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I have over 30 years teaching experience and enjoy making well differentiated, challenging French and Spanish resources for all key stages. I am also the author Spanish resources for Heinneman and Nelson Thornes. Please like and share my Facebook page-French and Spanish resources by wylamuk - TES Thank you ! https://www.facebook.com/Wylamuk-French-and-Spanish-resources-234741253726893/




I have over 30 years teaching experience and enjoy making well differentiated, challenging French and Spanish resources for all key stages. I am also the author Spanish resources for Heinneman and Nelson Thornes. Please like and share my Facebook page-French and Spanish resources by wylamuk - TES Thank you ! https://www.facebook.com/Wylamuk-French-and-Spanish-resources-234741253726893/
De quoi es-tu fan? Studio 2, Rouge, Module 3, pp.56, 57

De quoi es-tu fan? Studio 2, Rouge, Module 3, pp.56, 57

8 differentiated worksheets which provide a series of tasks based on Module 3, Unit 5 of Studio 2 Rouge plus 4 answer sheets so that students can make progress and work independently by marking their own work. The tasks vary in difficulty but have been written to help students acquire key vocabulary and an understanding of regular ‘ER’ verbs in the past, present and near future tenses. There is plenty of reading practice, opportunities to speak in pairs and translation exercises from and into the target language are well scaffolded to guide students through the more challenging tasks. Written by the author of Heinemann's Mira express 1 and 2, Resources and Assessment - Grammar Sheets.
Mon Style; Studio 2, Rouge, Module 3, pp.54, 55

Mon Style; Studio 2, Rouge, Module 3, pp.54, 55

8 differentiated worksheets which provide a series of tasks based on Module 3, Unit 4 of Studio 2 Rouge plus 1 answer sheet on ppt. The tasks vary in difficulty but have been written to help students acquire key vocabulary and verbs through repetition and writing from memory. Students will be able to say what they usually wear in the week and at weekends and use adjectives of colour with precision. Using the near future tense, they will be able to say what they are going to wear and what they are going to do. The full paradigm of the verbs ‘porter’ and ‘aller’ in the present tense are practised and there are opportunities to speak, translate both ways and write free style. Written by the author of Heinemann's Mira express 1 and 2, Resources and Assessment - Grammar Sheets.
Describing the Classroom

Describing the Classroom

Practise the vocabulary of the classroom and numbers with this resource which aims to help students write a description in French of their own classroom.
Christmas in French

Christmas in French

Transfer the French words from the centre of the Christmas tree to the pictures. Play Christmas Lotto. Practise reading numbers 1-25 and recognising Christmas vocabulary on the Advent calendar. Try to guess which square the Christmas things are hidden behind. 3 lovely worksheets to practise numbers up to 60. There are 2 vocabulary grids to support the activities. Written by the author of Heinemann's Mira express 1 and 2 Resources and Assessment Grammar Sheets.
La tecnología, AQA GCSE (Foundation/Higher)

La tecnología, AQA GCSE (Foundation/Higher)

1 worksheet and 1 answer sheet based on AQA GCSE topic, La tecnología. The exercises are mainly translation tasks into and from the target language, opinions are revised and there is a sentence matching exercise. The final translation task into Spanish would be more suitable for your more able students. An answer sheet for this translation task is provided. Written by the author of Heinemann's Mira express 1 and 2, Resources and Assessment - Grammar Sheets.
Family Relationships- AQA; Theme 1 - 1.1

Family Relationships- AQA; Theme 1 - 1.1

This is a worksheet designed for higher level students. It introduces a range of more complex verbs which your students could use to describe parent/child relationships/conflict. There is a short translation exercise which requires students to guess meaning from context.
La tecnología; Mira, AQA GCSE Foundation

La tecnología; Mira, AQA GCSE Foundation

1 worksheet and 1 vocabulary grid based on Mira, AQA GCSE Foundation, La tecnología. Practise time expressions and use technology related verbs in the infinitive form and the 1st person singular of the present tense. A gentle way to begin the topic and to introduce your students to some key vocabulary and verbs. Written by the author of Heinemann's Mira express 1 and 2, Resources and Assessment - Grammar Sheets.
Studio 2, Module 2; Paris, je t'adore!

Studio 2, Module 2; Paris, je t'adore!

8 Resources
A collection of ppts. and differentiated worksheets to go with Studio 2, Module 2; Paris, je t'adore! Unité 1 - Une semaine à Paris Unité 2 - Mon album photos Unité 3 - C'était comment, les catacombes? Unité 4 - 24 heures chrono!
The Perfect Tense with 'être'. p. 34 - Studio book 2; Module 2; Paris, je t'adore!

The Perfect Tense with 'être'. p. 34 - Studio book 2; Module 2; Paris, je t'adore!

Goes with Studio book 2 but could be used with any work based on the Perfect Tense with 'être'. 1 ppt. shows how the 6 verbs, aller, rentrer, rester, arriver, sortir and partir are conjugated with 'être' in the Perfect Tense. Convert infinitives into past participles and make the past particple 'agree' with the subject pronoun. A series of attractively presented worksheets will allow your students to put their knowledge and understanding to the test. I have included a pelmanism activity and some puzzle sheets to reinforce learning. There is 1 answer ppt. which makes whole class marking clearer. 1 speaking activity for students to do in pairs. Written by the author of Heinemann's Mira express 1 and 2 Resources and Assessment Grammar Sheets.
Mon Identité; Talking about Music; Quelle musique écoutes-tu? pp.52, 53; Studio book 2; Module 3

Mon Identité; Talking about Music; Quelle musique écoutes-tu? pp.52, 53; Studio book 2; Module 3

Goes with Studio book 2; Module 3, but could be used with any work based on the topic of music. This resource comprises 5 excellent worksheets which continue the work on adjectives and adjectival agreement in Unit 1; Mon caractère. Say what kinds of music you like/dislike and give reasons using a range of new adjectives which must 'agree'. Say who your favourite singer/group is and give reasons. In a speaking task, make a statement and ask your partner if s(he) agrees, giving reasons. 'La musique de Rihanna est géniale. Tu es d'accord?' Say/write about how different types of music make you feel and the effect they have on you. 'Ça me rend + adjective' and 'Ça me donne envie de + infinitive'. Practise possessive adjectives. Opportunities to speak, write, improve reading skills and knowledge of grammar. Written by the author of Heinemann's Mira express 1 and 2 Resources and Assessment Grammar Sheets.
Mon Identité; Talking about Relationships; using reflexive verbs; pp. 50, 51, Studio book 2

Mon Identité; Talking about Relationships; using reflexive verbs; pp. 50, 51, Studio book 2

Goes with Studio book 2, Module 3, but could be used with any lesson based on family/friend relationships. 5 excellent, tried and tested worksheets to learn and practise reflexive verbs in the context of family/friend relationships. Work on sentence structure, use possessive adjectives, translate into and from French and self assess using an answer sheet. All this builds up to being able to write a structured text about your own family/friend relationships. These worksheets have been meticulously designed and are at least as nicely presented as any resource you might buy from a respectable publisher. Please don't be put off by the preview image which at times looks distorted with text not fitting into boxes or lines missing from tables (due, I think, to the inclusion of tables/grids/text boxes); the actual resource looks professional in appearance when downloaded. Written by the author of Heinemann's Mira express 1 and 2 Resources and Assessment Grammar Sheets.
Talking about Myself and Friends - AQA; Theme 1 - 1.1

Talking about Myself and Friends - AQA; Theme 1 - 1.1

Describe your physical appearance/character and that of your friends/best friend using a range of adjectives and nouns. Say how long you have been best friends and use a scaffold to help you with the word order. There are lots of opportunities to translate to and from the TL and Fanfolds/vocabulary tests to practice and assess key vocabulary and verbs. Role play cards to do in pairs should develop confidence in speaking and there is a G.C.S.E. style role play card to prepare students for the real thing. The resource is well differentiated, allowing students to gradually build up a knowledge of vocabulary, verbs and grammar which they can then use for their own purposes. Written by the author of Heinemann's Mira express 1 and 2 Resources and Assessment Grammar Sheets.
¿Cómo es tu ciudad? Mira 1, Module 6

¿Cómo es tu ciudad? Mira 1, Module 6

Goes with Mira 1, Module 6, ¿Cómo es tu ciudad? but could be used with any lesson describing your town/city/region. Describe your town/city/region/the country/the coast using a range of adjectives in the masculine and feminine singular forms. Use comparitive adjectives, 'more than', 'less than'. Revise qualifiers, including 'algo'. Use 'y' or 'e' for 'and'. Revise opinions. Translate into Spanish at sentence then at paragraph level. Mark your own work and make improvements using the answer sheet. Written by the author of Heinemann's Mira express 1 and 2 Resources and Assessment Grammar Sheets.
Describing your town, neighbourhood and region - AQA; Theme 2 - 5.2

Describing your town, neighbourhood and region - AQA; Theme 2 - 5.2

Use these resources to help your students prepare for the general conversation topic, 'Describing your Region/Town'. There is also a sequencing activity and a sentence structure activity will reinforce key vocabulary and word order. A cutty-up task will help your students understand the position of an adjective + agreement in relation to nouns.
Numbers 60-100 in French

Numbers 60-100 in French

Practise higher numbers with these attractive worksheets. Decide which is the winning Bingo card and have a go at deciphering roman numerals. Answers are on 2 ppts.