My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
This is a practice on gustar type verbs. For every sentence, write the correct letter of the gustar type verb to complete each sentence.
There are 20 sentences total (2 for each gustar type verb)
Verbs included: gustar, encantar, aburrir, importar, quedar, fascinar, preocupar, doler, faltar, molestar (10 total)
Answer key is included.
____ 1. A mí me _________ la pizza.
a. gusta b. gustan
____ 2. A ti no te _________ los libros de ciencia ficción.
a. gusta b. gustan
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, or quiz.
Pages 1-2 are the practice and pages 3-4 are the answer key.
Practice: Jugar with sports and activities (present tense)
Part 1: Write the present tense conjugations of jugar.
Part 2: Complete each sentence with the correct conjugation of jugar in the first blank and an appropriate sport in the second blank, using the word bank provided. (9 total)
Example: béisbol / vóleibol
En el gimnasio yo ________________ al __________________.
En el campo tú _______________ al _____________________.
Note: En el campo is used several times and the name of the sport can vary in the second blank.
Part 3: Jugar and activities: Complete each sentence with the correct conjugation of jugar in the first blank and an appropriate activity in the second blank, using the word bank provided. (5 total)
juguetes / ajedrez
En el club de la escuela yo ________________ al _____________________.
Answer key is included (page 2).
Mi día: Preterit paragraph on school day (Regular verbs)
A short paragraph on school day in the preterite tense with regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs.
Part 1: Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verb in the preterite tense.
Part 2: Answer 6 comprehension questions in the preterit about the paragraph.
Answer key is included on page 3.
Direct object pronouns matching practice (Complementos de objetos directos)
Write the correct letter of the re-written sentence with the direct object pronoun. (18 sentences total)
o. Ellos los escriben. m. Yo lo compro.
____ 1. Yo compro un coche.
____ 4. Sara y Rogelio escriben los emails.
Answer key is included on page 2.
A practice worksheet / quiz on stem change verbs in the present tense
Verbs included: devolver, volver, jugar, preferir, empezar, comenzar, pensar, entender, almorzar, preferir, tener, servir, repetir, pedir, jugar, querer
Part 1: Conjugate the 16 verbs making stem changes as needed. (Stem changes are listed next to each infinitive) Ex: Almorzar / o-ue/ Carlos _______________
Part 2: Answer the 16 personal questions in the present tense using complete sentences. There is one question for each of the 16 aforementioned verbs.
Classroom objects: Questions with Estar prepositions
Part 1: Matching (Write the correct letter of the translation for each preposition)
*10 total
g. next to / j. between
_____ 1. Entre
_____ 2. Al lado de
Part 2: Answer each question using the clue in parenthesis. Write your answers in the template provided. Hint: The subject is italicized.
11 questions total
¿Dónde está el reloj? (entre los carteles)
Template: Subject + Conjugation of Estar + Location + Rest
Answer key is included on pages 3-4.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
It can also be used with chapter 2B of Realidades 1.
Reading: Los clubes y los deportes después de la escuela (After school activities reading in Spanish) *Present tense
Read about the four high school students that attend San Ramos high school in the town of El Sol, Mexico. Then, answer the true and false questions for each student.
*For each student, there are 4 true and false questions.
Estudiante 1
Soy Elena y estoy en el décimo grado en mi colegio. Soy miembro del club de arte. En el club hay veinte estudiantes. Todos los miembros del club se reúnen (get together) en la sala de clase de la señora Padilla, la profesora de arte. Ella es muy simpática y sabe mucho de mezclar los colores. Ella nos enseña a dibujar y pintar. El club es cada martes a las dos de la tarde y dura (lasts) una hora.
For each statement, write C (cierto: true) or F (falso: false) based on the paragraph.
_____ 1. El club es cada día.
_____ 2. La profesora es muy simpática.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
A worksheet on the imperfect tense to practice conjugations, fill in the blanks, change the verb from the present to the imperfect tense, and answering personal questions. The personal questions can also be done as an oral activity.
Section 1: Conjugate the 7 infinitives in the imperfect tense for the following subjects: Yo, Nosotros, Ella, Vosotros, Uds.
Section 2: Conjugate the verb in the imperfect in the blank (10 total)
Section 3: Change the verb from the present tense to the imperfect tense (12 total)
Section 4: Answer the personal questions in a complete sentence (18 total)
Note: A table with -ar, -er, -ir imperfect tense endings and conjugations of Ser, Ir, and Ver is included.
Answer key is included on pages 6-9. For section 4, student answers will vary.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, or sub plans.
Ser: Personal questions practice (Spanish 1)
S: Question in Spanish / E: Translate the question in English / E: Answer the question in English / S: Answer the question in Spanish
There are 10 questions. There are 9 questions with ser and one with hay.
S. ¿Cómo eres tú? (give 3 adjectives)
E. __________________________________________________________________
E. __________________________________________________________________
S. __________________________________________________________________
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or as part of your sub plans.
Length: 3 pages
This is a four page packet to review the present and preterit tenses at the end of the year for final exam.
Note: For the preterit tense -ar, -er, -ir , -car, -gar, -zar verbs are used.
Part 1: Write the present and preterit (past) tense endings for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs
Part 2: Complete the verb chart with the missing present tense or preterit tense conjugation. (18 total)
Part 3: Answer the personal questions in the present or preterit tenses. (16 total: 13 questions in the present tense and 3 questions in the preterit tense)
Part 4: Write 3 original sentences in the present tense and 3 sentences in the preterit. Guidelines are provided.
Answer key is included for parts 1 and 2 only. For parts 3 and 4, student answers will vary.
Pages 1-4 are the practice and pages 5-6 are the answer key.
Reflexive verb personal questions (Present tense)
Answer in a complete sentence in Spanish using appropriate vocabulary as needed. No collaboration or on-line translators.
There are 10 questions total all in the tú conjugation.
A list of infinitives used for the questions and their English translations are provided. See below.
despertarse (e-ie): to wake up / lavarse: to wash / cepillarse: to brush / bañarse: to bathe / ducharse: to shower / ponerse: to put on (article of clothing) / desayunarse: to have breakfast / irse: to go off / despedirse (e-i) + de + person: to say goodbye / acostarse (o-ue): to go to bed / divertirse (e-ie): to have fun
¿A qué hora te despiertas tú por la mañana?
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, or quiz.
Students can also do this practice orally in pairs or small groups.
Length: 1 page
Complete the 10 mini conversations using the present perfect tense. Use the present tense of haber in the first blank and the past participle (ado / ido) in the second blank.
Verbs included for past participles: hablar, comer, vivir, acostarse, ir, caer, leer, abrir, romper, ver
Answer key is included
Question words with sentence practice (palabras interrogativas)
Part 1: Write the correct letter of the translation of each question word. (17 total)
o. what f. how many
_____ 1. Qué
Part 2: Find the appropriate question word in every sentence and write the corresponding element. The number of question words are indicated by the number at the end of every sentence. (14 sentences total). A template is provided for students to write their responses.
Example: Yo como en la cafetería con José (3)
Question words / Corresponding element
Quién: Yo
Dónde: En la cafetería
Con quién: Con José
Answer key is included (pages 4-6).
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, or quiz.
Questions: ¿Quién soy yo?
Answer each question in a complete sentence in Spanish using the present tense. No on-line translators.
Students will answer 21 personal information questions about themselves.
Cómo te llamas?
¿Dónde vives tú y con quién? (Answer both parts)
¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
This practice can be used as classwork, homework, added to a quiz / test, or used as part of your sub plans. Students can also do this activity orally in pairs or small groups.
Length: 2 pages
Irregular preterit verbs practice (Spanish)
12 verbs included:
I stem: hacer, venir, querer
U stem: andar, estar, poder, saber, tener, poner
J stem: traer, conducir, decir
Complete each blank with the correct conjugation. Note: The stem will be the same but the endings will be different.
For each verb, students will do short question and answers by writing in the conjugation.
Hacer / stem: hic (note: the stem for él / ella / Ud is hiz)
¿Qué ___________ tú ayer? Yo ____________ mi tarea.
¿Qué ___________ Marcos? Él ____________ la cama.
¿Qué ___________ vosotros anoche? Nosotros _____________ la torta de cumpleaños.
¿Dónde Carmen y Paula su proyecto? Ellas su proyecto en la biblioteca.
Answer key is included
Pages 1-3 are the practice and pages 4-6 are the answer key.
This practice can be used as classwork, homework, or quiz / test.
Practice: Gustar (to like / to be pleasing)
Write the correct indirect object pronoun in the first blank. In the second blank write “a” for singular nouns and infinitives or “an” for plural nouns.
There are 3 fill in the blanks for every subject (yo, tu, el, ella, Ud, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas, Uds) for a total of 30 fill in the blanks.
A table with indirect object pronouns is included for reference.
A mí ______ gust_____ la clase.
A mí ______ gust____ los libros.
A mí ______ gust_____ nadar.
Answer key is included.
Pages 1-2 are the practice and pages 3-4 are the answer key.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, or quiz.
Practice: ¿Qué clase te gusta?
Read the short descriptions about each person’s interests in school subjects. Then, complete the mini conversation by writing “gusta” in the first blank and choosing the correct school subject in the second blank using the word bank provided
School subjects included: ciencias, educación física, inglés, historia, matemáticas, arte, geografía, banda, español, música
There are 10 conversations total and answer key is included
Word bank:
música, inglés,
Marcos: escribir sobre (about) y discutir los cuentos, las novelas, los poemas
Rogelio: ¿Qué clase te gusta?
Marcos: Me ______________ la clase de ____________________
Pages 1-2 are the practice and pages 3-4 are the answer key
A worksheet with 10 fill in the blank statements with preterit and imperfect tenses. Answer key is included.
Ayer yo____________________(hablar) a mis parientes, pero de niño yo _______________(pasar) tiempo con mis amigos siempre.
Las vacaciones de navidad (Christmas vacation / holidays speaking activity)
Page 1
This speaking activity can be done when students return to school from their Christmas vacation / holidays. For the first part, students interview each other with questions on what they did over Christmas vacation using the preterit tense. (10 questions total)
For the second part, students will interview each other on what they used to do over Christmas break, as a child with similar questions as the first part, but this time in the imperfect tense. (10 questions total)
As an extension, this activity can also be done as a classwork or homework assignment by having students write out the answers to these questions.
Page 2: Questions in the preterit (from part 1) with lines for student responses
Page 3: Questions in the imperfect (from part 1) with lines for student responses.
Stem change verbs selection practice (Present tense)
For each stem change type: Complete the table with the conjugations. Then, complete the fill in the blanks by choosing and conjugating the correct verb from the word bank provided.
Stem change type and infinitives included:
E-IE: Empezar, Cerrar, Perder, Querer, Preferir, Mentir
O-UE: Almorzar, Contar, Poder, Volver, Dormir, Morir
E-I: Pedir, Servir, Repetir, Competir, Decir
U-UE: Jugar
For each stem change type, students will conjugate 3 infinitives for all persons.
Example: E-IE
Conjugate: Empezar, Querer, Preferir
Complete with the correct conjugation using the word bank provided.
Word bank: Empezar, Cerrar, Perder, Querer, Preferir, Mentir
Yo _____________ a hacer mi tarea a las tres.
Tú _____________ el bus porque no llego a tiempo.
Ud. _____________ ir a México.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip.