Tes MyConcern case study

Rocklands School

Hear from their Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead, Jane Elliker, how Rocklands School have benefited from using Tes MyConcern.

The challenge

Rocklands is a very happy and welcoming special school. It provides the highest quality education for all, in a caring, supportive, inclusive and vibrant learning environment. The happiness and success of every child is central to the school’s work, where pupils are recognised as unique individuals with specific talents and needs. Rocklands offers a varied and engaging curriculum which is provided by a dedicated team of enthusiastic and hardworking teachers and support staff.

Prior to using MyConcern the school had previously relied on a paper-based system which was both timeconsuming and laborious. Information was shared via photocopies, emails or phone calls.

The solution - Tes MyConcern

Rocklands wanted a safeguarding solution that was paperless, enabled simple and secure information sharing and would track the chronology of concerns.

They were introduced to MyConcern at an Advanced Safeguarding course, where many other schools in Birmingham who were already using the software recommended it.

  • MyConcern has been a 'game changer' for Rocklands. Staff now proactively share responsibility for safeguarding and are very confident using MyConcern.

    Jane Elliker, Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
    Rocklands School

Implementing Tes MyConcern

After arranging a free demonstration of the software, Rocklands School decided that MyConcern would offer them what they needed. They attended a training session provided by Link2ICT and found the system extremely easy to use.

MyConcern helps the school considerably with all aspects of recording and reporting. Information sharing is secure, appropriate and easily monitored.

The outcomes

  • Rocklands can now easily manage all concerns and contact the appropriate people by adding messages to other members of staff, nurses and social workers

  • MyConcern ensures that staff work together

  • All staff and invited outside agencies can login to create or update a concern wherever they are or whenever they need to and only see information relevant to their role

  • Governors are easily provided with depersonalised safeguarding information

  • Transferring records to feeder schools is easier and more secure

  • Concerns are reported, acted upon and followed up rigorously – meaning that children are placed at the heart of the process

  • I am very confident at how safe and secure records are and the software comes with a vast amount of useful tools which saves me so much time. I feel so much more confident in my role as DSL.

    Jane Elliker, Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
    Rocklands School

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Teacher stood with their students

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