Safeguard my School features

Find out about the features available in Safeguard my School to help staff easily report safeguarding concerns, ensure compliance with current legislation and provide evidence for inspections.

Safeguard my School screenshot

Quick, secure access from any device

Support staff to easily record and monitor safeguarding concerns, in one secure place.

  • Allow staff to report concerns anytime, anywhere.

  • Enable safeguarding leads to quickly follow up on information supplied.

  • Reduce administration and paperwork and save staff time.

  • Ensure compliance with all current legislation, standards and guidance.

Safeguard my School mobile screenshot

Safeguarding profiles

Create individual safeguarding profiles for each student.

  • Neatly collate all safeguarding issues that are relevant to each student in one place.

  • Easily spot trends and patterns for each student and take the appropriate action.

Safeguard my School safeguarding profile screenshot

Chronology building

Automatically organise all safeguarding issues into a chronological safeguarding log.

  • Neatly collate the ongoing management of each safeguarding issue.

  • Automatically build the chronology around a student.

  • See a whole-school chronological view.

  • Spot trends more easily that on separate paper records.

Safeguard my School chronology building screenshot


Create management reports for safeguarding leads, senior leaders, governing bodies and local authorities.

  • Identify patterns and trends about students or safeguarding areas early with comprehensive data dashboards.

  • Make high level data dashboards available for local authorities and academy trusts.

  • Provide clear, auditable evidence for inspections.

Safeguard my School reporting screenshot

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