson loosely follows this logical learning journey to ensure that students learn in bite-size steps:
- Engaging
- Defining/ Understanding
- Identifying/Remembering
- Analysing/ Creating
- Peer or self evaluating.
All of the lessons are interactive, employ a variety of different teaching and learning methods and styles, and are visually-engaging. Resources, worksheets, and lesson plans are all provided - there is everything included that you need to teach!

New GCSE English Language Reading: 19th Century Bundle Pack! (Context, Fiction, Non-Fiction)
This bundle contains all of the resources for:
- New GCSE English Language Reading: 19th Century Context; New GCSE English Language Reading: 19th Century Fiction; New GCSE English Language Reading: 19th Century Non-Fiction.
These informative and engaging lessons enable students to build the skills needed to interpret and analyse 19th Century non-fiction texts. This will aid students through the new GCSE English Language - for which they need to become confident readers of 19th, 20th, and 21st Century fiction and non-fiction texts. These resources give students a strong foundation of knowledge of features of fiction and non-fiction texts in the 19th Century, using a range of visual and varied resources. There are easily enough resources for at least two lessons within this resource pack.
The following resources are provided:
- Engaging and colourful step-by-step PowerPoint presentations;
- Visually engaging worksheets;
- Resources for all activities;
- Writing purposes help-sheet, to aid longer writing tasks;
- All Lesson plans;
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of each PowerPoint. These lessons can also be bought individually - priced at £2.00 each
Bundle Sale

Pride and Prejudice Huge Bundle!
This engaging, varied, and informative scheme of learning is designed to help students gain understanding, assessment skills, and key interpretations of Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ Made up of a wide-range of interesting and exciting lessons, students should complete this scheme having gathered vital skills in: interpreting the significant meanings of the text, understanding the writer’s ideas within the text, analysing key characters, settings, and themes, and understanding Austen’s use of language.
Stimulating, visual, and easily adaptable, these lessons provide suggested learning objectives and outcomes for students of a wide-range of abilities - The vast majority of tasks are differentiated to allow for different abilities and needs in your classroom. Each lesson loosely follows this logical learning journey to ensure that students learn in bite-size steps:
- Engaging
- Defining/ Understanding
- Identifying/Remembering
- Analysing/ Creating
- Peer or self evaluating.
All of the lessons are interactive, employ a variety of different teaching and learning methods and styles, and are visually-engaging. Whole-lesson PowerPoints, activity resources, worksheets, and lesson plans are all provided.

Animal Farm: The Rise of the Pigs!
These resources enable students to understand and analyse the rise of the pigs towards power in chapters 3 and 4 of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. More precisely, students learn to make clear and accurate interpretations about the emergence of the various characters as leaders on the farm, with appropriate links to individual characters and their allegorical relationship to context.
Students learn through the following tasks:
- Gauging and collaborating prior knowledge through a discussion-based starter task;
- Reading chapters 3 and 4 and demonstrating their understanding through a related group quiz activity;
- Developing their understanding of the changing nature of characters, and their allegorical ties, through a quotation retrieval mind mapping task;
- Analysing the allegorical nature of the pigs, by further exploring their characteristics in relation to those of the communist Russian leaders of the early 20th century;
- Peer assessing their partners’ learning attempts.
The following resources are provided:
- Engaging and colourful step-by-step PowerPoint
- Teacher lesson guidance/plan;
- Analytical paragraphs worksheet;
- Mind-mapping activity template;
- Copies of Chapters 3 and 4.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the PowerPoint.

Blood Brothers - Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons!
This engaging and interesting lesson enables students to make clear and developed interpretations of the characters of Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons in Willy Russell’s Blood Brothers. In particular, students infer and interpret key information about the characters from their introductions into the play, before tracking how their characters develop through close analysis of key quotations.
The lesson utilises a range of tasks, that require students to be both independent and collaborative learners. It follows this learning journey:
Considering the meaning of the key term ‘stereotype’ and how Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons represent stereotypes of social groups;
Engaging with the opening to the text and interpreting how Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons are presented;
Tracking how the characters are developed throughout the play, through engagement with key quotations;
Answering an essay-style question about the introduction and development of the characters;
Self-evaluating their learning in the lesson.
Included in this resource pack are:
A well-presented, thorough, and informative, whole-lesson PowerPoint presentation;
Appropriate extracts from the play;
A worksheet with key quotations to enable students to track the development of characters;
A template to help scaffold the main task, complete with quotes from the text;
A comprehensive teacher guidance form/lesson plan to assist delivery.
Resources are provided in both Word (for easy editing)and PDF (to prevent formatting issues between computers).
All images in this resource are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the lesson presentation.

Artemis Fowl - Whole Class Reading Comprehension Lesson!
This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through a reading of the opening two chapters of Eoin Colfer’s ‘Artemis Fowl.’
The resource pack includes the extract and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language.
The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions, fact-checking and deeper thinking activities.
The session is best suited for children in lower KS3 (or advanced upper KS2 classes).

Writing Historical Fiction - Lower KS2 Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for lower KS2 children when writing historical fiction narratives. The organiser is also perfect for teachers, parents and English subject leaders - aiding their planning and supporting of children’s knowledge development for this writing text type.
The organiser has a particular focus on the content, language and structural features required to write effective historical fiction stories at lower KS2. It contains distinct sections covering:
-Historical Fiction Overview;
-Content: Settings, Characters, and Plot;
-Language: Descriptive Devices, Dialogue, Conjunctions, Punctuation Checklist and Word Mat;
-Structure - Titles, Structure Mountains and other tips;
-Key Vocabulary
The content is fully aligned with the age-related expectations for lower KS2 children in writing. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

Sonnet 116 - William Shakespeare - Love and Relationships Poetry
This lesson enables students to build their knowledge of the content, language, and structure of William Shakespeare’s ‘Sonnet 116.’ In particular, students learn how metaphor, the sonnet structure, rhyme, and iambic pentameter help the poet to get across his message about love.
Students learn through a logical and step-by-step learning journey, including:
-Exploring the key concept of 'love' and its many meanings;
-Understanding key information about William Shakespeare and his sonnets;
-Reading and interpreting the poem;
-Understanding the poem, with a particular emphasis upon the content, language, and structural features;
-Writing an extended analysis piece based upon how Shakespeare gets across his messages about love in the poem, through the use of language and structure;
-Peer assessing each other's learning attempts.
Included is:
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and substantial; (including hyperlink to a reading of the poem)
- Copy of poem;
- Structural devices worksheet
- Analysis template with in-built success criteria for creating well-structured responses;
- Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. This was originally taught to middle-ability year 9/10 groups, but can easily be differentiated for groups of different ages and abilities.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.

The Boy in the Dress KS2 Comprehension Activities Booklet!
This resource booklet contains a wide range of age-appropriate and engaging comprehension activities for use throughout the reading of David Walliams’ The Boy in the Dress.’ Teachers have found them particularly useful in comprehension or guided reading sessions. They are perfect for aiding the progress of children towards meeting the KS2 expectations within the new National Curriculum framework. Children love learning from these resources, whilst they are also of great use to teachers, as there is explicit information within each task regarding which comprehension strands the task is designed to demonstrate. They also relate to key extracts, characters, and themes from the story, ensuring that children gain a deep understanding of the text.
Activities within the booklet include:
‘An Interview with Dennis’ - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: ‘Understand what is read by drawing on information from more than one paragraph, identifying key details that support the main ideas, and using quotations for illustration;’
‘Walliams’ Description’ - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: ‘Explain meanings of words that they know and ask the meaning of new words. Link the meaning of new words to words that they already know;’
‘Lisa James’s and Mr Hawtrey’s Character Profiles!’ - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: ‘Understand what is read by drawing on information from more than one paragraph, identifying key details that support the main ideas, and using quotations for illustration;’
'Figurative Language in ‘The Boy in the Dress’ - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: ‘Discuss and evaluate how authors use language, including figurative language, to create an impact on the reader.’
Plus many, many more activities (the booklet is 21 pages in length!) I’ve also added it as a PDF in case the formatting differs on your computer.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on a separate document (included).

The Witches - Roald Dahl - Whole Class Reading Session!
This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension of the opening chapters of Roald Dahl’s The Witches.
It contains a link to the online chapter (on the first slide). This is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language.
The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities.
The session is best suited for children in years 3-5, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups.

Wonder - Via Pullman!
This engaging and informative lesson enables students to understand the role that Via Pullman plays in R.J. Palacio’s ‘Wonder.’ In particular, students consider how Via fits the role of the ‘Helper’ in the novel, whilst also managing to traverse her own issues and difficulties. After reading and analysing how Via meets each of the features of the ‘Helper’ role, students consider Palacio’s intentions for including a character like Via, before designing their own appropriate and imaginative Helpers for the novel.
There is easily enough content for at least 2 lessons here, following a step-by-step learning journey. Children learn through:
-Comprehending how each of the characters in ‘Wonder’ corresponds to Vladimir Propp’s character types, including Via as ‘The Helper’;
-Comprehending further details about Via’s character, through close reading and understanding of identified extracts in Wonder;
-Analysing how Via meets the role of the Helper in the text, whilst also considering J.P Palacio’s intentions in her characterisation of Via;
-Creating their own additional ‘Helper’ characters for the text, using their imaginations, and the understanding of character type that they have gathered over the course of the lesson;
-Peer assessing each other’s learning attempts.
Included is:
Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and comprehensive;
Via as the Helper worksheet
Character profile template;
Comprehensive lesson plan.
All resources are provided in Word (for easy editing) and PDF (to ensure formatting remains fixed between different computers). Word documents are in the zip file. There are also opportunities for group learning, speaking and listening, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. I originally used these resources with a year 6 class, however colleagues have used them for between years 5 and 8 with only minor adaptations.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.

The Magic Box - Whole Class Reading Session!
This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension of Kit Wright’s poem ‘The Magic Box.’
After children have read the poem together (included as a PDF), they partake in a series of activities aiming to develop their retrieval, explanation, inference and creating skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language.
The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities.
The session is best suited for children in years 2-4, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups.

The Time Machine - H.G. Wells (adapted) - Whole Class Reading Session!
This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through a reading of the opening extract of ‘The Time Machine’ (originally written by H.G. Wells, adapted age-appropriately by Eric Brown).
The resource pack includes the extract and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language.
The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities.
The session is best suited for children in years 5-8, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups. The session is suitable for home/ remote learning. The resources are suitable for home/ remote learning.

Mr Stink - Whole Class Reading Session!
This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension of the opening chapters of David Walliams’ Mr Stink.
The resource pack includes the extract needed (the first chapter of the text - the second chapter is also included). This is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language.
The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities.
The session is best suited for children in years 2-4, although with minor adaptations it could feasibly be used with slightly younger and older year groups.

Belfast Confetti Knowledge Organiser/ Revision Mat!
This detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students learning or revising Ciaran Carson’s power and conflict poem 'Belfast Confetti.’ It contains comprehensive sections on:
Line-by-Line Analysis;
Poetic Devices/ Language Devices;
Poems for Comparison;
The Poet’s Influences.
Key words and ideas are underlined for easy reference. The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Whole Class Reading Session!
This whole class reading session aims to develop children’s comprehension skills through a reading of the opening two chapters of ‘Journey to the Centre of the Earth’ by Jules Verne.
The resource pack includes the extract and all of the activities for the session, which the class are guided through via a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation. The reading is followed by a series of activities aiming to develop children’s retrieval, explanation, inference, prediction and summarising skills. It also contains a vocabulary check immediately after the extract is read to clarify any unfamiliar/ difficult language.
The tasks are comprised of quick-check questions, solo thinking, pair/ group discussions and deeper thinking activities.
The session is best suited for children in years 5-9. The session is suitable for home/ remote learning. The resources are suitable for home/ remote learning.