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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
Detecting the past - Romans: Leadership activity

Detecting the past - Romans: Leadership activity

This extensive resource contains a number of materials and activities to support the teaching of History topics in the KS2 classroom. All four topic areas are supported by a range of images and information provided by educational / historical organisations across Wales.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Little Turtle - The Weather Chart

Little Turtle - The Weather Chart

A bank of electronic picture stories for sharing with young children. There are supporting story frameworks for use by the teacher. The stories are accompanied by four activities where children can help Little Turtle respond to different experiences e.g. 'if...then..., which one is different, why?...because' (available in Flash and Powerpoint versions). A bank of electronic picture stories featuring Little Turtle with supporting activities and story frameworks. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Detecting the past - Romans: Roman Soldier

Detecting the past - Romans: Roman Soldier

This extensive resource contains a number of materials and activities to support the teaching of History topics in the KS2 classroom. All four topic areas are supported by a range of images and information provided by educational / historical organisations across Wales.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Little Turtle - Baby Blackbird's Tricks book

Little Turtle - Baby Blackbird's Tricks book

A bank of electronic picture stories for sharing with young children. There are supporting story frameworks for use by the teacher. The stories are accompanied by four activities where children can help Little Turtle respond to different experiences e.g. 'if...then..., which one is different, why?...because' (available in Flash and Powerpoint versions). A bank of electronic picture stories featuring Little Turtle with supporting activities and story frameworks. Please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Detecting the past - Celts: Buildings activity

Detecting the past - Celts: Buildings activity

This extensive resource contains a number of materials and activities to support the teaching of History topics in the KS2 classroom. All four topic areas are supported by a range of images and information provided by educational / historical organisations across Wales.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Detecting the past - Romans: Roman Rich Girl

Detecting the past - Romans: Roman Rich Girl

This extensive resource contains a number of materials and activities to support the teaching of History topics in the KS2 classroom. All four topic areas are supported by a range of images and information provided by educational / historical organisations across Wales.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Detecting the past - Tudors: activity

Detecting the past - Tudors: activity

This extensive resource contains a number of materials and activities to support the teaching of History topics in the KS2 classroom. All four topic areas are supported by a range of images and information provided by educational / historical organisations across Wales.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Little Turtle - Water, Water Everywhere book

Little Turtle - Water, Water Everywhere book

A bank of electronic picture stories for sharing with young children. There are supporting story frameworks for use by the teacher. The stories are accompanied by four activities where children can help Little Turtle respond to different experiences e.g. 'if...then..., which one is different, why?...because' (available in Flash and Powerpoint versions). A bank of electronic picture stories featuring Little Turtle with supporting activities and story frameworks. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Little Turtle - Teacher in a Muddle book

Little Turtle - Teacher in a Muddle book

A bank of electronic picture stories for sharing with young children. There are supporting story frameworks for use by the teacher. The stories are accompanied by four activities where children can help Little Turtle respond to different experiences e.g. 'if...then..., which one is different, why?...because' (available in Flash and Powerpoint versions). A bank of electronic picture stories featuring Little Turtle with supporting activities and story frameworks. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Detecting the past - Celts: Living Graph

Detecting the past - Celts: Living Graph

This extensive resource contains a number of materials and activities to support the teaching of History topics in the KS2 classroom. All four topic areas are supported by a range of images and information provided by educational / historical organisations across Wales.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Little Turtle - Playing in the Park book

Little Turtle - Playing in the Park book

A bank of electronic picture stories for sharing with young children. There are supporting story frameworks for use by the teacher. The stories are accompanied by four activities where children can help Little Turtle respond to different experiences e.g. 'if...then..., which one is different, why?...because' (available in Flash and Powerpoint versions). A bank of electronic picture stories featuring Little Turtle with supporting activities and story frameworks. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Packaging - Teaching Guidance

Packaging - Teaching Guidance

Packaging is a series of Powerpoints that form a Unit of Work that supports the teaching of Design, in particular Packaging. Packaging is aimed at developing the skills needed to understand the process of Packaging and how to design a suitable product that fits the needs of the consumer. The aim is for the pupils to study the process of packaging, use 3D shapes from nets, develop their own ideas and design a cereal packet. There is an optional unit to advertise the finished product.For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Science KS3 Resources: Solar System Loop Game

Science KS3 Resources: Solar System Loop Game

This resource is a selection of materials that support the concepts introduced in the new KS3 Science course based on the requirements of the Science National Curriculum orders.The material allows pupils to investigate, discuss and discover science in a variety of daily activities and situations, helping to develop a curiosity that spans beyond the traditional and sometimes rigid teaching of Science. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Gwyddoniaeth Adnoddau CA3 - Analema

Gwyddoniaeth Adnoddau CA3 - Analema

Dewis o ddeunyddiau sy’n cefnogi’r cysyniadau a gyflwynir yng nghwrs newydd Gwyddoniaeth CA3 ar sail gofynion y Cwricwlwm Gwyddoniaeth Cenedlaethol yw’r adnodd hwn.Maen nhw’n cynnwys cyflwyniadau, gweithgareddau, tasgau a ellir eu hargraffu a gemau yn ogystal â nodiadau athrawon a fydd yn ysgogi trafodaeth ac yn ymestyn y dysgu. Mae’r deunydd yn caniatáu i ‘r disgyblion ymchwilio, trafod a darganfod gwyddoniaeth mewn amryw o weithgareddau dyddiol gan feithrin chwilfrydedd sy’n mynd tu hwnt i’r dull traddodiadol ac weithiau haearnaidd o ddysgu Gwyddoniaeth.
Science KS3 Resources - Analemma activity

Science KS3 Resources - Analemma activity

This resource is a selection of materials that support the concepts introduced in the new KS3 Science course based on the requirements of the Science National Curriculum orders.The material allows pupils to investigate, discuss and discover science in a variety of daily activities and situations, helping to develop a curiosity that spans beyond the traditional and sometimes rigid teaching of Science. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below
Detecting the past - Dressing Elizabethan style

Detecting the past - Dressing Elizabethan style

This extensive resource contains a number of materials and activities to support the teaching of History topics in the KS2 classroom. Resources include: A virtual 'cupboard of artefacts / replicas' that gives pupils the chance to look at items from across the ages up close: An interactive activity to choose the best site for a Celtic hill fort.: Over 50 Powerpoint based activities covering the four History topics containing enquiry / thinking tasks. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Detecting the past - Living Graph Tudor Rich Girl

Detecting the past - Living Graph Tudor Rich Girl

This extensive resource contains a number of materials and activities to support the teaching of History topics in the KS2 classroom. Resources include: A virtual 'cupboard of artefacts / replicas' that gives pupils the chance to look at items from across the ages up close: An interactive activity to choose the best site for a Celtic hill fort.: Over 50 Powerpoint based activities covering the four History topics containing enquiry / thinking tasks. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
GCSE Higher tier activities

GCSE Higher tier activities

A series of flipcharts to complement the WJEC higher tier GCSE course book. The activities can be used as front of class activities when introducing or revising these topics For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.