
B1.9 active transport
Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class
Starter: what would happen to the particles thinking about diffusions
Main: introduce active transport, define active transport. show where it works in plants and animal cells
complete differentiated literacy activity
Extension task
Plenary: mark work, tweet one thing they have learnt today

B1 - cell structure and transport
complete lessons covering kerboodle B1.
the world of the microscope
animal and plant cells
eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
specialised animal cells
specialised plant cells
osmosis in plants
active transport
specialised exchange surfaces
Including required practicals
Lots of differentiation in lessons

B2 - cell division revision foundation
Revision powerpoint with booklet
for foundation students
Booklet contains activities and information for students to complete

B2.1 Cell division
Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class
Starter: match up the key words to the defintions
Main: discuss key words and then think pair share, how do we go from a single cell to an embryo to who we are today
Research mitosis, move around the room and find out about the steps
Complete literacy question task to reinforce learning for the day
Plenary: go through answers to the worksheet and tweet the most important thing they have learnt today

B2.3 stem cells
aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class - worksheet from tes
What is a stem cell. Turn the picture into words – looking for key words, undifferentiated, differentiated
Main –
Watch a video, explaining what stem cells are and what they can be used for
Research task, differentiated criteria to find out about stem cells use p.30-31 in kerboodle text books, ipads
extension: worksheet with questions
Peer assess each others work, which level do they think their partner has achieved, using the success criteria

B2.2 Growth and division
Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class
Could do the practical - but where it falls with teaching my class this im unable to, task to use the method instead
Starter: Students discuss how cells change through the life time of a human
Go through what happens at each stage in life, students then write their own description in their books of what happens at each stage
Stretch: if cells are repaired and replaced and there are stem cells how are people paralysed
Main –
Discuss how plants grow – key words on the board, from discussion get students to write their own definitons for these words, green pen their answers
Turn method for how to clone cauliflower into a storyboard – alternatively you can carry out the practical.
Extension questions if students finish task
Explain why a starfish is more like a plant than an animal in terms of its ability to regrow limbs

KS3 Respiratory system and gas exchange
Starter: Simple recall questions based on prior knowledge, easily changed to suit your class
Information about the respiratory system, then a labelling task, a putting in order task and questions to consolidate learning. All answers on the powerpoint.
Gas exchange information on the ppt also a drawing of how it can be taught under the visulisar, followed by questions to check understaning.
True or false

Science Careers
A document of case studies of core science careers.
All designed for a reading age of 11.
39 different science career fact files