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Miss Top's_MFL Shop

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Teacher of French and Spanish (French native) at Secondary level. Teaching towards real life, through GCSE Edexcel. What to expect: -> Quality lessons ->Scaffolded activity, increasing in challenge ->Differentiated activities within the lesson -> KS4: a Higher / Foundation lesson -> Spiral learning to support retrieval -> Dual coding to support memorisation -> exam skills with past papers where applicable Check out the French lesson on Jobs (free) to see an example of what to expect!




Teacher of French and Spanish (French native) at Secondary level. Teaching towards real life, through GCSE Edexcel. What to expect: -> Quality lessons ->Scaffolded activity, increasing in challenge ->Differentiated activities within the lesson -> KS4: a Higher / Foundation lesson -> Spiral learning to support retrieval -> Dual coding to support memorisation -> exam skills with past papers where applicable Check out the French lesson on Jobs (free) to see an example of what to expect!
French Theme3  H/F - Edexcel past papers

French Theme3 H/F - Edexcel past papers

All the theme 3 exercises in the following skills: Listening, Reading and Writing. From Edexcel past papers from 2018 to 2023 (included). Included: transcript and answers. Included: in the note under the side, you will see the year of the paper (that way you can plan around the papers you are going to use for MOCKs).
French tenses - Grammar Display

French tenses - Grammar Display

A display to support your explicit teaching of French tenses (endings, how to form it, common irregular verbs). Colour coded and with time markers. You will find The imperfect tense The pluperfect The perfect tense The present tense The near future The simple future The conditional Provided with this resource: the powerpoint and the PDF version (to make sure things don’t shift around). I printed mine on A3 paper, laminated and cut the extra space to make it like a “strip” for each tense on my wall (borders matching on the side). I left the bottom border at the end of the last sheet.
Theme 2_ Weather + Si clauses (near future) _ Foundation

Theme 2_ Weather + Si clauses (near future) _ Foundation

Aimed at a class of Yr10 Foundation/Bottom sets. Lessons revising weather and using it to create Si clauses sentences using the near future tense. 4 lessons of 50 min / 1 hour divided in: Lesson 1: Revision of weather in the present tense. Lesson 2: Practice of weather expression in games, and listening (weather forecast) / reading / writing task. Lesson 3: Revision of activities in the infinitive, leads up to near future revisions. Lesson 4: Si clauses practice and guided writing.
Theme 4 French_Future plans (Simple future) (Foundation)

Theme 4 French_Future plans (Simple future) (Foundation)

Lesson on future plans, designed for a lower set Yr11. Lesson of 1 hour: Starts with vocab presentation through a listening. Then a reading to find the synonyms through sentences, and widen their vocabulary through practice of the new vocab. Recap of simple future. Practice of simple future through model sentences and mini whiteboards. Leads to a writing using sequencers.
French Theme 4 - Work Experience (Foundation and Higher)

French Theme 4 - Work Experience (Foundation and Higher)

2 Resources
Bundle including the Foundation and Higher version of the lesson about Work Experience placements (GCSE Theme 4 Edexcel) Higher includes the imperfect tense and its difference in use with the perfect tense. Foundation focuses on the perfect tense. Both includes opinion using “c’était” and “ils étaient”.
French Theme 1 - Internet & technologies

French Theme 1 - Internet & technologies

Lesson aimed at Yr9 students covering vocabulary related to technologies and what you can do online. Includes videos from French ads used to study vocab, then students have to write their own ad and do a voiceover over a French ad. Lesson 1: Introduction and practice of activites people do on the Internet. Lesson 2: Introduction and practice of technologies (baladeur MP3, portable,…) and vocabulary linked to them (avoir du réseau). Study of the ad “une tablette déconnectée”. Leads to student writing their own ad as a voice over another French ad for a phone. Differentiation possibility (included): use the second ad to study the vocab (rather than the first ad). Lesson 3 (two possibilities - both included): Both include reading as a writing model, and leads to a writing task. One lesson focuses on the structure “il est + adj + de + inf” The second lesson focuses on a writing frame used across all topics to answer writing questions.
French Theme 4 - Work Experience (Higher - Imperfect + vs perfect tense)

French Theme 4 - Work Experience (Higher - Imperfect + vs perfect tense)

Lesson covering the vocabulary of tasks done during Work Experience, and opinion using “c’était”, as well as the imperfect tense and its difference in use with the perfect tense (passé composé). Aimed at a higher set of Yr11s. Two-hour lesson (with the potential of being a 3 hour lesson). Lesson 1 (can be split in two): l’imparfait - language presentation independent practice to drill the method (scaffolded with the students being asked to write down the steps to find the stem, then write the verb in the first person singular in the imperfect tense). Whole class practice with MWB (scaffolding removed) Language presentation - imparfait vs passé composé Independent practice - study of scenarios in English and decide whether you would use imperfect or passé composé to talk about them in French. Writing - list of verb, roll a die to choose one, roll a die to choose a scenario (sentence starters given) and student have to make a sentence joining the two. Lesson 2: Starter: picture description Reading: match up the places of work experience with the activities (sentences mixing imperfect tense and perfect tense). Listening: fill in a table with places of work experience, tasks + opinion (added). Writing: write your own report of your work experience (using imperfect + perfect tense).
French Theme 1 - Hobbies in the past

French Theme 1 - Hobbies in the past

Lesson aimed to a class of Yr9s revising the perfect tense / passé composé. A two-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Revision of how to do the passé composé with avoir (with all 3 groups). Lesson 2: Study and production of the passé composé in context, adding opinions. Leading to a writing.
French Theme 4 - Work experience (Foundation - perfect tense)

French Theme 4 - Work experience (Foundation - perfect tense)

Lesson covering the vocabulary of tasks done during Work Experience (WEX), and opinion using “c’était”, as well as a recap of perfect tense (passé composé). Aimed at a lower set of Yr11s. Two-hour lesson Lesson 1 : Language presentation of WEX tasks in the passé composé with a match up exercise (dual coded to help with memory.) Listening and translation: sentences on the board, I say the translated version (or part of it) and they have to tell me (on their mwb) with sentence it is. Listening: fill in a table in English (opinion added) with the required details. Translation: translate into French (3 sentences with increasing difficulty). Lesson 2: Starter: picture description Language presentation: recap of passé composé + common irregulars + je suis allé(e) Independent practice with first person singular Whole class AfL with MWB Writing: students are asked to write their own report using the passé composé, giving justified opinions and using time markers.
French Theme 2 - Transports, ticket booking & comparatives (Foundation)

French Theme 2 - Transports, ticket booking & comparatives (Foundation)

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr11s and covering the vocabulary of transports, leading to a role play on booking your own train ticket and giving your opinion on which means of transport you would rather travel in, using comparatives. A four-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Starts with chunks of sentences to do with transports (plane, car, train) such as “quai”, “guichet”, “aéroport” then introduces the discussion of a train ticket booking through a listening. Lesson 2: Study of questions of a ticket booking, model through a listening. Leads to a role play where each student has a different train ticket that they want to buy with different information on them (destination, time, platform number, single / return, etc…). Lesson 3: Study of 12 sentences with different tenses and the verb “voyager”. Recap of the comparative structure. Lesson 4: Recap of comparative and adding justifications as to why one transport has their preference over another. Leads to a guided writing.
French Theme 2 - Problems on holidays (F&H)

French Theme 2 - Problems on holidays (F&H)

2 Resources
Bundle containing the Higher and Foundation version of the lesson “Problem on holidays”, covering the vocabulary of what can go wrong (dirty hotel, broken limb, things stolen…) and what they had to do. Both lessons have a quick look at the imperfect tense, what it is, when to use it, but keep it as the use of “c’était” and “il y avait”. Higher lesson introduces and practises the pluperfect.
Speaking exam prep_Role Play and Picture Card

Speaking exam prep_Role Play and Picture Card

2 Resources
This Bundle regroups an introduction to the Role Play (2 hour lesson) and an introduction to the Picture Card (4 hour lesson). Both include an introduction of the exam, a look at a RP/PC question, writing answers with teacher modelling and peer assessment. Both include a peer-assessment grid based from an interpretation of the Edexcel mark scheme (H/F).
French Theme 1 - La télévision et les séries - TV shows (higher opinion)

French Theme 1 - La télévision et les séries - TV shows (higher opinion)

Lesson covering vocabulary related to TV shows as well as higher opinions, with adjective agreement eg: ça m’intéresserait de regarder les émissions de télé-réalité parce qu’elles sont amusantes. Lesson 1: Recap of TV shows from Yr8, recaping and adding higher opinions. Lesson 2: Study of adjective agreements in the context of justified opinions. Lesson 3: Leads to a guided writing where students use higher opinions and adjective agreement to describe tastes in TV shows. Lesson 4: Speaking practice mixing present tense, opinion + infinitive and past tense.
Theme 4 French_Part time jobs / Mon petit boulot (Higher)

Theme 4 French_Part time jobs / Mon petit boulot (Higher)

A two hour lesson covering the vocabulary of part time jobs and chores, as well as earnings. Aimed at a higher set of Yr11s. Lesson 1: Starter: picture description (theme 4). Language presentation: match up the French and the image (extension: conjugate each action in the perfect tense, then the imperfect tense). Practice through a listening. Authentic material used: survey from 2008 discussing which gender does the chores at home. Used in a reading (with frequency added). Writing with sentences starters: is this still the case? Why (not)? Lesson 2: Starter: picture description (theme 4). Past paper exercises on theme 4 (2 listening, 1 reading, 1 writing -28 mark- with writing frame).
Where do you live ? / Où habites-tu? (cardinal points + geographical features)

Where do you live ? / Où habites-tu? (cardinal points + geographical features)

Lesson aimed at a higher set of Yr7s (and including differentiation both to adapt to different levels and to differentiate within the class), covering the vocabulary of cardinal points as well as geographical features (by the sea-side, in the countryside,…). Also includes 4 weather expressions as a stretch. Based on the new GCSE (Edexcel). A two-hour lesson. Lesson 1: Introduces “j’habite” as a basis, and stretches with “je voudrais habiter” as well as opinion + habiter. Language presentation through listening of the cardinal points. Follows another listening at sentence level with the cardinal points and a map of France with cities (differentiated activity depending on the level of the class). Speaking activity in pairs / groups: trapdoor. Lesson 2: Language presentation of geographical features (à la campagne, à la montagne, en ville,…). Practice through a reading. Further practice through a guided writing. Leads to a dictation with sentences grouping all the knowledge seen over the last two lessons.
French family members (my + I have / I haven't got any)

French family members (my + I have / I haven't got any)

Lesson aimed at a high set of Year 7s and covering family members vocabulary as introducing them with qui s’appelle(nt), qui a/ont … ans. Also covers the grammar point of “my” and “I don’t have any”. Based on new Edexcel GCSE vocab and content. Two lessons of an hour each. First lesson: Starts with a practice around the structures “I have a / two / three” and “I don’t have any”, with repetition of the vocab brother and sister. Moves on with an introduction of a family tree and practice of the structure “whose name is…” “who is… yo”. Leads to a guided writing. Second lesson: Recap of vocabulary which leads to more practice through listening and translation. Introduction of the grammar point “my”. Leads to a writing (not guided).