My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
O-UE / U-UE Stem change verbs worksheet (Conjugation and questions)
Part 1: For each stem change infinitive, write the correct conjugation with the appropriate stem change, where needed.
*Infinitives included in part 1 : Almorzar, Mostrar, Volver, Devolver, Dormir, Morir (6 total)
*A structured template is provided to write all 6 conjugations.
*A table with present tense -ar, -er, -ir verb endings is included for reference.
Almorzar: to have lunch / almOrzar (stem change the vowel in CAPS)
Subject + Stem change + Conjugation
Yo + O-UE + ______________
Tú +O-UE + ______________
Él / Ella / Ud.+ O-UE + ______________
Nosotros + xxxx + ______________
Vosotros + xxxx + ______________
Ellos / Ellas / Uds.+ O-UE + ______________
Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in Spanish. (6 total)
*Students will answer 1 personal question with the 6 verbs from part 1.
*Note: All questions are in the tú conjugation.
*A structured template is provided for student answers.
¿Dónde almuerzas tú?
Template for answer: Subject + Conjugation of Almorzar + Rest
Part 3: U-UE Stem change verb
*Students will write all 6 conjugations of Jugar in a template provided
Part 4: Students will answer 3 personal questions with Jugar.
Answer key is included on pages 4-6 for parts 1 and 3 only. For parts 2 and 4, student answers will vary.
Tener que infinitive fill in and translation practice
For each sentence, write the correct conjugation of Tener in the first blank and an infinitive: -ar, -er, -ir in the second blank using the word bank. Then, translate the sentence into English.
*Students will complete and translate a total of 18 sentences.
*There are 6 sets with 3 sentences each.
*The English translation of each infinitive is included in the word bank.
*Conjugations of Tener are also included for reference.
Note: All sentences are structured in the same way, as shown in the example below. Only the subjects will vary for each set.
Yo ____________ (tener) que ___________________. (infinitive ending in -ar)
Translation: ___________________________________________________________________.
Yo ___________ (tener) que ___________________. (infinitive ending in -er)
Translation: ___________________________________________________________________.
Yo _____________ (tener) que ___________________. (infinitive ending in -ir)
Translation: ___________________________________________________________________.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Length: 3 pages
Regular preterit super easy conjugation practice
Part 1: For each subject, write an X under the appropriate preterit conjugation.
*Verbs included: hablar, comer, vivir (20 subjects total)
Part 2: Answer in a complete sentence in Spanish. (3 personal questions with hablar, comer, and escribir)
Part 3: Clue words matching: Write the correct letter of the English translation of each clue word. (8 total)
Answer key is included on pages 3-4.This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Tener que infinitive sentences with question words
For each subject (person) and infinitive: (-ar, -er, -ir), write a sentence using Tener + que + infinitive. At the end of the sentence, add 2-3 words to expand on the sentence based on the question word in the last column. Be sure that your sentences make sense. Write your sentences in the template provided. No collaboration or on-line translators.
*Students will write a total of 10 sentences
*The English translation of the infinitive and the question word is included.
*A table with conjugations of Tener is included for reference.
Yo / hablar (hablar: to speak)
Template: Subject _____ + Conjugation of Tener _____ + que _____ + Infinitive + ¿Con quién?: With whom________
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Preterit clue words fast practice
For each clue word, write an X under the English translation. (20 total)
Answer key is included on pages 3-4.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Mi día en la clase: Personal questions (Present tense)
Answer each question in a complete sentence using vocabulary related to school, as needed. Use the word bank below, as needed, or come up with your own answers. (20 questions total)
Word bank:
pedir (e-i) ayuda: to ask for help / explicar la lección: to explain the lesson / prestar atención: to pay attention / las tijeras: scissors / el carnet de identidad: ID card / contestar: to answer / hacer un expermiento: to do an experiment / hacer: to do, to make (Yo: hago ) / poner: to put (Yo: pongo) / dar: to give (Yo: doy) / usar: to use / el informe: report / sacar una buena nota: to get a good grade / discutir: to discuss / los teléfonos celulares: cell phones / enseñar: to teach
¿Qué materiales escolares tienes tú en tu (your) mochila? (Give 3)
¿Qué escribes tú en la clase ciencias después de hacer un experimento?
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 1A of Realidades 2.
*If desired, questions can also be assigned as speaking practice.
Length: 3 pages
Regular preterit verbs translation matching and conjugation practice
-AR verbs
Part 1: Write the correct letter of translation of each conjugation. (10 total)
j. I spoke / c. They walked
_____ 1. Yo hablé
Part 2: Write the correct -AR preterit endings using part 1. (A table is provided to write the endings)
Part 3: Write the correct preterit conjugations for each infinitive.
*Students will conjugate 2 infinitives for all 6 persons in the preterit.
Page 1: -AR verbs / Page 2: -ER verbs / Page 3: IR verbs
*All pages are structured the same as the sample above.
Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. It can also be used when students are first being introduced to the preterit tense.
Ser and singular adjectives practice
For each answer, write the conjugation of Ser (to be) in the first blank and the opposite adjective in Spanish in the second blank, using the word bank below. Be sure that your adjective agrees with your gender (masculine / feminine)
(10 total)
Word bank: trabajador: hard working / alto (a): tall
¿Eres tú bajo(a)?
No, al contrario, Yo ____________ (ser) ___________________. (opposite adjective)
Note: All questions are structured the same as the example above. Only the Yo conjugation of Ser will be used in all answers.
*The word bank includes the English translation of each adjective.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
It can also be used with chapter 1B of Realidades 1. Additionally, practice can be done orally, as well.
Go verbs yes no questions practice with conjugations
Verbs included: Hacer, Salir, Poner, Caer, Traer, Decir, Oir, Venir, Tener (9 total)
Part 1: For each infinitive, answer the first question with a yes (Sí) and the second question with a No (No) in a complete sentence. Write your answers in the template provided. Note: The Yo conjugation for each infinitive must end in -go.
*There are 18 questions total (2 questions with each of the 9 aforementioned verbs). For each verb, one question will be answered with a yes (Sí) and one with a no.
*A structured template is provided to write the answers.
¿Haces tú la tarea?
Template: Sí ______ + Yo + Conjugation of hacer ______ + Rest _______
¿Haces tú los quehaceres?
Template: No _____ + Yo + no ______ + Conjugation of hacer ______ + Rest _______
Part 2: Write the present tense conjugations for each infinitive. Note: The Yo conjugation must end in -GO. Make stem and spelling changes, where needed.
*Students will conjugate each of 9 -GO verbs for all six persons. A table is provided to write the conjugations.
Answer key is included on pages 7-12. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Saber v Conocer easy practice
*There are 6 sets with 4 sentence each. (24 total)
*In each set, there will be two sentences with Saber and two with Conocer.
*The subjects in each set will be the same or similar.
*A table with conjugations of Saber and Conocer is included for reference.
Complete each set of sentences with the following guidelines:
For the first two sentences, write the conjugation of Saber and Conocer.
For the last two sentences, decide if the sentence requires Saber or Conocer, and write the correct conjugation.
Set 1
Yo ____________ que mañana hay un examen en la clase de inglés. (saber)
Yo _________________ a Carlos y a Marta. (conocer)
Yo ____________ nadar.
Yo _______________ bien el centro de mi ciudad.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Present tense original sentence practice with question words (Regular verbs)
*Guidelines for each verb type (-ar, -er, -ir)
For each infinitive, write the present tense conjugation. Then, for each question word add 2-3 words to create an original sentence. Be sure that your sentence makes sense. No translators or unauthorized resources.
*For each verb type (-ar, -er, -ir), students will write 6 sentences each (18 total).
*A structured template is provided for student answers.
*The English translation of each infinitive and the question words is included.
*Present tense -ar, -er, -ir verb endings are included for reference.
Pages 1-2 (-AR verbs): Hablar, Tocar, Estudiar, Comprar, Regresar, Caminar
Pages 3-4 (-ER verbs): Comer, Aprender, Leer, Vender, Correr, Beber
Pages 5-6 (-IR verbs): Vivir, Escribir, Recibir, Discutir, Compartir, Partir
Hablar: to speak
Template: Subject + Conjugation of Hablar + +¿Con quién?: With whom + De qué?: About what
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Go verbs questions answers matching practice
Verbs included: Hacer, Salir, Poner, Caer, Traer, Oir, Decir, Tener, Venir (9 total)
Write the correct letter of the conjugated verb for the question and the answer.
*For each verb, there are 4 questions.
Hacer: to do, to make
a. hacen / hacen
b. hacéis / hacemos
c. hace / hace
d. haces / hago
______ 1. ¿Qué _______________ tú? Yo _________________ mi tarea.
______ 2. ¿Qué _______________ Marcos? Él _______________ los quehaceres.
______ 3. ¿Qué _______________ vosotros? Nosotros ___________________ la cama.
______ 4. ¿Qué ________________ los estudiantes? Ellos ________________ el proyecto.
Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Ir, Ver, Dar, Hacer present and preterit tenses fill in practice
Guidelines for each verb
Complete each sentence with the present tense conjugation in the first blank and the preterit tense conjugation in the second blank.
*There are 12 sentences total for each verb (6 present tense and 6 preterit tense)
Answer in a complete sentence in Spanish in the tense of the question (present / preterit).
*For each verb, students will answer 2 personal questions.
Ir: to go
Yo _____________ al parque. Ayer yo _____________ al cine.
Tú _____________ a la escuela. La semana pasada tú ______________ al concierto.
Marcos _____________ al café hoy. Anoche él _____________ al restaurante.
Answer in a complete sentence in Spanish in the tense of the question (present / preterit).
¿Qué vas a hacer tú hoy? (Answer with Ir + a + infinitive)
Page 1: Ir / Page 2: Ver / Page 3: Dar / Page 4: Hacer
Note: A table with present and preterit conjugations of each verb is included for reference.
Answer key is included on pages 5-8 for the conjugations only. For personal questions, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Regular preterit verbs yes no questions speaking practice
Answer each question orally with a sí (yes) or a no (no) in a complete sentence using the preterit tense.
*For each verb type (-ar, -er, -ir), there are 10 questions (30 total)
*A table with -ar, -er, -ir preterit endings is included for reference.
*The English translation of each infinitive used in every question is listed next to each question.
Page 1: -Ar verbs / Page 2: -Er verbs / Page 3: -Ir verbs
Formula for answering yes / no questions
Sí, yo + conjugation of verb+ Rest
No, yo, no + conjugation of verb + Rest
¿Hablaste tú con tu amigo ayer? (hablar: to speak)
¿Compró él una bicicleta ayer? (comprar: to buy)
¿Trabajó ella en la oficina la semana pasada? (trabajar: to work)
¿Ayudó Ud. en casa ayer? (ayudar: to help)
This practice can be used when students are first learning the preterit.
Ser with opposite adjectives questions practice
Answer each question in a complete sentence with the conjugation of Ser (to be) and the opposite adjective from the word bank. Be sure that your adjective agrees with your gender (masculine / feminine). (10 questions total)
*All questions are in the tú conjugation.
*The word bank includes the English translation of the opposite adjective.
Word bank:
sociable: sociable / trabajador: hard working / paciente: patient
¿Eres tú perezoso(a)?
Template for answer: No + Yo + Conjugation of Ser + Opposite adjective
¿Eres tú impaciente?
Template for answer: No + Yo + Conjugation of Ser + Opposite adjective
Answer key is included on pages 3-4.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. Students can also do the practice orally. Additionally, this practice can be used with chapter 1B of Realidades 1.
Las cualidades de un buen estudiante fill in practice (Present tense)
Complete each sentence using the correct conjugation from the word bank. (15 sentences total)
Word bank: pido ( ask for) / llego (arrive) / llevo (get along) / respeto (respect) / colaboro (collaborate) / presto (pay) / entrego (hand in) / saco (get) / hago (do) / estudio (study) / traigo (bring) / cuido (take care) / repaso (review) / porto (behave) / escribe (write)
Yo ______________________ a la escuela a tiempo cada día.
Yo ______________________ los apuntes (notes) en mi cuaderno o mi computadora.
Yo siempre (always) ______________________ a mis profesores.
Yo ______________________ atención en la clase.
Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 1A of Realidades 2.
Regular preterit short intro packet
For each infinitive type (-AR, -ER, -IR), students will conjugate 3 verbs for all 6 persons and answers 3 personal questions.
*A template is provided to write the conjugations.
Preterit -AR, -ER, -IR verb endings are also included.
Verbs included:
Page 1: -AR verbs (hablar, comprar, estudiar)
Page 2: -ER verbs (comer, aprender, volver)
Page 3: -IR verbs (vivir, escribir, recibir)
Answer key is included on pages 4-6 for the conjugations only. For the personal questions, student answers will vary.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Ser and adjectives translation practice (Singular forms)
Translate each sentence into Spanish using the correct conjugation of Ser (to be) and the correct form of the adjective (masculine / feminine). Use the word bank below.
*16 sentences total with 16 different adjectives.
*The word bank includes the English translation of the adjective.
*A structured template is provided for student answers.
I am studious (m). * m: masculine
Template: Subject _____ + Conjugation of Ser _____ + Adjective ______
Answer key is included on pages 4-6.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans. It can also be used with chapter 1B of Realidades 1.
Preterit and present tense review practice
For each infinitive, write the preterit and present tense conjugations.
For -AR, -ER, -IR infinitives, students will conjugate 2 infinitives in the preterit and present tenses. (6 total)
Infinitives included:
-AR: hablar / pensar
-ER: comer / volver
-IR: vivir / pedir
*A table with present tense -ar, -er, -ir verb endings is included.
Irregular verbs
Complete each table with the appropriate preterit and present tense conjugations using the word bank.
Verbs included: Ser, Estar, Dar, Ir, Ver, Hacer
Answer key is included on pages 7-12.
This practice can be used when students are first learning the preterit. It can be used for classwork, homework, note taking, or study guide.
Regular preterit verbs: Practice with Yes / No questions
Answer each question with a sí (yes) and a no (no) in a complete sentence using the preterit tense in the template provided.
*For each verb type (-ar, -er, -ir), there are 10 questions (30 total)
*A structured template is provided for student answers.
*Preterit -ar, -er, -ir verb endings are included for reference.
¿Hablaste tú con tu amigo ayer? (hablar: to speak)
Template for Sí:Sí + Yo + conjugated verb + Rest
Template for No: No, yo + no + conjugated verb + Rest
Pages 1-3: -AR verbs / Pages 4-6: -ER verbs / Pages 7-9: -IR verbs
Answer key is included on pages 10-18. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.