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Affordable Outstanding History and Politics Lessons

Average Rating4.71
(based on 56 reviews)

15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!




15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!
Superpower Relations Cold War Question Guide

Superpower Relations Cold War Question Guide

This word document is a how to guide on how to answer each of the three question stems for Edexcel GCSE Paper 2 option P4 Superpower Relations in the Cold War It includes breakdowns of how to answer the questions, top tips, past paper examples and a model answer of each type of question. It is to glue into pupil books.
Superpower Relations: Topic 3: The End of the Cold War

Superpower Relations: Topic 3: The End of the Cold War

5 Resources
Edexcel GCSE Superpower RElations bundle Key Topic 3 The End of the Cold War Includes a load of useful resources Including: Key word glossaries for all topics Exam questions and a variety of model answers/ tasks e.g. find and fix, gap fills, planning etc Retrieval tasks e.g. highlighter heads- who is who from Topic 1 and 2 Lesson 1 and 2 DEtente, SALT and Helsinki Accords and Why did Detente fail?/ Failure of SALT 2 Lesson 3 The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Lesson 4 Reagan and the Second Cold War including Reagan Doctrine and the Star Wars programme Lesson 5 Gorbachev’s New Thinking and the collapse of Soviet Control in E. Europe and End of the Cold War Lesson 6 The Fall of the Soviet Union/ USSR Total of lessons individually £24
Nazi policies to reduce unemployment

Nazi policies to reduce unemployment

Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany GCSE Complete lesson on Nazi Policies to reduce unemployment and increase the standard of living. Includes the RAD, Beauty of Labour etc and some analysis of the impact including Interpretations on the Standard of Living. Page references on worksheet are for the Pearson Edexcel textbooks however all info is included on slides so these could be printed for the groups if your school does not have access to these textbooks.
Women in Nazi Germany

Women in Nazi Germany

Edexcel GCSE lesson for Key Topic 4: Nazi policies towards Women. This lesson includes lots of information about Nazi policies towards women including enough detail to easily reach grade 9 level- can be amended for lower ability learners e.g. just by telling them to only look for 4-5 policies on the sheet to use in their answers. Also includes a whole section 3a-3d exam questions on women to practice skills and a part modelled “how useful” are these sources question for students to emulate for the next source and some sentence starters to help them to deal with interpretations e.g. “Interpretation 1 argues” In my experience students really struggle with these questions and don’t always know how to handle them and need plenty of modelling.
The Yorkshire Rebellion 1489

The Yorkshire Rebellion 1489

OCR Tudors Rebellion and Disorder/ Tudor Rebellions Thematic ALevel Course This lesson covers the Yorkshire Rebellion of 1489. I teach the rebellions initially thematically with attention to the themes as we go through and then I cover the themes discretely at the end. This lesson includes all notes and materials needed for the Yorkshire rebellion 1489 including an analysis of the threat posed Note: Picture files (PNG) are for illustration only. Your downloaded folder will contain fully editable documents in powerpoint and word.
The Cornish Rebellion 1497

The Cornish Rebellion 1497

OCR Tudor Rebellions ALevel Can be used for any spec and for an Alevel course on the Tudors/ Wars of the Roses- Henry VII government and foreign policy This is a detailed and comprehensive lesson which is fully resourced on the Cornish rebellion of 1497 Includes all resources, a detailed powerpoint and several activities as well as a retrieval quiz on the previous rebellions (I teach Warbeck after Cornish) I hope it is useful for you! Please note: PNG files are images for illustration only. The file contains fully adaptable Word documents and a powerpoint so please download entire folder and check it carefully.
Big Fat Medicine Quiz

Big Fat Medicine Quiz

Revision quiz for medicine through time. Has several rounds including Who is Who? Significant individuals and their breakthroughs, key words, key factors for change, key inventions etc. Can be set for homework in stages or as a beast and later self/ peer marked in class. Students have always enjoyed this quiz and found it helpful. Note only goes up to and including Industrial era- was struggling to fit it all on!
The Cold War Arms Race

The Cold War Arms Race

Edexcel GCSE (Can be used by other boards) lesson on the Arms Race Key Topic 1: Lesson 5 the Arms Race and escalating tension between East and West This one follows my lesson on the First Berlin Crisis 1948 Causes and consequences of the Arms Race between USA and USSR- also includes leadership changes from Stalin-Khrushchev and Truman-Eisenhower and a brief bit of contextual info on Korea (Korea is not explicitly a part of this spec but is useful to see what is going on). Also has links to a video to demonstrate the destructive power of Hydrogen bomb compared to Atomic bomb used in Japan. Also includes a brief bit on the Geneva summit 1955 and a guided “Write a narrative account anaysing key events of Berlin Crisis” question with model answer.
Who was to blame for WWI?

Who was to blame for WWI?

Scholarship lesson based on Historiography of the Causes of WWI and who/ what caused the war- debunking the old fashioned view that Germany was to blame. Complete lesson with all resources including Historian’s views and an SEN version.
Russian Revolutions Revision

Russian Revolutions Revision

Tired of mixing up revolutions? This resource is designed to support ALevel/ GCSE students in differentiating between the 3 revolutions in Russia. It is a colour code match up of information for the 1905, Feb 1917 and Oct 1917 revolutions. Includes: Long term causes, short term causes/ sparks, aims, leadership and support, events, impact on government etc. Also includes answers.
The Russo Japanese War

The Russo Japanese War

OCR Russia 1894-1941 Lesson the Russo-Japanese War Looking at Causes, Reasons for Defeat and Impact on Nicholas, part of the mini unit of work: Causes of 1905 Revolution. Ideally you have access to the chapter from “A People’s Tragedy” Orlando Figes Chaper “First Blood” which I cannot include for Copyright reasons but if not, you can still use the worksheet in combination with the slides or the textbook for the students to do Causes, Reasons for defeat and consequences.
The Fall of the USSR / Soviet Union

The Fall of the USSR / Soviet Union

Edexcel GCSE Superpower RElations in the Cold War Key Topic 3:The End of the Cold War Lesson 6 The Fall of the Soviet Union/ USSR This is my final lesson in the Cold War Topic This one covers the end of the Cold War/ fall of Soviet Union and also includes lots of exam question prep/ retrieval practice and all key words sheets/ answers for Key Topics 1 and 2. All resources included does not require textbook or any additional resources.
Revolt of the Northern Earls 1569

Revolt of the Northern Earls 1569

ALevel lesson (2 hours long) on the Revolt of the Northern Earls 1569 Designed for OCR Tudors Rebellion and Disorder course- looks at the rebellion according to the themes- causes, nature, threat, reasons for defeat and impact. Very detailed and comprehensive resources, all information included- no textbook needed. Also includes analysis and evaluation tasks and critical thinking.
The Tudors Scheme of Work

The Tudors Scheme of Work

KS3 Scheme of Work on the Tudors but very challenging with lots of detail so could be used for KS4 and even adapted for KS5. Includes the following lessons: 0. Glossary of key terms Henry VII and the legacy of Wars of the Roses Henry’s problems and solutions Henry VIII Problems as he ascended the throne Henry VIII Wives- a revisionist view looking at his wives achievements, strengths and influence Dissolution of the monasteries Interpretations of Henry VIII- Renaissance Prince or Terrible Tyrant? Black Tudors- examining African people’s lives in Tudor England and deconstructing misconceptions Edward VI Reign and legacy Mary I- Does she deserve her bloody reputation? Elizabeth I and her problems Elizabeth I and the issue of marriage- Tudor Take Me Out Religious Rollercoaster lesson
Anglo Saxons and Normans

Anglo Saxons and Normans

Lesson 1 -Introduction to Anglo Saxons and Normans in England- 1060-1087 For Edexcel specification GCSE but can be used for any exam board Includes: detailed topic check list/ learning journey Key vocabulary Activity looking at artefacts and what can be learned from them Card sort activity to introduce Anglo Saxon society and the different key words thegn etc. Detailed powerpoint. Variety of tasks
Intro to Russia in 1894

Intro to Russia in 1894

This is my first double lesson for ALevel Russia (OCR) course 1894-1941 I use pages from Oxley/ Corin and Fiehn or Access to History by Lynch but students can do their own research with ipads or use the slides also if you do not have access to any of these textbooks to find the information. There is a lot of info in here from various sources so does not matter if you do not have the textbooks. Looking at an intro to Russia in 1894 including the context of Alexander II and III reforms and autocratic repression and how this legacy would cause Nicholas II problems from the outset. Also examines the issues/ challenges facing Nicholas as he ascends the throne in 1894. Students complete a “health report” on RUssia and then analyse Nicholas’ main problems ready for the next lesson (Opposition to Nicholas’ rule). Includes make yyour own card sort activity and some analytical thinking about the positive and negative impact of reform and beginning indurstrialisation. Will actually take 3 hours plus to get through it all - there is a lot! I am including my course guide which took hours in this lesson has topic check lists, key people, key vocab etc which is needed for students as well as tips for good essays and exam paper past questions. This is why this is a bit more expensive than my usual lessons- will get your ALevel Russia students off to a flying start. This is also part of my bundle of resources for ALevel Russia if you want to look at that rather than buying individual lessons.
History of USA

History of USA

This lesson was designed as an introduction to US Politics but can also be used as a Historical overview for studying the History of the USA in depth- can be used as a first lesson to build a big picture narrative of the USA and why it remains so divided today. Designed to last a full 2 hour lesson.
Native Americans Bundle Worksheets and Resources

Native Americans Bundle Worksheets and Resources

Includes a huge range of worksheets for teaching the Plains Natives and the impact of white settlement on their culture. I have also included the lessons but these are mainly smart notebook files so they may not work for you if you do not have the software to open therefore I am only charging for the worksheets as these all did take a long time to make! Includes glossary of key terms, regions of America info for the various tribes, Native culture and religion, tipis, reasons for migration and contact, impact of white settlement and westward expansion and cultural erosion and genocide. This is NOT a KS4 set of lessons- they are for KS3.
Edward VI Life and Legacy

Edward VI Life and Legacy

This lesson is designed for KS3 but can also be used for Primary school or as an intro for KS4. This lesson is about Edward VI reign and impact of his short reign focused mainly on his reformation of the Church of England. This is part of my unit of work on the Tudors so if you want a bargain download the whole unit instead which has over 8 hours of learning for just £5. Suitable for non-specialists.
Retrieval Practice Revision Techniques Bumper Pack

Retrieval Practice Revision Techniques Bumper Pack

This powerpoint has a bunch of go to templates which you can amend for your subject- I have used History examples throughout for Edexcel GCSE History 9-1 Medicine through time but obviously it can be used for any topics/ subjects/ key stages. A great way to get students to revisit prior learning with little effort from you and once they’re made- they’re made! Includes: Retrieval grid Post it notes has it stuck? Two truths and a lie- can you spot the lie? Thinking quilts- match to topics/ time periods Highligher heads Can easily be adapted to use in English Lit, Geography, Business, Ethics, Science, Music etc :)