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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
Teithio a Thwristiaeth - Uned 1: Gwyliau Mordaith

Teithio a Thwristiaeth - Uned 1: Gwyliau Mordaith

Gwersylloedd Gwyliau, CwmnÏau Hedfan Rhad, Pecynnau gwyliau ac archebu ar-lein, Cyrchfannau twristiaeth, Gwyliau mordeithiau. Uned 1 – Datblygu teithio a thwristiaeth dros amser (Gwersylloedd Gwyliau, Cwmniau Hedfan Rhad, Pecynnau gwyliau ac archebu ar-lein, Cyrchfannau twristiaeth, Gwyliau mordeithiau) Mae datblygu meddwl yn galluogi dysgwyr i ennill dealltwriaeth ddyfnach o bynciau, i feddwl yn hyblyg a gwneud dyfarniadau a phenderfyniadau rhesymedig.
Travel and Tourism - Unit 1: Package Holidays

Travel and Tourism - Unit 1: Package Holidays

These materials are designed to support the DCELLS agenda for the development of thinking skills and AFL for learners following travel and tourism courses. Unit 1 – The development of travel and tourism over time (Holiday Camps, Budget Airlines, Package holidays and online bookings, Tourism destinations, Cruise holiday, developing thinking enables learners to gain a deeper understanding of topics, to think flexibly and to make reasoned judgements and decisions.
Teithio&Thwristiaeth-Uned 2:Effeithiau Cymdeithaso

Teithio&Thwristiaeth-Uned 2:Effeithiau Cymdeithaso

Mae’r deunyddiau hyn wedi cael eu cynllunio i ategu agenda APADGOS ar gyfer datblygu sgiliau meddwl ac asesu ar gyfer dysgu ar gyfer dysgwyr sy’n dilyn cyrsiau teithio a thwristiaeth. Uned 2 – Effaith twristiaeth, cynaliadwyedd ac adfywio: Twristiaeth gynaliadwy, Effaith gymdeithasol a diwylliannol twristiaeth, Effaith economaidd twristiaeth. Cwpan Ryder – Effaith, Marina Abertawe – Effaith. Mae datblygu meddwl yn galluogi dysgwyr i ennill dealltwriaeth ddyfnach o bynciau, i feddwl yn hyblyg a gwneud dyfarniadau a phenderfyniadau rhesymedig.
Teithio&Thwristiaeth-Uned 1:Cyrfannau Twristiaeth

Teithio&Thwristiaeth-Uned 1:Cyrfannau Twristiaeth

Gwersylloedd Gwyliau, CwmnÏau Hedfan Rhad, Pecynnau gwyliau ac archebu ar-lein, Cyrchfannau twristiaeth, Gwyliau mordeithiau. Uned 1 – Datblygu teithio a thwristiaeth dros amser (Gwersylloedd Gwyliau, Cwmniau Hedfan Rhad, Pecynnau gwyliau ac archebu ar-lein, Cyrchfannau twristiaeth, Gwyliau mordeithiau) Mae datblygu meddwl yn galluogi dysgwyr i ennill dealltwriaeth ddyfnach o bynciau, i feddwl yn hyblyg a gwneud dyfarniadau a phenderfyniadau rhesymedig.
Leisure and Tourism eBook: Unit 1

Leisure and Tourism eBook: Unit 1

Use these resources as part of a series of notes in the form of an e-book, with interactive activities and teachers’ guide to coincide with the WJEC GCSE Leisure and Tourism course. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Teithio a Thwristiaeth-Uned 1:Gwersylloedd Gwyliau

Teithio a Thwristiaeth-Uned 1:Gwersylloedd Gwyliau

Gwersylloedd Gwyliau, CwmnÏau Hedfan Rhad, Pecynnau gwyliau ac archebu ar-lein, Cyrchfannau twristiaeth, Gwyliau mordeithiau. Uned 1 – Datblygu teithio a thwristiaeth dros amser (Gwersylloedd Gwyliau, Cwmniau Hedfan Rhad, Pecynnau gwyliau ac archebu ar-lein, Cyrchfannau twristiaeth, Gwyliau mordeithiau) Mae datblygu meddwl yn galluogi dysgwyr i ennill dealltwriaeth ddyfnach o bynciau, i feddwl yn hyblyg a gwneud dyfarniadau a phenderfyniadau rhesymedig.
Teithio a Thwristiaeth - Uned 2: Effeithiau

Teithio a Thwristiaeth - Uned 2: Effeithiau

Mae’r deunyddiau hyn wedi cael eu cynllunio i ategu agenda APADGOS ar gyfer datblygu sgiliau meddwl ac asesu ar gyfer dysgu ar gyfer dysgwyr sy’n dilyn cyrsiau teithio a thwristiaeth. Uned 2 – Effaith twristiaeth, cynaliadwyedd ac adfywio: Twristiaeth gynaliadwy, Effaith gymdeithasol a diwylliannol twristiaeth, Effaith economaidd twristiaeth. Cwpan Ryder – Effaith, Marina Abertawe – Effaith. Mae datblygu meddwl yn galluogi dysgwyr i ennill dealltwriaeth ddyfnach o bynciau, i feddwl yn hyblyg a gwneud dyfarniadau a phenderfyniadau rhesymedig.
Teithio&Thwristiaeth-Uned 2:Twristiaeth Gynaliadwy

Teithio&Thwristiaeth-Uned 2:Twristiaeth Gynaliadwy

Mae’r deunyddiau hyn wedi cael eu cynllunio i ategu agenda APADGOS ar gyfer datblygu sgiliau meddwl ac asesu ar gyfer dysgu ar gyfer dysgwyr sy’n dilyn cyrsiau teithio a thwristiaeth. Uned 2 – Effaith twristiaeth, cynaliadwyedd ac adfywio: Twristiaeth gynaliadwy, Effaith gymdeithasol a diwylliannol twristiaeth, Effaith economaidd twristiaeth. Cwpan Ryder – Effaith, Marina Abertawe – Effaith. Mae datblygu meddwl yn galluogi dysgwyr i ennill dealltwriaeth ddyfnach o bynciau, i feddwl yn hyblyg a gwneud dyfarniadau a phenderfyniadau rhesymedig.
Leisure and Tourism eBook: Unit 2

Leisure and Tourism eBook: Unit 2

Use these resources as part of a series of notes in the form of an e-book, with interactive activities and teachers’ guide to coincide with the WJEC GCSE Leisure and Tourism course. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Travel and Tourism - Unit 1: Tourism Destinations

Travel and Tourism - Unit 1: Tourism Destinations

These materials are designed to support the DCELLS agenda for the development of thinking skills and AFL for learners following travel and tourism courses. Unit 1 – The development of travel and tourism over time (Holiday Camps, Budget Airlines, Package holidays and online bookings, Tourism destinations, Cruise holiday, developing thinking enables learners to gain a deeper understanding of topics, to think flexibly and to make reasoned judgements and decisions.


This bilingual site provides information and resources for officers, teachers, pupils and parents, providing educational crime prevention information for all members of the community. The website focuses on three main themes that of drug and substance misuse, social behaviour and community and personal safety. It provides follow up work in support of each of the lessons of the All Wales School Liaison Core Programme. It provides ideas and the necessary resources for delivery. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Posteri Llythrennedd Triphlyg

Posteri Llythrennedd Triphlyg

10 poster er mwyn helpu dysgwyr wneud cysylltiadau rhwng ieithoedd tramor modern, Cymraeg a Saesneg ac ennyn gwell dealltwriaeth o sut mae ieithoedd yn gweithio.
Learning Chemistry through Concept Maps

Learning Chemistry through Concept Maps

A series of Word documents designed to help learners revise and develop study skills through diagrams and connections. This is a highly visual and concise guide to the content developed in the AQA new Science Specification for Chemistry (specifically C1) starting in September 2011, but it is relevant to many other examination boards too. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Investigating population change

Investigating population change

A series of whiteboard activities and extensive investigations and case studies relating to population change.There are extensive investigations, resources to promote discussion and is suitable for use on a whiteboard. The investigations add to the understanding of the Key Questions in UNIT G2, Changing Human Environments, Investigating Population Change section of the WJEC AS GCE in Geography. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Cyflwyniad i Ddrama

Cyflwyniad i Ddrama

Cyfres o wersi sydd yn cyflwyno drama am y tro cyntaf i ddisgyblion ysgolion uwchradd. Pwrpas y gwaith yw i ddatblygu hunan hyder y disgyblion ac wrth fynd o wers i wers bydd y gwaith unigol yn datblygu i weithio gyda phartner ac yn mewn grwp cyn gorffen gyda chyflwyniad gan y grwp. Cyhoeddwyd rhai o’r adnoddau yma yn wreiddiol ar wefan Rhannu. www.rhannu.org.uk
Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom

Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom

This resource (for KS2 and KS3) supports teachers in developing the concepts of sustainable development and ecological footprinting. It provides practical materials to support learning about the impact on our environment of our food consumption and transport use and also contains materials to support pupils in data gathering in the context of an enquiry approach to learning. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Detecting the past - Tudors: Poor Laws activity

Detecting the past - Tudors: Poor Laws activity

This extensive resource contains a number of materials and activities to support the teaching of History topics in the KS2 classroom. All four topic areas are supported by a range of images and information provided by educational / historical organisations across Wales.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Detecting the past - Tudors: Clothing activity

Detecting the past - Tudors: Clothing activity

This extensive resource contains a number of materials and activities to support the teaching of History topics in the KS2 classroom. All four topic areas are supported by a range of images and information provided by educational / historical organisations across Wales.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Detecting the past - Tudors; Living Graph Rich

Detecting the past - Tudors; Living Graph Rich

This extensive resource contains a number of materials and activities to support the teaching of History topics in the KS2 classroom. All four topic areas are supported by a range of images and information provided by educational / historical organisations across Wales.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Detecting the past - Celts:  Leadership Activity

Detecting the past - Celts: Leadership Activity

This extensive resource contains a number of materials and activities to support the teaching of History topics in the KS2 classroom. All four topic areas are supported by a range of images and information provided by educational / historical organisations across Wales.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.