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Into Film

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Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.




Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Stop and Think!

Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Stop and Think!

Activities in this resource explore ideas of empathy, identity and stereotypes, as well as developing learners’ understanding of rights and responsibilities. Pupils will create a Code of Conduct for their cinema visit and learn to be mindful of themselves and those around them. The Into Film Festival takes place from 4-20 November 2015. There are free screenings and events at over 520 venues across the UK. To book and find out more visit www.intofilm.org/festival
Viceroy's House: Empire and Independence

Viceroy's House: Empire and Independence

An inspirational, free educational resource made in partnership with NSP and Pathé that uses the brand new film Viceroy's House - released in cinemas on 3 March - to help young people aged 11-19 to engage with the complexities that led to the creation of modern India and Pakistan as they commemorate their 70th anniversary. The film, directed by Gurindar Chadha, depicts the remarkable true story of the last Viceroy of India and his handling of events in 1947 throughout India's last months as a British Colony. This flexible resource, which supports History at Key Stage 3, units within exam boards for GCSE and A Level, and additional links to citizenship and SMSC, will connect students to a complex and significant moment in world history, 70 years on. It will enable students to gain knowledge of what happened in the run up to partition, along with the huge social impact it had. Download the accompanying PowerPoint presentation including film clips, stills and an exclusive interview with the director at https://www.intofilm.org/resources/1205. The programme will coincide with schools' wider India 2017 commemorations, and students will complete their learnings by reflecting on the consequences of partition for Britain, India and Pakistan, discussing who the real victors were, and looking at links between India, Pakistan and the UK today. WIN TICKETS TO A SCREENING OF VICEROY’S HOUSE FOLLOWED BY A Q&A WITH THE FILM’S DIRECTOR GURINDER CHADHA! Download the form for more information. Did you find this resource useful? If so, leave a star rating so that other teachers can find it. Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org/clubs
International Women's Day 11-16: Female representation on film

International Women's Day 11-16: Female representation on film

Diversity on film is a key topic in the film industry and this assembly is aimed at helping young people to discuss the representation of female characters on film using the Bechdel Test and the F-Rating as a framework. The Bechdel Test is used in this assembly as a fun way of analysing how women are represented on film, and starting a conversation about whether this is fair. The F-Rating is included to stimulate debate about equal representation behind the scenes within the industry, and how this affects the films that are made. Young people will apply the Bechdel Test and the F-Rating to clips from popular films before discussing the effect of these campaigns to instigate change within the industry. The extension activities will allow students to explore the issues presented in the assembly in a creative and analytical manner. The resource is suitable to be used in an assembly format, in a film club setting or for use in the classroom (guidance is given below).
Big Picture Project - A Beautiful Planet

Big Picture Project - A Beautiful Planet

Big Picture Project gives young people a unique perspective on our beautiful and changing Earth, through the eyes of an astronaut. The STEM project, which has at its heart the breathtaking new IMAX® film, A Beautiful Planet, empowers them to see that small actions in their everyday lives have maximum impact when we all work together to instigate positive behavioural change. Students are tasked by an astronaut to carry out scientific experiments and research into everyday water, waste and travel habits, and then apply an 'IMAX® Scale Tool' to assess the huge potential impact for change in their school, their country and across the UK. The resource is suitable for educators of young people aged 7-14 and includes: environmental case studies; fun facts about the Earth and life aboard the International Space Station; three lesson plans with PowerPoint presentations and activity sheets; an editable certificate and more. Showing in selected IMAX® screens from Friday 27th May. These resources were created in partnership between Into Film, SUPER and IMAX®. To start your free Into Film club visit www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Refugee Week Shorts

Refugee Week Shorts

This resource is for teachers and film club leaders to use to mark Refugee Week, and as stimulus to discuss the hardships and resilience of refugees around the globe. This resource contains guides to two short documentary films, Hamsa and Boya Boya (Shine Shine) which have been specially selected to be accessible to learners within the 11 to 19 age range. The guides include discussion questions, and activity ideas to encourage learners to ask and answer questions and reflect on why people seek sanctuary in other countries. For more Into Film resources and to start your free Into Film club visit www.intofilm.org
The Eagle Huntress: Take Flight

The Eagle Huntress: Take Flight

This resource from Into Film and Altitude, based on the new documentary film The Eagle Huntress, will take young people on an epic journey and inspire them to aim high and take flight. Featuring a range of activities suitable for young people aged 7 and over, learners will explore the film’s setting and themes to gain an insight into another way of life and to develop an understanding and appreciation of other cultures before creating their own ambition map.
Staying Safe Online for Key Stage 5 (resources)

Staying Safe Online for Key Stage 5 (resources)

These resources form part of the Into Film Staying Safe Online resource, created in partnership with Childnet International, uses film and related activities to bring important messages to life and provide information that will help both primary and secondary pupils to be safe and responsible citizens in an increasingly digital world. Through films as The Social Network, Catfish, InRealLife and Trust, these explore issues ranging from privacy settings to avoiding harmful content. Please use in conjunction with the activity plans. For more information, visit intofilm.org
Staying Safe Online for Key Stage 5 (worksheets)

Staying Safe Online for Key Stage 5 (worksheets)

These activity plans form part of the Into Film Staying Safe Online resource, created in partnership with Childnet International, uses film and related activities to bring important messages to life and provide information that will help both primary and secondary pupils to be safe and responsible citizens in an increasingly digital world. Through films as The Social Network, Catfish, InRealLife and Trust, these explore issues ranging from privacy settings to avoiding harmful content. Please use in conjunction with the resources and teacher notes. For more information, visit intofilm.org
Staying Safe Online - 11-16

Staying Safe Online - 11-16

Staying Safe Online is an education resource created by Into Film in partnership with Childnet International to support Safer Internet Day. The resource uses films The Social Network and Catfish to ignite pupils’ imagination and bring important messages to life, providing them the information they need to be safe citizens in an increasingly digital world. The accompanying PowerPoint presentation featuring embedded clips from the films and version with subtitled videos can be found at the following link:https://www.intofilm.org/resources/36 In this resource, pupils will explore the key themes of: • privacy and sharing of information • being safe digital citizens regarding Childnet’s 3Cs of Content, Contact and Commercialisation Mae’r gwaith Bod yn Ddiogel Ar-lein yn adnodd addysgiadol sydd wedi ei greu gan Into Film mewn partneriaeth gyda Chilnet International i gefnogi Diwrnod Diogel y We. Mae’r adnodd yn defnyddio’r ffilmiau The Social Network a Catfish i danio dychymyg disgyblion a thrafod negeseuon pwysig, gan roi wybodaeth ar sut i fod yn ddinasyddion diogel mewn byd digidol cynyddol. Yn yr adnodd yma, mi fydd y disgyblion yn dysgu am y brif themau: - Preifatrwydd a rhannu diogelwch - Bod yn ddinasyddion digidol diogel yn trafod gwaith 3C Childnet, Cynnwys, Cyswllt a Masnacheiddio
Into Film Guide to Martin Luther King Day

Into Film Guide to Martin Luther King Day

This resource is a guide to expose young people to new debates on subjects such as race and racism, enrich the curriculum, allow young people to experience cultures beyond their own and explore a wide variety of issues. This resource covers a period of time from when King was alive to the end of the last century, which will challenge issues of race and racism within the context of the Civil Rights Movement through five important films that will encourage conversation and critical engagement. Order the films in this guide for free when you are a member of Into Film. https://www.intofilm.org/films
'Words Can Hurt' Film Seasons: Anti-Bullying

'Words Can Hurt' Film Seasons: Anti-Bullying

Into Film has curated two thought-provoking seasons of films, in which bullying is a major theme - for Primary and Secondary school children - to help teachers and pupils explore the issues surrounding the anti-bullying theme, ‘Words Can Hurt’. Each film in the ‘Words Can Hurt’ resource deals with a different area of bullying, and is accompanied by detailed film guides which include review starters and discussion points for teachers to fully explore the themes raised in the film. Like this? Try our new Anti-Bullying resource at: http://www.tes.co.uk/mypublicprofile.aspx?uc=918642
Belle - an education resource

Belle - an education resource

This PDF should be used with an accompanying ppt – download: http://www.filmclub.org/whats-new/details/2133/reel-to-real-download-our-belle-resource-and-join-us-for-a-screening. The activities in this resource are designed to meet curriculum objectives for citizenship, English and literacy, RMPS, PSHE education, PSE, PDMU, social studies, and health and wellbeing. This resource will work equally well with all nations’ curricula. For more information about Into Film and help setting up your free film club, visit www.intofilm.org The accompanying PowerPoint presentation with embedded clips is available at the following link on the Into Film website: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/27
Staying Safe Online: 7-11

Staying Safe Online: 7-11

Developed in partnership with ChildNet, these resources use films including Harriet the Spy and The Thief Lord to illustrate points about internet safety, and are full of information, safety tips and activities to help better acquaint pupils with staying safe online and advice on how to better protect themselves on the web. A version of the PowerPoint with subtitled videos is available on the Into Film website: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/35 For information on how to start a free Into Film club please visit https://www.intofilm.org/clubs Or go to https://www.intofilm.org/resources to view more of our curriculum focused resources. Mae’r gwaith Bod yn Ddiogel Ar-lein yn adnodd addysgiadol sydd wedi ei greu gan Into Film mewn partneriaeth gyda Chilnet International i gefnogi Diwrnod Diogel y We. Mae’r adnodd yn defnyddio’r ffilmiau Harriet the Spy aThe Thief Lord i danio dychymyg disgyblion a thrafod negeseuon pwysig, gan roi wybodaeth ar sut i fod yn ddinasyddion diogel mewn byd digidol cynyddol. Yn yr adnodd yma, mi fydd y disgyblion yn dysgu am y brif themau: • Preifatrwydd a rhannu diogelwch • Bod yn ddinasyddion digidol diogel yn trafod gwaith 3C Childnet, Cynnwys, Cyswllt a Masnacheiddio
Vin Diesel's Socks - Have your say on film, copyright and piracy assembly

Vin Diesel's Socks - Have your say on film, copyright and piracy assembly

This assembly, produced in partnership with The Industry Trust, The Intellectual Property Office and FACT is for students aged 14-19 to consider the impact and ethics of film piracy, the consequences of downloading a film illegally and the impact of film piracy on the creative industries and creative individuals, including themselves. The message of the assembly is a positive one, giving students information about where to download films legally, how they protect their own work and consider using those skills required in the creative industries, which are protected by intellectual property (IP) legislation. This resource can also be adapted for use in Media Studies, Citizenship, PSHE and Computing lessons. Find out more at www.intofilm.org
A Guide to Ireland on Film: 1916

A Guide to Ireland on Film: 1916

The films in this resource focus on the period from 1909 until 1922 including events such as The Easter Rising, The War of Independence, The Anglo-Irish Treaty and The Irish Civil War. Each film has accompanying teacher notes that give ideas for questions you may want to ask your students about the films. The films referenced in the teachers' notes are in the accompanying Ireland on film - 1916 PowerPoint presentation available on the Into Film website: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/1075
Wales on Film Primary

Wales on Film Primary

This resource will showcase and celebrate the breadth of film created in Wales or featuring Welsh talent, as well as supporting teachers in engaging with film as a core learning tool. The activities are designed to fit the National Curriculum for Wales and to encourage educators and young people to explore Wales through film, focusing specifically on three central Welsh themes: Landscape, Myth, legend and nature, and Culture and heritage. From classic cinema through to modern day representations of Wales on film, the resource explores Welsh history, language, industry, culture and society. Bydd yr adnodd hwn yn dangos ac yn dathlu ehangder y ffilmiau a grëwyd yng Nghymru neu sy'n cynnwys talent o Gymru yn ogystal â chynorthwyo athrawon i ddefnyddio ffilm fel adnodd dysgu craidd. Lluniwyd y gweithgareddau hyn i weddu i Gwricwlwm Cenedlaethol Cymru ac i annog addysgwyr a phobl ifanc i ystyried, astudio ac archwilio Cymru drwy ffilm gan ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar dair thema ganolog Gymreig: Tirlun, Myth, Chwedl a natur, a Diwylliant a Threftadaeth. O ffilmiau clasurol y sinema i bortreadau o'r Gymru gyfoes ar ffilm, mae'r adnodd hwn yn ystyried hanes Cymru, y Gymraeg, diwydiant, diwylliant a chymdeithas.
Holocaust Memorial Day assembly: Woman in Gold

Holocaust Memorial Day assembly: Woman in Gold

This resource has been developed by Into Film with support from the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. The resource is aimed at students aged 13-19 and is focused on the feature film Woman in Gold (12, 2015). The presentation contains clips from Woman in Gold, interviews with Helen Mirren, Ryan Reynolds and director Simon Curtis and stimulus questions and discussion points to enable students to analyse this feature film within the context of the 2017 Holocaust Memorial Day theme ‘How can life go on?’ Did you find this resources useful? If so, leave a star rating to help other teachers to find it. Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org/clubs.
Race - Jesse Owens and the 1936 Olympics

Race - Jesse Owens and the 1936 Olympics

A resource to work with the 2016 feature film Race, which tells the amazing life story of Jesse Owens and his performance at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, engaging audiences with the impact of an individual and events on the world stage both 80 years ago and today. This resource should be used with the accompanying Race PowerPoint presentation, which contains clips, stills and prompt questions to support delivery of all the activities outlined in these notes. Through these activities learners can deepen their understanding and critical analysis of these significant historical events and compare interpretations in Race with other sources of information, and in turn create their own pieces of writing, artwork and/or filmmaking to reflect and share ideas on the themes raised in the film.
Johnny English Strikes Again: Secret Agents

Johnny English Strikes Again: Secret Agents

This cross-curricular educational resource takes students on an immersive Learning journey through Johnny English’s school for Secret Agents in training. At the start of the programme, Johnny will set a mission for the class to protect their school and personal information from an incoming cyber-attack. Students aged 8 to 12 will then engage with STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects, learn about cyber-attacks and how to stay safe online, breaking codes and communicating secretly using science, all whilst developing the necessary skills to become a secret agent during the course of the two lessons before having the opportunity to take part in an exciting design competition. Each lesson is broken up into the following sections: Briefing or Debrief – introduction Mission Prep – development Mission Task – individual or small group work Task Debrief – plenary Field Mission – homework About the film Johnny English Strikes Again is the third instalment of the Johnny English comedy series, with Rowan Atkinson returning as the much-loved accidental secret agent. The new adventure begins when a cyber-attack reveals the identity of all active undercover agents in Britain, leaving Johnny English as the secret service’s last hope. Called out of retirement, English dives head first into action with the mission to find the mastermind hacker. As a man with few skills and analogue methods, Johnny English must overcome the challenges of modern technology to make this mission a success.** In cinemas October 5**. For more information about new release films and exciting competitions please visit the Into Film website www.intofilm.org
Anti-bullying on film: 11-16

Anti-bullying on film: 11-16

Anti-Bullying Week shines a spotlight on bullying and encourages all children, teachers and parents to take action against bullying throughout the year. The theme for 2017 is ‘All Different, All Equal' and aims to empower children and young people to celebrate what makes them, and others, unique. This resource is suitable to use with young people aged 11-16 in either an extra-curricular club or classroom context. It can also be used in pastoral sessions and is linked to the PSHE Education, Citizenship, English, Art and Media Studies curricula. It consists of teachers' notes with the activity outlines, activity sheets to be used with learners and the accompanying student-facing Anti-bullying on Film: 11-16 PowerPoint presentation with embedded film clips. Alternatively, you could pick and mix the activities to use in your film club or classroom. The materials provide everything you need to run the lesson/activities with minimal preparation. About The Anti-Bullying Alliance Into Film is pleased to be supported by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. The Anti-Bullying Alliance, hosted by the National Children's Bureau (NCB) is a coalition of organisations and individuals united against bullying and committed to tackling all forms of bullying between children and young people. The Anti-Bullying Alliance coordinate Anti-Bullying Week each November and support schools and the wider children's workforce to challenge bullying behaviour throughout the year. To find out more about the Anti-Bullying Alliance free School and College Network and to access online training and a wealth of resources visit www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk