
GCSE Physics: Forces in Collisions
This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P8.1.4 Forces in Collisions. All presentations come with student activities and worked solutions.
Large accelerations produce large forces.
Values of g that cause severe injury or death
Road Safety
Newton’s First Law and seat belts
Crumple zones
Force = Mass x Acceleration
Acceleration = Change in velocity /Time taken
Estimating speed, accelerations and forces involved in large accelerations for everyday road transport.

GCSE OCR Physics 9-1 Paper 1 Revision Booklets
OCR GCSE Physics Paper 1 for higher tier (triple and combined) are covered with individual revision booklets.
Each booklet has:
Link to specification number
Denotes if it is higher or combined material
Equations to recall and apply for that section
Equations to apply for that section
Key Points
Exam questions
Mark Schemes for each question
Triple Booklets:
P1.1 The Particle Model
P1.2 Changes of State
P1.3 Pressure
P2.1 Motion
P2.2 Newton’s Laws
P2.3 Forces in action - Simple Machines
P2.3 Forces in action - Springs and Gravitational Energy
P3.1/2 Electricity
P4.1 Magnetism
P4.2 Uses of Magnetism
Combined Booklets:
P1.1 The Particle Model
P1.2 Changes of State
P2.1 Motion
P2.2 Newton’s Laws
P2.3 Forces in action - Springs and Gravitational Energy
P3.1/2 Electricity
P3.3 Magnetism and Fields

GCSE OCR Physics 9-1 Paper 2 Revision Booklets
OCR GCSE Physics Paper 2 for higher tier (triple and combined) are covered with individual revision booklets.
Each booklet has:
Link to specification number
Denotes if it is higher or combined material
Equations to recall and apply for that section
Equations to apply for that section
Key Points
Exam questions
Mark Schemes for each question
Triple Booklets:
P5.1 Wave Beahviour and Wave Velocity
P5.2 Electromagnetic Waves
P5.3 Wave Interactions
P6.1 Radioactive Emissions
P6.2 Uses and Hazards - Fusion and Fission
P7 Energy
P8.1 Physics on the move
P8.2 Powering Earth
P8.3 Beyond Earth
Combined Booklets:
P4.1 Wave Beahviour and Wave Velocity
P4.2 Electromagnetic Waves
P4.3 Radioactice Emissions
P6 Energy
P6.2 Physics on the move
P6.3 Powering Eaerth

OCR A level Physics: Electric Fields
OCR A level Physics: 22.1 Electric Fields
Module 6 Particles and Medical Physics
This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided.
This lesson covers:
Electric field line pattern from point charges, uniformly charged objects, and capacitors.
Rules for electric field lines
Interacting field lines for attraction and repulsion
Detecting electric fields with a charged gold leaf
Definition of electric field strength
Explaining that electric field strength is a vector with magnitude and direction
Apply the equation for electric field strength

OCR A level Physics: Understanding Magnetic Fields
OCR A level Physics: 23.2 Understanding Magnetic Fields
Module 6 Particles and Medical Physics
This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided.
This lesson covers:
Fleming’s left hand rule
Determining the direction of force on a current carrying conductor
Calculating the magnitude of force on a current carrying conductor
Angles between the magnetic field and current carrying conductor
An experiment to determine the magnetic flux density of a field.

OCR A level Physics: Beta decay
OCR A level Physics: 24.5 Beta decay
Module 6 Particles and Medical Physics
This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided.
This lesson covers:
Properties of neutrinos
Nuclear notation
Nuclear decay equations
Beta-plus and beta-minus decays
Quark transformation

OCR A level Physics: Radioactive Dating
OCR A level Physics: 25.6 Radioactive Dating
Module 6 Particles and Medical Physics
This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided.
This lesson covers:
State what isotopes of carbon are used in carbon dating.
Explain how carbon dating works.
Calculate the age of objects with carbon dating.

OCR A level Physics: Modelling Radioactive Decay
OCR A level Physics: 25.5 Modelling Radioactive Decay
Module 6 Particles and Medical Physics
This PowerPoint is a whole lesson included with student activities, animated answers, homework questions with answers provided.
This lesson covers:
Iterative Method
Selecting appropriate time intervals
Comparing answers from the iterative method and exact solution.

OCR A Level Physics: Gravitational Fields
OCR A Level Physics: Gravitational Fields presentation, homework and answers.

OCR AS Physics: LDR
OCR AS Physics: LDR is a part of the Module 4: Electrons, Waves, and Photons. PowerPoint with worked examples and homework.
Materials and uses of LDRs
Creating an experiment to understand LDRs
LDRs relationship with light intensity

OCR AS Physics: Electromagnetic Waves
OCR AS Physics A: Electromagnetic Waves is a part of the Module 4: Electrons, Waves, and Photons. PowerPoint with worked examples and homework.

Physics Display - Science Jobs/Women in Physics
Several word documents with content concerning women in physics and jobs in physics. These displays are in line with IoP recommendations to promote women in physics.

GCSE OCR Physics: Building A Motor
GCSE OCR Physics: Building A Motor powerpoint with instruction on how to construct a motor activity.

GCSE Physics: Floating and Sinking
This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P1.3.5 Floating and Sinking
Content Covered:
Balanced Forces
Rearranging equations
Mass and weight
Gravitational field strength
Liquid Pressure
Difference in pressure causing up thrust
Combining two equations
Worked solutions
Exam Style Questions
Problems with answers

GCSE Physics: Kinetic Energy
This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P2.1.6
Kinetic equation
Rearranging equations with three different methods.
Plotting velocity vs kinetic energy
Evaluating square relationships
Worked problems with solutions
Student problems with solutions

GCSE Physics: Atomic Model 1
This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P1.1.1
Scientific Models
Ancient Greek Model
Dalton’s Model
JJ Thomson’s model

GCSE Physics: Newton's First Law
This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P2.2.3.
PowerPoint with multiple student activities and complete worked answers.
Newton’s First Law definition
Balanced and unbalanced forces producing accelerations
Acceleration being the change in velocity
The principle of inertia
Definition for equilibrium

GCSE Physics: Work Done and Power
This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P2.2.7
Work done equation
Rearranging work done equation
Questions and answers for work done
Power equation and definition
Rearranging power equation
Different units for work done: J, N m, kg m^2/s^2

GCSE Physics: Gravitational Force and Energy
This presentation covers OCR Gateway Physics 9-1 P2.3.3 Gravitational Force and Energy
Gravitational fields
Gravitational field strength and mass
Gravitational energy and work done
Exam style questions and solutions
Student problems with answers

GCSE OCR Physics P2 Test
35 mark assessment with mark scheme for P2 from OCR Gateway Physics 9-1.
• 5 multiple choice questions
• Scalars and Vectors
• Speed
• Acceleration
• Equation of Motion
• Velocity-time graph
• Included physics equations
• PIN cover sheet