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Paulfaci's Shop

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Paul Faci is a Specialist Leader in Education (AST) for PSHEE / SMSC. Paul originally comes from Australia and has taught in a variety of settings, including PRU-equvalent settings with disadvantaged young people. Paul is currently living and working in London and is passionate about sharing resources that help teachers promote healthy lifestyles, educating young people about the skills they need to become active citizens in modern Britain.




Paul Faci is a Specialist Leader in Education (AST) for PSHEE / SMSC. Paul originally comes from Australia and has taught in a variety of settings, including PRU-equvalent settings with disadvantaged young people. Paul is currently living and working in London and is passionate about sharing resources that help teachers promote healthy lifestyles, educating young people about the skills they need to become active citizens in modern Britain.
Mega End of Year Christmas Quiz

Mega End of Year Christmas Quiz

Treat your students to a fun and interactive way to end what has been another busy start to the Academic year with this Christmas Quiz. 90 questions to get your students thinking and competing against each other - including General Knowledge, Celebrities, Current Affairs, Music, Sport, Guess the Logo, Movies, Flags and PSHEE/Citizenship Wishing everyone a great Christmas break! Answers included.
End of Year Quiz Fun

End of Year Quiz Fun

This end of year quiz is suited for secondary (year 7 – 13). 8 rounds of 10 questions featuring: current affairs, general knowledge, movies, celebrities, sport, music (embedded audio files), famous places, flags. Enjoy! (and well done for getting to the end of the year! Enjoy your summer hols!)
Personal Finances - Savings

Personal Finances - Savings

Students understand the importance of saving for the future by looking at how a Current Account works, a brief description of the main savings accounts and an analysis of Needs v Wants. Links to Barclays LifeSkills - You can tailor this to suit your own needs. I have used the Budget Game which is produced by Barclays as the lesson that follows this - hence why I have linked a homework piece for this lesson to help prepare students for this.
Careers Education -

Careers Education -

7 Resources
Aspirations, goal setting, employability skills, personal qualities, CV writing and employee rights.
Terrorism: what is it and how to respond

Terrorism: what is it and how to respond

In light of recent terror attacks in the UK, I wanted to put together a resource to use with KS4 + students to talk about what the UN definition is for terrorism, challenge the stigma facing Islam/Muslims, and how to respond to terrorism - emphasising humanity, love - not hate and blame.
Mega End of Year Quiz

Mega End of Year Quiz

MEGA - End of Academic Year (2017) Quiz covering: general knowledge, current affairs, famous places, celebrities, music, sport - answers included. This is intended for UK settings, however, other countries may find it useful and can adapt questions to suit their settings. Have a great Summer Holiday! Enjoy…
PSHEE Super Toolbox

PSHEE Super Toolbox

19 Resources
A variety of PSHEE essential tutor-led / whole lesson presentations and resources for any secondary school professionals looking to 'beef-up' their PSHEE provision.
Introduction into Domestic Abuse

Introduction into Domestic Abuse

An introduction into what domestic abuse is and services available for young people. There are many video links in this presentation to promote discussion. It is important to set some very clear ground rules and provide students with an 'opt out' for those who might struggle with this content. You will need to adapt the 'help' page to reflect the services in your local area.
Actions and responsibilities

Actions and responsibilities

A brief look at how the actions we make today can affect our chances of career progression in the future. This lesson uses an interesting article from TheDay.co.uk to help students think about consequences for their actions.
Youth Crime and Punishment

Youth Crime and Punishment

3 Resources
An introduction into how the Youth Crime Justice works, punishment variation and sentencing laws for England.
Youth Court System

Youth Court System

An introduction into how the Youth Court System works in the UK. Homework is to compare/contrast the age of criminal responsibility between the UK and other countries.
Cannabis: impacts on body/society

Cannabis: impacts on body/society

An introduction into what cannabis is, the impacts it has on young people, society. Critical thinking differentiated tasks to respond to along with a homework piece for extended learning regarding the legalization of cannabis in the UK
UK Voting System

UK Voting System

2 Resources
First past the post Proportional voting system (alternative to FPTP) Comparison activity to provide opportunity to discuss morals and fairness in voting system - UK Politics
Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles

Reflective lesson for students to assess their own current situation and the goals they want to achieve in the future. Card sort activity for differentiation, individual/paired work. SMERTIE goals as a reflective end to the lesson.