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Mostly vocabulary stories
Vocabulary Story 896  Martin Luther Rose Up

Vocabulary Story 896 Martin Luther Rose Up

1 Vocabulary Story 896 Martin Luther Rose Up . It is an unassailable corollary that hackneyed people; you’d have disdain for, are in seminaries. So, it is all the more surprising that the self-made Martin Luther arose from this environment from vague origins. He wrote an omnibus of religious and social works and was able to filibuster against Kings. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 896 Martin Luther Rose Up . It is an undeniable truism that unoriginal people; you’d have contempt for, are in religious training schools. So, it is all the more surprising the self-starter Martin Luther arose from this environment from uncertain places. He wrote a library of religious and social works and was able to bargain against Kings. .
Vocabulary Story   The Night of the Living Dead       Non Power Point Version

Vocabulary Story The Night of the Living Dead Non Power Point Version

1 Vocabulary Story The Night of the Living Dead . The Night of the Living Dead is a horror movie. Evil insurgents become adjuncts to zombies. These reanimated corpses from cemeteries depredate and forage for flesh; it amounted to genocide as the zombies stumble across the hinterlands with sharp teeth. The good living people surmise the chicanery of the rebels. The zombies are hunted and defeated. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 881 The Night of the Living Dead . The Night of the Living Dead is a horror movie. Evil rebels become helpers to zombies. These revived corpses from cemeteries rob and look for flesh; it amounts to a great slaughter as the zombies stumble across the cities and hinterlands with sharp teeth. The good living people figure out the evil plan of the rebels. The zombies are hunted and defeated. . .
Vocabulary Story 880  The 1929 Stock Market Crash   Non Power Point version

Vocabulary Story 880 The 1929 Stock Market Crash Non Power Point version

1 Vocabulary Story 880 The 1929 Stock Market Crash . The economic boom of the 1920’s terminated in a stock market crash. The enormity of the problem was not isolated to Wall Street, diminishing the pedestrian concerns in the hinterlands. It’s not that workers on Wall Street were not sedulous. They had their own phraseology and perquisites. They were decimated along with all peripheral industries like restaurants and theaters. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 880 The 1929 Stock Market Crash . The economic boom of the 1920’s ended in a stock market crash. The scope of the problem was not limited to Wall Street, impoverishing the ordinary concerns in the wider country. It’s not that workers on Wall Street were not hard working. They had their own language and privileges. They were ruined along with all satellite industries like restaurants and theaters. ***** Note : After twenty Power Point Stories with little interest, I’ve gone back to the old way I’ve been posting them. Please give me your feedback on this matter. Do you want Power Point Stories or like this? .
Vocabulary Story 882  People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany       Non Power Point Version

Vocabulary Story 882 People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany Non Power Point Version

1 Vocabulary Story 882 People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany . At the beginning of World War Two, criticism of the Nazis was superficial, being savagely put into abeyance by contumely and ridicule. Then the tumult of war defeats conjured changes in the political barometer. People procured affidavits to pummel the autocratic government. Many people were covering their asses for the post war? . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 882 People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany . At the beginning of World War Two, criticism of the Nazis was tepid, being savagely put in check by insults and ridicule. Then the trauma of war defeats worked changes in the political winds. People got written evidence to beat on the dictatorial government. Many people were covering themselves for the post war? . .
Vocabulary Story 891  Missionaries Go Native

Vocabulary Story 891 Missionaries Go Native

1 Vocabulary Story 891 Missionaries Go Native . Missionaries in India were compliant to headquarters back in England. They took circuitous routes not to affront local tribes, looking at gazetteers to do this. They gnashed their feet on stones. The Church in England seemed myopic with a surfeit of authoritarian rules. Many missionaries dropped out, making overtures to locals and ‘went native’. The lascivious amongst them went first. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 891 Missionaries Go Native . Missionaries in India were obedient to headquarters back in England. They took roundabout routes not to offend local tribes, looking at map books to do this. They hurt their feet on stones. The Church in England seemed short sighted with an over abundance of dictatorial rules. Many missionaries dropped out, making advances to locals and ‘went native’. The lusty amongst them went first. .
Vocabulary Story 890  Hitler's Evil Strategy

Vocabulary Story 890 Hitler's Evil Strategy

1 Vocabulary Story 890 Hitler’s Evil Strategy . Hitler’s haughty rhetoric rationalized apportioning rights to indigenous Germans and those compatible to his racial ideas. The Nazis starkly followed racial purity ideas, apportioning food and social advancement. They even meted out medical care, treating ariens lesions before others. . . . g . 2 Vocabulary Story 890 Hitler’s Evil Strategy . Hitler’s arrogant speeches gave reasons for giving rights to native Germans and those suitable to his racial ideas. The Nazis strictly followed racial purity ideas, rationing food and social advancement. They even handed out medical care, treating arien injuries before others. . .
Vocabulary Story 886  The USA is Bankrupt

Vocabulary Story 886 The USA is Bankrupt

1 Vocabulary Story 886 The USA is Bankrupt . The USA is not solvent. However people in the government are giddy, garnering large amounts by nebulous means. Bolstered by laws, legislators and their confidants have money protruding from their bank accounts. Thrifty representatives have been extirpated from the party, precepts broken and sophistry used to justify the theft. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 886 The USA is Bankrupt . The USA is bankrupt. However; people in the government are excited, raking in large amounts by shady means. Propped up by laws, legislators and their friends have money bulging from their bank accounts. Prudent representatives have been booted out of the party, rules broken and false reasoning used to justify the theft. . .
Vocabulary Story 887  The High Point of the Confederacy

Vocabulary Story 887 The High Point of the Confederacy

1 Vocabulary Story 887 The High Point of the Confederacy . Gettysburg is the acme of the Confederate advance into the Union. Lee was cantankerous, his quandary was a lack of supplies. He became sanguine when a courier was intercepted. He decided to attack into Pennsylvania. A line of Confederates emanated across a field en masse met by Union Canon. The brevity of this charge was amazing. After the battle, the carrion covered battlefield was left derelict. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 887 The High Point of the Confederacy . Gettysburg is the highpoint of the Confederate advance into the Union. Lee was distressed, his problem was a lack of supplies. He became hopeful when a messenger was captured. He decided to attack into Pennsylvania. A line of Confederates came across a field all together met by Union Canon. The briefness of this charge was amazing. After the battle, the body covered battlefield was left as is. .
Vocabulary Story 888   Englishman George Stephenson Invents the Locomotive

Vocabulary Story 888 Englishman George Stephenson Invents the Locomotive

1 Vocabulary Story 888 Englishman George Stephenson Invents the Locomotive . George Stephenson invented the first successful locomotives. This new mode of transport changed the world. His vivacious charisma won him a coterie of followers that were enthralled by him. He bought a sumptuous productive estate. One incident put a temporary damper on his career. A locomotive exploded right at the portal of a tunnel, maiming many on lookers. An arbiter cleared him of any blame. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 888 Englishman George Stephenson Invents the Locomotive . George Stephenson invented the first successful locomotives. This new means of transport changed the world. His energetic charm won him a cadre of followers that were wild for him. He bought a rich productive estate. One happening put a temporary cloud on his career. A locomotive exploded right at the entrance of a tunnel, crippling many on lookers. A judge cleared him of any blame. .


Here are 100 twenty word lists to start stories with. Pick ten words from each list to make a story. Ideal for do nows and creative writing.
An English Vocabulary List

An English Vocabulary List

Here then is my vocabulary list. I have chosen all the words I have come across in my life. A vocabulary is very personal; it reflects all the knowledge and activities of a person. I am a dabbler, so I have been exposed to a fair share of specialty words. Of course, I have tried to include all the common words too. English vocabulary is very rich and supports many interests and pursuits. Please feel free to look at it and use it in your projects. Also your comments are welcome.
Common Word Story 2        Cohnan the Barbarian

Common Word Story 2 Cohnan the Barbarian

Common Word Story 2 Cohnan the Barbarian This story is made from randomly chosen common words. (see my word list) I have picked ten words from this list: (see if you can also make a story) innocuous out-of-the-way whelp tribulation mock protestant euphemism buckler booby third lemon barge efficacious commerce preeminent alpaca inimitable Tudor scot appliance My story: Cohnan the Barbarian The preeminent barbarian is the inimitable Cohnan the Barbarian whose triumphs and tribulations have been portrayed in books and movies. It begins in an innocuous, out-of-the-way village, where we see the people involved in the life and commerce of a third world culture. Suddenly, we see the flash of swords and bucklers. Barharian hoards kill and mock their victims scotting any chance at progress and peace. Cohnan is left an orphan whelp. The youngster is put to work pushing an appliance to grind grain for years. However; this toil is efficacious to make him into a muscled giant, fit for a life of adventures in which he avenges the deaths of his family. Will you please review this story.
Common Word Story 5                  Food Today

Common Word Story 5 Food Today

Common Word Story 5 Today’s Food This story is made from randomly chosen common words. I have picked ten words from this list: (see if you can also make a story) tacit horse sledgehammer garble diorite bold noon dope disburse hooky fortitude debar styrofoam grandee culinary solarium variable grand mal goad concoct My story: Today’s Food Culinary standards have been garbled in today's USA. Gordon Ramsey is presented as a grandee in Atlantic City. He has take a sledgehammer to the standard menu. While offerings are variable, it is tacitly understood that his concoctions are fast food; some even being boldly presented on styrofoam. However; every noon, many people line up at his restaurant at Ceasar’s Palace Casino. Food standards have been blurd in today's USA. Gordon Ramsey is presented as a big shot in Atlantic City. He has take a wrecking ball to the standard menu. While offerings are mixed, it is quietly understood that his listings are fast food; some even being openly presented on paper plates. However; every lunchtime, many people line up at his restaurant at Ceasar’s Palace Casino. Will you please review this story.
Common Word Story 4   Halloween Parties

Common Word Story 4 Halloween Parties

Common Word Story 4 Wild Halloween Parties This story is made from randomly chosen common words. I have picked ten words from this list: (see if you can also make a story) cabby recompense avalance costume nestle wayward tithe venereal nosh redound timorous coiffeur mesoderm self defense normative bisulfate unwitting usurp fauna tawdy My story: Wild Halloween Parties Halloween party goers wear many funny tawdry costumes. It is normative to see fanciful coiffeurs on wayward teens, an avalanche of cabbies and other professions nestled with people dressed in every type of fauna, like deer and rabbits. Unwitting timorous first timers get afraid as events redound and passion usurps common sense. Halloween party goers wear many funny cheap showy outfits. It is the norm to see weird hairdos on unruly teens, a ton of cabbies and other professions snuggled with people dressed in every type of animal, like deer and rabbits. Unaware shy first timers get afraid as events evolve and passion takes the place of common sense. Will you please review this story.
Common Word Story 3 - Army Training

Common Word Story 3 - Army Training

Common Word Story 3 Army Training This story is made from randomly chosen common words. I have picked ten words from this list: (see if you can also make a story) brownie reservist kilogram epidermal Frisian background situate thick indignity fireman perhaps credulity fallacy transmission aquiline trollop directive pipette Cowper’s gland quip My story: Army Training The transmission of Army values starts in boot camps. Credulous reservist of many backgrounds follow the directives of drill sergeants. But it’s a fallacy that they jump at every quip of their masters. Fort Dix is situated in the thick woodlands of the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. Generations of trainees have survived indignities on their way to becoming soldiers. They have eaten kilograms of rations including mummified brownies. The passing on of Army values starts in boot camps. Trusting trainees from many places follow the orders of drill sergeants. But it’s a false idea that they jump at every bark of their masters. Fort Dix is located in the dense woodlands of the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. Generations of trainees have survived rough conditions on their way to becoming soldiers. They have eaten pounds of rations including dried out preserved brownies. Will you please review this story.
Common Word Story 2 - Darwin in his own time

Common Word Story 2 - Darwin in his own time

This story was made from randomly choose words. Darwin was a kingpin in classical zoology science. He had the usual tact that came with British high birth in the 19th century. He abominated violence but his theories created stupendous controversy. It was a craze in his own time. People goaded him at conferences saying he was wrong as officious supporters defended him. He retreated to a conservancy and became a recluse. He has maintained posthumous fame and honor as his ideas have been proven correct.
Common word Story 11              The First American Flag

Common word Story 11 The First American Flag

Common word Story 11 The First American Flag This story is made of ten words chosen at random from my 17,000 word list of common words. Down load the full list. I picked ten words from this list: thimble inaugurate corvette influenza scalp subsidy endeavor spoon genre malpractice taco proscribe alteration horrific choctaw gasoline wok cloche kineoscope fiduciary Some of these words are not common but are included in my list because I’ve heard them. My story: As Americans endeavored to inaugurate the nation during the revolutionary war, a fiduciary agreement was made with Betsy Ross, an unassuming Philidelphia Lady. She received a small subsidy to use her thimble and thread in the genre of flag making. This was done in secret because it was proscribed by the British. During a horrific influenza, she used wok-like pots to mix the colors by hand with spoons. The U.S. flag has had 27 alteration since then as stars were added for the admission of new states. As American strove to start a new nation during the American Revolution, a relationship of trust was agreed upon with Betsy Ross, an ordinary looking Philidelphia lady. She received a small salary and used her sowing implements and thread in the art of flag making. This was done in secret because it was outlawed by the British. During a horrible epidemic, she used broad pots to mix the colors with spoons. The U.S. flag has had 27 changes since then as stars were added for the admission of new states.
Common Word Story 10                      A Sad Ending

Common Word Story 10 A Sad Ending

Common Word Story 10 A Sad Ending This story is made from randomly chosen common words. I have picked ten words from this list: (see if you can also make a story) win defibrilate disheveled literary slum ogle didact arraign pastel pyrite debilitate rubberneck set-aside egregious poet probity cricket lascivious mugwug awesome My Story: Muhamud Ali had an awesome career with many wins. He was a poet of movement and films of his fights are didactic material for today’s boxers. However; he did not set-aside funds for his retirement. When he became disabled, egregious things happened to him. He became a disheaveled ruin, people ogled at in the slum. Many evil lascivious people took advantage of him. Muhamad Ali had a great career with many wins. He was a master of movement and films of his fights are training material for today’s boxers. However; he did not put away funds for his retirement. When he became a cripple, horrid things happened to him. He became a crumpled mess, people stared at in the getto. Many evil lustful people took advantage of him. Please review this story and view the whole common word list.
Common Word Story 9                      Working at the Zoo

Common Word Story 9 Working at the Zoo

Common Word Story 9 Working at the Zoo This story is made from randomly chosen common words. I have picked ten words from this list: (see if you can also make a story) monkey directory glacis deal toxin medicaid Daniel complacence decant meet emotive winning flippant gallop lapse esophagus reinvigorate wok bate kingpin My Story: Working at the Zoo Looking at the zoo directory, we see Daniel. Once you’ve met him, you’ll remember. While others have lapsed into complacence, he has thrived. His emotive feelings for monkeys and other animals has kept him reinvigorated. He has been able to decant a toxin from snake venom for study. Looking at the list of names at the zoo, we see Daniel. Once you’ve talked to him, you’ll remember. While others have fallen into a bored, listless routine, Daniel has grooved on his job. His enthusiasm for monkeys and other animals has kept him alive. He has been able to distill a poison from snake venom for study. Please review this story and view the whole common word list.
Common Word Story 8                      The English Empire After World War Two

Common Word Story 8 The English Empire After World War Two

Common Word Story 8 The English Empire After World War Two This story is made from randomly chosen common words. I have picked ten words from this list: (see if you can also make a story) I have included the full 17,000 word list of English words. relief claw Judism viceroy flounder flowery ghee relief eschatology otolith behead lepton defenestrate incontinent essay colloquial perambulate glutenous genial firmament My Story: After ww2 the empire foundered. The natives in the colonies clawed for independence. Viceroys were beheaded and defenestrated. It was a relief when genial agreements were made for places to leave the empire. Flowery essays were written to make the process look better. After ww2 the empire stumbled. The natives in the colonies fought for independence Representatives of the crown had their heads cut off and were thrown out of windows. It was unburdening when friendly agreements were made for places to leave the empire. High sounding texts have been written to make the process look better.