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Le collège- School- Saying when you have lessons, what you do between lessons

Le collège- School- Saying when you have lessons, what you do between lessons

This resource is based on the Studio 1 chapter on school. It starts with a couple of sentence builders using “on” and “je” It revises the time in French and is adapted to the lesson times in my school but can obviously be changed. Includes some l’/ le/la/les gap fill exercise and some multiple choice exercise based on the sentence builder. Suitable for Year 7 or as a revision tool in Year 8.
The perfect tense vs the pluperfect tense in Spanish

The perfect tense vs the pluperfect tense in Spanish

Two no fuss time saving worksheets with exercises in both tenses and then an exercise where students are supposed to choose which of the two tenses they should use. There are references to La Casa de Bernarda Alba and Ocho Apellidos Vascos.
French - Buying clothes - acheter des vêtements KS3 sentence builder

French - Buying clothes - acheter des vêtements KS3 sentence builder

This is a PowerPoint that includes asking for clothes and a few accessories using “the”/ “a” and “some”/ “this”, “that”, “these” and “those”. It also includes details about the clothes such as sleeveless or in a light or dark shade and in a certain material. It has practical tips about sizing in France, some gap-filling exercises, some translation exercises, a snake and ladder game and some reading and writing exercises. It is suitable to set for online learning
AS Speaking French

AS Speaking French

A number of questions and suggested answers on a range of AS topics - suits a variety of examination boards. This resource has been checked by a French native speaker for accuracy. It can be adapted as suits.
Topic of social issues - l'immigration GCSE/ AS

Topic of social issues - l'immigration GCSE/ AS

Three texts about the journeys of three different immigrants followed by quiz e.g. find the person who… and find the French for. Good for the revision of the perfect tense in French, verbs to talk about travel, transports and of course feelings/ emotions.
FOMO - Fear of missing out

FOMO - Fear of missing out

A PowerPoint in which we consider what FOMO means, specifically we look at phrasal verbs. What does the word “out” add to the verb “miss”? Students are asked to identify how they feel when they miss out on something? We then look at the possible causes of FOMO in modern society and the consequences of feeling this. We watch a video on embracing JOMO (Joy of missing out) and finally we look at an article from the Guardian on the topic with a variety of exercises on it. Suitable for B1 level onwards for learners of English as a Foreign Language.
Adjective revision plus Spanish idioms using comparisons

Adjective revision plus Spanish idioms using comparisons

This PowerPoint walks students through the meaning of some adjectives and attracts their attention to gender agreement. It then explains how to form the comparative both in English and Spanish. Using a number of English idioms, it then leads students to learn a few Spanish idioms using “más… que” eg más alto que un pino.
End of term/ year resource Yr 9 Spanish… Speaking enough Spanish for a lifetime of interactions!

End of term/ year resource Yr 9 Spanish… Speaking enough Spanish for a lifetime of interactions!

Do you have Year 9 students who sadly have not chosen GCSE Spanish as an option? Is it hard to keep them going? Are they losing interest? After giving them examples of where and when they can use Spanish, you could give them these worksheets to use on every occasion and show how friendly they can be. Ranging from a simple “Hola” to “¿Qué puedo hacer para ayudarle?” Can obviously be adapted. Many subsequent exercises to keep students practising for a good three lessons.
Travel questions in Spanish- Basic interactions Bingo

Travel questions in Spanish- Basic interactions Bingo

A basic bingo game for a class of 24 students. The idea is that you read some English equivalent e.g. At what time? When? the train? Leaves? Is it? Direct? etc… Students cross off the Spanish. The extension work is for them to make up as many questions as possible using one card/ two cards etc… Could be split and used as noughts and crosses. Could be easily adapted to a snake and ladder game etc…
Un Long Dimanche de Fiançailles - A Very Long Engagement  Jean-Pierre Jeunet

Un Long Dimanche de Fiançailles - A Very Long Engagement Jean-Pierre Jeunet

Please find the script of the film. It has timings so that you can easily refer to specific scenes. You can also create gapped activities. You can find the most relevant quotes for the characters. You can use at the same time as viewing the film and students can focus on how the scenes are enhanced through the use of colours and music for example. I sat down for many hours transcribing the film (10 minutes of film took me an hour to transcribe) hence the higher price compared to my usual resources. The script has been checked by a native speaker where I work. There are a couple of sentences neither of us was able to understand but 99.99% of the film is transcribed.