Interactive drag and drop practice of ser and estar. Will work on PC or IW. (With regard to the comment posted below, the left hand column is not failing to function; it is fixed and you have to drag the items in the right-hand column over to their equivalents on the left-hand side.)
Simple quiz. Each slide of the powerpoint begins with an outline map of one of the competing countries in Euro 2012. A click of the mouse will reveal the football strip of that country, modelled by a Subbuteo / Zeugo figure. Another click will reveal the flag of that country. A fourth click will reveal the name of the team. How many clicks do your pupils need before they identify the team?
This worksheet contains two sets of exercises designed to go with the T-Mobile Royal Wedding spoof which can be found on Youtube
The resources are pitched at different levels. (i) Practice of FAMILY and CLOTHING (ii) Slightly easier version practising FAMILY and COLOUR
Four short texts about the contents of your schoolbag, followed by a grid for capturing various German plural forms. This is intended as an introduction to the variety of plural forms in German.
Text based on an article about the German enthusiasm for football. All the gaps in the cloze exercise are verbs. At the end one verb will remain unused.
Short texts in which teenagers describe the situations in which they get in to trouble. The grammatical focus is on Wenn-Sätze. Pupils also have to indentify and record a number of Wenn-Sätze from the text and generate new Wenn-Sätze using a toolkit.
Two linked interactive activities. The first is a drag and drop exercise, which practises a number of verbs in the Imperfect. These verbs re-appear in the second activity, which is a cloze exercise based on two short news reports of a road accident and a fire.
Two writing tasks designed for Asset Grade 4, but will do just as well for NC Level 4. Each task covers a range of fairly prosaic information but in a preposterously unlikely setting.
Materials to go with the Vodafone ad on Youtube 'Es ist deine Zeit'.
This has worked well with classes of all abilities.
2 interactive drag and drop exercises, one more challenging than the other. Pupils must put the German titles of the Harry Potter films into the correct sequence. Includes practice of the ordinals 1 - 8. Will work on PC or IW.
Two linked resources. The Word doc contains an account of Beyonces summer holidays. The html file is an interactive gap-fill activity, based on the same text. Work through the text, give the students a couple of minutes to re-read the text carefully, then ask them to cover the text up / put it out of sight, before doing the cloze exercise with the class.
Playscript for beginners. The script practises basic personal ID language BUT with a handful of high-frequency constructions in the Perfect tense thrown in. If you have an alien mask and / or a bee costume, you can play all the parts yourself to the bemusement of your pupils. Pupils should practise the script in threes, then write an extension to the story. Vocab list of more improbable characters supplied.
Revision of the future tense, followed by predictions about the European Championships for pupils to agree or disagree with, using the future tense. (This is an updated version, in which I've substituted players who I thought would be playing for ones who actually are!)
Interactive drag and drop exercise featuring all the Olympic disciplines for London 2012. The file will select ten sports at random from the full list, to make a new quiz each time it is opened. Will work on PC or IW.
Interactive drag and drop practice of sports vocab. The file has 40 of the sports for London 2012 embedded and will select ten at random to practise each time it is opened. Will work on PC or IW. (PS Typos now fixed following comment below.)
Interactive cloze exercise based on a text looking forward to the Paralympic Games 2012. The grammar focus is the future. In each case the missing word is a third person plural future tense. Will work on PC or IW.
Batman describes his holiday in France with Catwoman, simultaneously modelling the use of the Perfect Tense with haben and sein. The stimulus text is followed by (i) a richtig / falsch / nicht im Text exercise, (ii) a 'find the phrase' exercise, (iii) pupil reflection on the choice of haben or sein, (iv) an explanation of the use of haben or sein, (v) a manipulation exericise focussing on the Perfect, and (vi) three writing tasks.
A synopsis of the film in the Present Tense up to the point where Hardenberg is kidnapped. Students have to read the synopsis and then re-write the text in either the Perfect or the Imperfect Tense, depending on which of the two attached files you use. (I've uploaded this to replace an earlier version which doesn't seem to display the file.)