Safeguard My School

Monitor safeguarding concerns and ensure compliance

Enable staff to easily report safeguarding concerns, ensure compliance with current legislation and provide evidence for inspections.

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What is safeguarding monitoring and reporting?

Safeguarding monitoring and reporting refers to the systems and processes you put in place to help keep students safe and ensure that any potential issues are promptly reported and addressed. By implementing a comprehensive safeguarding monitoring system that allows staff to easily report concerns you can create a safe and nurturing school environment that helps safeguard students from harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation, and ensure compliance with current legislation, standards and guidance.

Safeguarding reporting and monitoring includes:

  • Monitoring the school environment including premises and equipment

  • Monitoring student behaviour and wellbeing

  • Having clear procedures in place for reporting and responding to incidents

  • Regularly evaluating your safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure they are effective

Introducing Safeguard My School

Safeguard My School enables staff to easily report safeguarding concerns and ensure compliance with current legislation, standards and guidance.

Introducing Safeguard my School Image

Access safeguarding information in one place

  • Enable staff to view and report safeguarding concerns - in school or at home - with quick, secure access from any computer or mobile device.

  • Enable safeguarding leads to quickly follow up on information supplied.

  • Reduce administration and save staff time.

  • Ensure compliance with all current legislation, standards and guidance.

  • Provide clear, auditable evidence for inspections.

Access safeguarding information in one place image

Keep your students safe

  • Create individual safeguarding profiles for each student, simply and securely collating all issues relevant to them in chronological order.

  • Generate quick reports about students or safeguarding areas to help identify patterns and trends.

  • Identify safeguarding risks early by having school-wide data at your fingertips and an automatic alert system.

Keep students safe image
  • 60 years
    of experience of working in schools within our team
  • We started using the safeguarding software last week and it's fantastic, really great and easy to use, thank you very much for making my life as DSL easier.

    Caroline Warren, Head of Student Safeguarding
    Tiverton High School, UK
  • The efficiency of the system permits safeguarding leads to track logs efficiently and share them with the relevant people in a way that would simply not be possible in the time frame. Hours a week are being saved, but most importantly safeguarding our pupils has never been stronger or more effective.

    Eurig Thomas, Deputy Headteacher
    Ysgol Cwm Brombil, UK

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