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StampScience Shop

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I have been teaching Science for 12 years now and the last 11 have been in British International Schools in Mexico and Spain. I have been an IB Diploma examiner for the last 9 years. My specialism is Biology but I currently teach Biology up to IGCSE and KS3 Science. Most of my resources are EAL/ESL focussed as the majority of my pupils do not have English as a mother tongue. I am selling resources for KS3 Science and IGCSE Biology. I continue to upload many resources for free.




I have been teaching Science for 12 years now and the last 11 have been in British International Schools in Mexico and Spain. I have been an IB Diploma examiner for the last 9 years. My specialism is Biology but I currently teach Biology up to IGCSE and KS3 Science. Most of my resources are EAL/ESL focussed as the majority of my pupils do not have English as a mother tongue. I am selling resources for KS3 Science and IGCSE Biology. I continue to upload many resources for free.
8E Homework booklet (elements)

8E Homework booklet (elements)

This is a homework booklet to be used in the unit 8E. It focusses mainly on APP skills as well as some recall questions. It does not include marks as I only give comments.
Cambridge IGCSE 0654 Science Mega Formula Revision worksheet

Cambridge IGCSE 0654 Science Mega Formula Revision worksheet

This 8 page long worksheet was made for last minute revision for IGCSE Coordinated Science for pupils to go over the formulas. They are mostly physics, but also biology for magnification and chemistry mole calculations. There is a space for them to write the formula, an example question and a space for them to do their calculations. Those highlighted grey correspond to the Exended tier of IGCSE Coordinated science 0654. Please note I did not write the questions, they have been taken/borrowed from TES contributors, BBC bitesize and other revision websites.
KS3 Energy Diagnostic Quiz AfL

KS3 Energy Diagnostic Quiz AfL

This is a quiz with 9 questions that can be used to check pupils understanding of the Energy topic. The concepts included in this quiz are - burning/combustion - fire triangle - energy types - fossil fuels - energy in food - energy changes These questions can be used one at a time as Hinge Point Questions during the lesson or at the end of topic to diagnose as a class areas that should be revised in more depth. Each question is designed to probe a specific common misunderstanding/misconception. Answers are in the notes section of the PowerPoint. An answer sheet is provided
2017-2018 0653 Cambridge IGCSE Combined Sciences Revision Guide

2017-2018 0653 Cambridge IGCSE Combined Sciences Revision Guide

This revision guide is 71 pages long. It is composed of closed questions that cover every point of the 2017-2018 0653 syllabus for all three sciences. Pupils complete the revision guide by answering all the questions which gives them a summary of the whole course in one book. This is an essential revision tool and really helps pupils to structure their revision time and should improve their grades. It could even be used during the teaching of content instead of a notebook. This is the version for 2017-2018 exams in June and November. 2019 version to follow. The price of this resource is set high because you can make as many copies as you like for the pupils in your classes. This is considerably cheaper than buying the required number of copies of any revision guide book. Please contact me if you notice any mistakes and I will edit the resource and upload a new version. PLEASE NOTE: - THIS REVISION GUIDE DOES NOT INCLUDE ANSWERS/SOLUTIONS - DOUBLE CHECK YOU ARE DOWNLOADING THE RIGHT YEAR (WHEN YOUR PUPILS WILL SIT THE IGCSEs)
Correlation, causation, graph drawing and interpretation lessons

Correlation, causation, graph drawing and interpretation lessons

I made this lesson to help my pupils improve their graph drawing and interpretation skills. It also helps them to understand the difference between correlation and causation. The lesson is based around an individual investigation into the correlation between two factors with other group/pair activities to assimilate the vocabulary. Key words: pattern, relationship, trend, scatter graph, prediction, correlation, positive correlation, negative correlation, no correlation, causation, increase (v), decrease (v), axis/axes, title, units, line of best fit, anomalous, cause (v), variables (v) indicates a verb
Pupil self evaluation sheet AF1

Pupil self evaluation sheet AF1

This is a sheet I get pupils to fill in after a topic that involves developing and evaluating a project. This one is for a leaflet they produced about the school but could be easily changed for any project.
Water use spreadsheet

Water use spreadsheet

This is a spreadsheet where pupils calculate their water use in one day and then compare it to other countries. They count the number of times they shower, wash their hands etc and put the info in the table. A pie chart is drawn and there are further questions about usage in other countries.
Kingdoms Viruses Cells Venn Diagram Activity

Kingdoms Viruses Cells Venn Diagram Activity

This is a sheet with example cell diagrams from all of the 5 kingdoms as well as a virus diagram. Pupils have to complete examples from each kingdom and produce a Venn Diagram to show what the cells/kingdoms and viruses have in common (or not?!).
2019 0610 Cambridge IGCSE Biology Revision Guide

2019 0610 Cambridge IGCSE Biology Revision Guide

This revision guide is 92 pages long. It is composed of closed questions that cover every point of the 2019 0610 Biology syllabus. Pupils complete the revision guide by answering all the questions which gives them a summary of the whole course in one book. This is an essential revision tool and really helps pupils to structure their revision time and should improve their grades. It could even be used during the teaching of content instead of a notebook. This is the version for 2019 exams in June and November. 2020 version to follow. The price of this resource is set high because you can make as many copies as you like for the pupils in your classes. This is considerably cheaper than buying the required number of copies of any revision guide book. Please contact me if you notice any mistakes and I will edit the resource and upload a new version PLEASE NOTE: THIS REVISION GUIDE DOES NOT INCLUDE ANSWERS/SOLUTIONS DOUBLE CHECK YOU ARE DOWNLOADING THE RIGHT YEAR (WHEN YOUR PUPILS WILL SIT THE IGCSEs)
Respiration and Breathing Unit Plan (KS3)

Respiration and Breathing Unit Plan (KS3)

Here you have my planning document for a KS3 Respiration and Breathing Unit. The cover page is a unit outline includes objectives for skills and content, cross curricular, language, ICT, differentiation, collaborative and independent learning. The following pages are lesson outlines with objectives, suggested activities including experiments and homework. They also include ideas for assessment opportunities. Please note worksheets are not included. This is a transition document as I have included the new National Curriculum objectives but assessment is still outlined using the APP criteria.
Heart dissection pupil worksheet

Heart dissection pupil worksheet

I lead through a heart dissection with pupils dissecting hearts in pairs. They have to take measurements and compare left/right sides and arteries/veins filling in this worksheet. This leads them to write conclusions about the differences between left/right sides and arteries and veins.
Metals and Non-metals research activity

Metals and Non-metals research activity

In this ICT lab based lesson pupils search for information about metals and non-metals of their choice. Website links are provided. They then use the information to produce a summary table about the differences.
Forces unit plan (KS3)

Forces unit plan (KS3)

Here you have my planning document for a KS3 Forces Unit, this is an introductory unit that covers the basics. The cover page is a unit outline includes objectives for skills and content, cross curricular, language, ICT, differentiation, collaborative and independent learning. The following pages are lesson outlines with objectives, suggested activities including experiments and homework. They also include ideas for assessment opportunities. Please note worksheets are not included. This is a transition document as I have included the new National Curriculum objectives but assessment is still outlined using the APP criteria.
0610 or 0970 Biology Paper 5 and 6 Revision Guide

0610 or 0970 Biology Paper 5 and 6 Revision Guide

This is a 34 page revision guide that pupils can fill in to practise all of the skills needed for either the Paper 5 or Paper 6 Cambridge IGCSE Biology exam. There are a variety of activities: gap fill, matching, diagram drawing, graph drawing and interpretation etc. Sections in this booklet: Equipment a. Microscope b. Other equipment c. Chemicals Skills a. Units b. Reading scales c. Rounding d. Biological drawings (and magnification calculations) e. Calculations f. Results tables g. Graphs h. Experiment methods i. Variables and Controls Experiments from the syllabus (a list of those experiments in the syllabus)
8.2 Internet log search sheet

8.2 Internet log search sheet

This is a worksheet to be completed by pupils when they are searching the internet during the 8.2 topic. They have to search using different search engines and complete information for any relevant website they click on (includes bias, reliability, fact or opinion). This sheet should show progression as they improve during the unit.
7.2 PowerPoint planning sheet

7.2 PowerPoint planning sheet

This is a simple worksheet that I gave to my Year 7s to help them to plan a PowerPoint. They have to complete with the audience, purpose and write what content to include on each slide. I used this in the first lesson of my rugby world cup unit where pupils will adopt an unfamiliar country and team and produce a powerpoint to inform the rest of the class about the country.
Introduction to the lab UNIT PLAN 7G

Introduction to the lab UNIT PLAN 7G

This is a plan of approximately 20 lessons to serve as an introduction to the lab and how to write Scientific reports for year 7, it incorporates 7G. I chose the theme of water, and have included practicals, demonstrations, videos, homeworks and APP links. Some worksheets etc. are not uploaded here but can be sourced through TES, or email me and I can send them to you. I would appreciate comments as I have yet to teach this. The powerpoint for the unit will be uploaded when completed.
Cambridge IGCSE Biology 0610 Revision Pack Units 1-12

Cambridge IGCSE Biology 0610 Revision Pack Units 1-12

This is a 29 page booklet that provides pupils with word lists for each of the first 12 Biology units, there is also a page left for them to do their own summary of the unit with key diagrams of organs/systems. I have identified past paper questions for each unit but due to copyright from Cambridge I cannot include them, though I have named them in the booklet e.g. March 2016 Paper 43 Q3. The topics in this booket are: 1. Characteristics and classification of living organisms 2. Organisation of the organism 3. Movement in and out of cells 4. Biological molecules 5. Enzymes 6. Plant nutrition 7. Human nutrition 8. Transport in plants 9. Transport in animals 10. Diseases and immunity 11. Gas exchange in humans 12. Respiration