A lesson on analysing Dracula’s appearance and Gothic features for KS3.
This lesson is part of a Gothic KS3 SOW, which you can find here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12658108
This is a lesson for KS3 to begin to understand Romanticism and the word “idyllic”. The lesson focuses on analysing “I Wandered Lonely as Cloud” by William Wordsworth. It follows an I do, we do, you do format.
This lesson is part of a KS3 SOW called “Places in Poetry”, which you can find by visiting my shop.
A lesson that explores Scrooge’s experiences at school and his relationship with his sister Fan.
Do you like this resource? Here’s the next in the series:
This persuasive reading scheme of work is designed to:
. Strengthen skills of identifying and analysing AFOREST
. Identify and analyse ethos, logos and pathos in persuasive texts
. Understand structure, form, purpose and audience of different text types
. Explore allusion, imagery, command sentences, etc.
. Develop understanding of non-fiction features, language and forms
There are 8 core lessons, which are:
Allusion and imagery in advertisements
Emotive language in advertisements
Command sentences in advertisements
Leaflet carousel (AFOREST)
Ethos, Pathos and logos introduction
Identifying ethos, pathos and logos L1
Identifying ethos, pathos and logos L2
Audience and purpose in non-fiction text types
There are optional lessons for topics to choose from, including:
. Lessons on fast fashion
. Lessons on eco tourism
. Lessons on activist voices (e.g. Martin Luther King Jr. and Greta)
This SOW is suitable for Y7-Y9.
A lesson on analysing tension and structure and Gothic features for KS3.
This lesson is part of a Gothic KS3 SOW, which you can find here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12658108
A lesson examining how Scrooge treats Bob Cratchit and the charity worker who asks him to donate to the poor.
Do you like this resource? Here’s the next in the series:
I created an Edexcel GCSE scheme of work that you could use to teach low ability or attainment target students of Grade 4-5.
There are 30 lessons in total:
1 lesson on the context of Shakespeare and the Globe theatre
25 lessons on the plot, characters and extracts of the play
3 lessons on the recurring themes of love, conflict and fate
1 lesson on debate as to who is to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet
This also includes:
Storyboard of each Act with scenes template
Themes quote bank board for students to fill
Character profiles for students’ revision to fill
You do not need to read the play. Only the extracts provided and mentioned in the lessons! This will hugely break down the students’ understanding of the play and help them focus on characters, themes, quotes, plot and language.
A lesson on analysing the description and appearances of monsters and Gothic features for KS3.
This lesson is part of a Gothic KS3 SOW, which you can find here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12658108
A context lesson exploring the Victorian era, workhouses and industrial revolution in London during the Victorian era.
Do you like this resource? Here’s the next in the series:
A lesson exploring who Charles Dickens was, his famous novels and some comprehension tasks about his life.
Do you like this resource? Here’s the next in the series:
Students learn about life in the Medieval period, look at primary sources and then do a short quiz to check understanding.
A lesson plan for starter, main and plenary
A learning objective
Resources list
Extensions in “notes” of slides
This lesson is designed for KS3 students.