Pupils can use a cut-out shape to estimate how many times Britain will fit into Central Asia. Older pupils can check by calculation, using area statistics from an atlas.
Sketch a map of Central Asia. Draw and label onto it three facts about its natural environment, three about its economy, three about its people and three about its built environment.
Put together an “alphabet run” for the area - a fact, place or feature for each letter of the alphabet.
Allocate pairs or small groups of pupils to each of the Central Asian countries. Ask them to prepare a 90-second statement on why their country is the most exciting to visit, and give the class a free vote at the end.
KS 4-5
Investigate the causes and consequences of the decline in the Aral Sea.
Describe how the lives of different people have been affected and consider the environmental impact locally, regionally and beyond. Can the damage be undone? A great deal of web material is available; start at www.thewaterpage.comaral.htm
Find out about the system of Soviet collective farming. How did it change Central Asia? What were its advantages and disadvantages? Overall, did the region benefit from the Soviet era?
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