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Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x




Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x
comparing a seaside town to a rural town

comparing a seaside town to a rural town

This powerpoint compares Oldham and Llandudno but can be easily adapted to a different rural town to match your setting. After they have been through the powerpoint we had the children looking for similarities and differences between the two towns.
The rule of law

The rule of law

This powerpoint has key vocabulary that i want the children to learn by the end of the session. It discusses what law is and why we have laws in this country and this is linked to the school council. video to watch and then a discussion after
African masks

African masks

Powerpoint includes three lessons - sketch books - looking at different styles of masks and the patterns that are included within them. Children to practise their patterns and what they weant to include on their masks. I also got the children to practise mixing colours in this lesson aswell ready for the decorating session. make the mask - gores through step by step each process - photos included decorate the mask - shows different ideas for the children to use and decorate their masks I completed this over four sessions due to waiting for the glue to dry and then the paint before we could decorate. Children really enjoyed this activity
Anglo-Saxon settlements

Anglo-Saxon settlements

This is a full lesson on how the Anglo-Saxons lived. Included is a discussion about what the settlement was like and how they lived. looks at what role each person had in the settlement and what the houses were like Also looks at the king and what happened in his house Includes 4 activities write an explanation of how the Anglo-Saxons got their food Write about what houses were built with Why did the Anglo-Saxons keep animals in their houses 4.Draw a write a detailed description of an Anglo-Saxon settlement
Egyptian Pyramids lesson 6

Egyptian Pyramids lesson 6

This is a whole lesson on the pyramids Talks about the first known pyramids and who/why it was built. Includes discussion about the pyramids of giza(who and why they were built including hieghts then compares this to more modern day structures) The great Sphinx and why treasures were taken down into tombs. How the pyramids were built and why they stopped building pyamids 5 activities 1.explain why pyramids are built 2.true or false using the text to prove answers. 3.match pharaoh to pyramid 4.putting statements in order for building a pyramid 5.explain why Egyptians were happy to help build the pyramids All of the info can be found in the powerpoint and i normally print the powerpoint out for the children to refer to.
Daily life for the Anglo-Saxons

Daily life for the Anglo-Saxons

This is a whole lesson which includes information on a powerpoint and then activities. I normally print off the powerpoint for the children to use while answering the questions. This powerpoint discusses daily life in Anglo-Saxon Britain for e.g water/ toilets/heating/eating and farming There are then 5 activities around this - children have to write about how water was collected and used. How does a fire cause problems for the Anglo-Saxons. Writing a description of everyday life as a farmer and explain when they would rather live - Anglo-Saxon times or modern day and explain why.
To understand what litter is

To understand what litter is

This is a powerpoint that goes into detail about what litter is. I am using this lesson before a recycling lesson so the children understand what litter is before. It looks at a few items and how long they stay around for. how it can harm wildlife What problems litter can cause dropping litter is a crime At the end i wanted the children to create a poster with all of the information included
What is the Qur'an and why is it important to Muslims

What is the Qur'an and why is it important to Muslims

This is a 6 week pack of lessons. lesson 1 - to identify the meaning of the word sacred and to explaore why the Quran is important to Muslims. lesson 2 - To know what the Qur’an teaches about God and to reflect on your own ideas about God. lesson 3 - To know that the behaviour of Muslims is influenced by the Qur’an. lesson 4 - To study ways in which Muslim children learn about the Qur’an. lesson 5 - To be able to explain the significance of the Qur’an to Muslims today. lesson 6 - End of unit quiz
Unit of work on Jewish Worship and Community

Unit of work on Jewish Worship and Community

This is a unit of work on Jewish Worship and community. lesson 1 - To find out about some of the key features of worship in Judaism. lesson 2 - To understand the significance of prayer in Judaism. lesson 3 - To find out the meaning of Jewish rituals in relation to joining the Jewish community. lesson 4 - To find out how belonging to a faith community affects your actions. lesson 5 - To explore how faith is expressed through worship. lesson 6 - End of unit quiz I will be putting these on individually aswell if you are looking for a specific one so please check out my shop :)
Hindus belief in the afterlife

Hindus belief in the afterlife

This is a complete lesson on what Hindus believe happens to them after they die. i have other afterlife lessons in my shop and a full unit of work if you are interested This lesson includes: Key vocab discusses reincarnation hindu life cycle Karma Moksha Task 1 - sort statements into three sections- what hindus beleive, what hindus do not believe and not relevent at all - relating to life after death Task 2 - create a diagram with explanations to. describe what happens when someone dies


This is a complete lesson on Hajj It includes - Key vocab what is a pilgrimage? map of where Saudi Arabia is and then zooms in on where Mecca is. Recap of the story of why Hajj started - brief (i did a full lesson on this the previous week) Why Muslims make the Hajj journey What Muslims wear Then it goes through each part of the Hajj - Mecca, Masjid al Haram, Arafat, Muzdalifah, Mina, back to Mecca – It explains what happens in each part. Task - To complete a flow chart of what happens during ajj
Islamic views on the afterlife

Islamic views on the afterlife

This is a complete lesson - please check out my shop for other lessons on the afterlife and i have a full unit aswell uploaded. This lesson includes: key vocab quick recap of islamic beliefs What do Muslims believe about life after death - looking at good vs bad and what happens to that person, angels, judgement day Analysis of a couple of Quran quotes (with answers) Task - mindmap of the key points about life after death with explanation - includes answers
Hindus believe God is represented in different forms

Hindus believe God is represented in different forms

This powerpoint is an introduction to Hinduism and how God is represented in different forms powerpoint includes Key vocab slide Hinduism on a world map - percentage in the world and which country has the most Hindus What happens when a Hindu dies and what they believe Holy book for the Hindus The hindu Gods - Trimurti - goes through some of tbhe forms of God Includes a short video of Hindu beliefs Story of Knappar the Hunter followed by a comprehension style task
studying Georgia OKeeffe's work

studying Georgia OKeeffe's work

This is one lesson looking at key paintings that she has created throughout her career. The powerpoint starts with a key vocab slide followed by some important key facts about her life. The paintings that the powerpoint concentrates on is Oriental Poppies (1928) Ram’s head white hollydock and little hills (1935) Jimson weed white flower no 1 (1932) Summer days (1936) Red Canna (1924) Black Iris iii (1926) Each painting has a description of what is in the painting and the colours that she has used to create an effect. The work at the end is for the art sketch books. They have to stick in the pictures and label what they can see and label the artwork
Mighty Muscles

Mighty Muscles

Here is a lesson all about muscles. I made this for a year 3 class. The lesson includes: WALT: know why we need muscles to move chnildren re taught about how muscles allow movement - look s at the 3 types of muscles found in the body - skeletal, smooth, cardiac. with a description There are a couple of links t videos within the powerpoint to watch and make notes on. The powerpoin then moves onto looking at pairs of muscles that work together - particulary the tricep and bicep The chn then have two sentences with missing words to complete about the bicep and tricep Chn then have a comprehension to complete
Ancient Egyptians - Life after death - lesson 5

Ancient Egyptians - Life after death - lesson 5

This powerpoint goes through the beliefs the Egyptians had about the afterlife. Then it talks about the journey. step by step guide to mummification. then burials. 5 activities: explain and match what happens at each stage of the mummification process. missing word sentences. in their own words - explain what happens in the hall of judgement explain why the Egyptians thought the heart was more important than the brain Give differences between how rich and poor were buried
Design and create a bug house

Design and create a bug house

I use this with a Year 5 class but can be adated for younger if needed. This resource is half a terms worth of lessons. included in each lesson is Session 1 - Background on bug shelters. Session 2 - To practise making joints. Session 3 - Create a prototype. Session 4 - Start making a bug shelter- frame of the shelter. Session 5 - Carry on making a bug shelter Session 6 - Put on final touches to the bug shelter Session 7 - Evaluate your shelter. There are videos and links to support the learning. The end goal is to create a bug shelter using wood and strengthening it with triangles. Then pack it out with natural materials from the environment and recyclable materials.
different climates in Africa

different climates in Africa

This powerpoint looks at the dessert and the rainforest areas of Africa. It discusses the climate in the area along with what animals you will find there, plants and climate change. After this powerpoint we had the children writing a paragraph about each place and what the climate etc is like there.
Athelstan and Constantine and Aethelred the Unready

Athelstan and Constantine and Aethelred the Unready

This includes a full lesson Includes the two kings Athelstan and Constantine and the what happened between England and Scotland at this time. Also where the Vikings went and how Athelstan had to pay them off. includes map to show what it looked like at the time. Then goes into Athelstan’s grandson - Aethelred and how he ruled England Discusses the St Brice’s Day massacre Followed by four activities - an short explanation/ true and false/ finishing sentences and answering a question.
Six lessons on the Vikings

Six lessons on the Vikings

These are available as individual lessons if you do not want them all - please see my shop The order in which they need to be taught are 1.Who were the Vikings? 2.Norse beliefs 3.Lindisfarne 4.Alfred the Great 5.Athelstan and Constantine 6.Edward the confessor and his death in 1066 The individual lessons have a breadkdown in the resources description if you need to know what is included in each lesson