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C1. 8 electronic structures

C1. 8 electronic structures

Aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter Activity Exam question starter – go through and green pen Main – Recap where to find the number of electrons an atom has, go through electronic structure rules. Do a few examples on the board Two worksheets – first worksheet students need to find out the number of protons, neutrons and electrons each element has, the second they need to draw the electronic structures Extension:  explain why sodium and lithium might react in a similar way Write a step by step guide for somebody to explain how you draw electronic structures Plenary Exam question plenary – spot mistakes in the electronic structures
C3.3 Ionic bonding - foundation

C3.3 Ionic bonding - foundation

Aimed at a lower ability class Starter Activity Ions recap, what charge do elements have in different groups Stretch question to think about how group 1 and 2 will interact with group 6 and 7 Main – Go through the video and answer the questions, go through answers Practice drawing ionic compounds  Extension:  explain the difference between KBr and K2O Go through the answers which are on the slides Exam question practice to move onto if have a chance Plenary 4 mark exam question – peer assess Good to show the detail they need in their answers
C3.2 atoms into ions - Foundation

C3.2 atoms into ions - Foundation

aimed at a lower ability class Starter Activity Identify the atom on the board Stretch – how do you know which atom it is Main – Recap how to find out electron/proton/neutron numbers and how to draw electron configuration. Think pair share, what can the two atoms do to have full outer shells Students explain in their books what a positive and negative ion is 3 quick questions – green pen mark Go through rules so we always know the charges of common ions Worksheet to complete – label periodic table with rules and then practice drawing ions Extension: describe and explain how ions are formed Plenary Exam question plenary – peer assess
C3.5 covalent bonding - foundation

C3.5 covalent bonding - foundation

aimed at a lower ability class Starter Activity Mark homework Main – Think pair share – spot the difference between ionic and covalent bonding. Then write down definition of covalent bonding Watch video, only watch until 2 minutes. Answer questions whilst video is going. Goo through and green pen answers after Go through the two examples on the board and show what happens Students then have a go at completing their worksheet to show covalent bonds Extension: decide if the compounds are ionic or covalent and explain how they know Plenary Plenary, fill in the gaps and go over answers
C3.4 Giant ionic structures - foundation

C3.4 Giant ionic structures - foundation

aimed at a lower ability class Starter Activity Using previous knowledge make predictions about ionic compounds Main – Go through and discuss giant ionic lattices Students move around the room to find the information sheet to find out if there prediction was correct or not and why Practical with a dissolved ionic compound to show it can conduct electricity. Make sure say that molten ionic compounds too and what a molten ionic compound is Plenary Exam question plenary
C12. treating waste water

C12. treating waste water

For low ability students. targets level 4 Starter: differentiated stater based on prior learning of the topic answers on following slide Main: think pair share: where do we get waste water from video: watch a video, try and pick out what the stages of treatment for waste water are differentiated worksheets, to explain the process of waste water treatment Extension: differentiated extension questions Plenary: copy and complete two sentences
C11 - The earths atmosphere

C11 - The earths atmosphere

4 Resources
All resources aimed at foundation students C11.1 + C11.2 combined into one lesson C11.3 greenhouse gases C11.4 global climate change C11.5 atmospheric pollutants
Separation techniques KS3

Separation techniques KS3

7 Resources
Bundle of lessons for year 8 L1 - elements compounds mixtures L2 - Dissolving L3 - Solubility L4 & 5 - filtering and evaporating L6 - Melting points L7 - Simple distillation L8 - Fractional distillation L9 - Chromatography
Paper one chemistry revision

Paper one chemistry revision

Complete paper one chemistry revision Inspired by Dr Edmunds Each section has a fact sheet to fill in, page numbers are highlighted from the foundation revision CGP booklet. Facts are based on the level 4 requirements from the kerboodle scheme of work. The booklet contains the answers to the fact sheets there are then practice questions with answers for each section