I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
This lovely Christmas-themed resource is on matching sets to numbers and combining/adding together to make a total.
Aimed at: Foundation/Year 1, SEND, ESL students.
It relates to adding groups of objects to make a total 'How many altogether?' and writing the number to represent that group and then introducing the plus and equals sign to complete number sentences - Children still need to count the objects in the set and then work out the total.
This product contains:
- Teacher Notes/Lesson Guide - This explains the resources and guides you through the lesson by referring to Slides in the Presentation;
- PowerPoint Presentation (22 Slides) - includes whole class activities;
- PowerPoint Slide on colours - this will be useful to display whilst the children are colouring in the baubles.
- 3 sets of differentiated worksheets - adding up sets to 5, 10 and then 15.
Learning objectives:
Match sets of objects to numbers that represent the number of objects
Adding to make a total ‘How many altogether?’.
To begin to recognise and use the plus + sign and equals = sign.
Outcome: Children now that numbers identify how many objects are in a set.
Thank you for looking.
Images royalty free sourced from Microsoft clipart.
File Type: PowerPoint, Word and PDF
This resource pack is designed to support counting, number recognition and number formation from zero to 10.
Suitable for early years/ foundation stage KS1 and SEN pupils (US: PreK/K-Grade 1).
Link to literacy on bears.
Ideal for carousel or rotation system for children to practise different activities.
**Content: **
PowerPoint Presentation 0 to 10 in words and figures - There is animation so children can count the bears as they appear
Also includes a Slide counting back from 10
Cut and paste Counting and Matching Activity - Children read the number under the circle, e.g. 4 and then cut out the circle that contains 4 pandas and stick above that number - see example.
2x Tens Frame (How many polar bears are there?)- Each tens frame contains polar bears which the children count and write the number in the box.
Polar bear number frieze to print and laminate - can be displayed or use as large flash cards
Polar bear picture cards for counting - print, laminate, cut out.
Teddy bear picture cards for counting - print, laminate, cut out.
Brown bear picture cards for counting - print laminate, cut out.
Small cards of teddies 1-10 - for counting/matching with a digit cards
Number formation activity sheets
Colouring numbers and teddies activity resource
Digit/Flash cards (0-20)- print, laminate and cut out
Panda Number Track for counting activities
Missing numbers worksheets
Counting different colour candy bears worksheets (2 pages) - different colour bears on worksheet - children count the colours that are the same and write in the box colour-coded box.
Complete picture sequencing/patterns activity - Cut/paste.
Number strip puzzle counting 1 to 5 (picture of bear) - children can colour it in.
Number strip puzzle counting 1 to 10 (polar bear scenery photo)
Counting bear faces
Counting on up to 5 and then 10
Adding two groups
Taking away by crossing out
Includes US spelling of color and gray.
Learning objectives: To practise forming numbers
To read and recognise numbers zero to 10
To practise counting from zero/1 to 10 and back
To match numbers to quantities
To order smallest to biggest and vice versa
To add two groups
To take away by crossing out (Intro to subtraction)
This bundle contains 6 sets of resources to organize your classroom.
It also includes ready-made flashcards for whole class teaching.
It comprises:
Cardinal numbers
Ordinal numbers
2D/3D Shapes displays
Subject displays/Labels for objects around the classroom
Editable classroom ‘Helpers Today’ poster
And much much more!
Updated: Editable classroom Helpers Today’ display in PowerPoint. Just type in the name of the students who are helping you today and print off. (Colour/b&w backgrounds).
Also phonics timetable card.
This pack contains displays posters and labels for your classroom.
Save time just print and laminate. Some cutting out for smaller labels.
Organise your class/walls into subject areas - included in this resource are:
Word Wall display card
Helpers Today display card (PDF and PowerPoint)
Changeable Timetable cards - editable (saves time writing out your timetable)
Subject areas display (editable) - Science, RE (Religious Education), Music, Maths, Math, Numeracy, English, Literacy, History, Geography, Art and Design.
Labels for objects around the classroom:
computer, keyboard, screen, sink area, paintbrushes, pencils, unfinished work tray, finished work tray, crayons, felt-tip pens, paper, sharpeners, erasers, rubbers, toy box, games, whiteboards, dry-wipe pens, book bags, etc.
All resources editable
File Type: MS Word, PDF, PPT
Make your classroom bright and cheery with these colorful displays as a reference for children.
UPDATED with whole page portrait 2D and 3D displays.
This resource contains 2D and 3D shape posters with labels for each shape:-
square and cube
triangle cuboid and rectangular prism
circle and sphere
rectangle and cylinder
pentagon and cone
hexagon and pyramid
octagon and triangular prism
A distinction is made between regular 2D shapes (all sides and angles equal) and non-regular shapes.
Also contains separate word labels for each shape.
Just print onto card stock (if you wish) and laminate.
File type: Word format - Option to change the colors and pdf
The zip file contains all the resources as I could not upload them individually.
Calendar for back to school you can display in early years/KS1 classrooms.
This resource pack contains a blank weather, date and year display poster to be completed each day using the changeable days, date, month, weather card displays.
The words in shadow show where the laminated day, date, month and year should go.
There is space for the weather conditions on the same blank display.
The preview window shows how the display will appear when you complete the blank display poster.
You can also change the weather button background if you don’t want plain white - click on, e.g. the ‘hot’ weather button, go to Drawing Tools then Shape Fill to choose your colour.
Print off displays onto card paper - enlarge to A3 if wish for a larger display.
I printed off onto coloured card paper.
This pack includes:
Teacher Notes
Title Displays
Days of the week
Months of the year
Ordinal dates from 1st to 31st.
Cardinal dates from 1 to 31
Years 2024 to 2028
Weather words and pictures
Seasons dial - laminate and cut round. Cut out the dial and insert with split pin in the centre - see preview window front page.
Laminate all the resources. Use Blu tac , double-sided sticky tape or velcro for the changeable words to be displayed on blank display board.
I have uploaded resources both in Word format (editable) and pdf. versions.
Updated January 2024 to include editable text sections in PowerPoint
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This bundle contains 6 sets of resources to organise your classroom and extra worksheet activities to reinforce topic areas.
It also includes ready-made flashcards - for whole-class teaching.
This bundle was updated on April 5th - If you have already bought this bundle, please re-download to access the new products on ordinal numbers:)
It comprises:
Cardinal numbers
Ordinal numbers
2D/3D Shapes displays
Subject displays/Labels for objects around the classroom
Editable Birthday Display
And much much more. Please see individual description on products in this bundle.
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This ready-made resource relates to ordinal numbers both in words and figures.
Just print, laminate and cut out some of the resources to start teaching. Included are spelling rules for ordinal numbers, ordinal number charts, ordinal digit cards in figures and words.
2 March 2022 - Updated to include editable posters saved as PPTX so that you can change the font if you wish.
**Content: **
2 sets of A4 Size ordinal number cards in words and figures from 1 to 31 with shaded dots showing the position it in a range of dots. E.g. the ordinal number 18th is shown with the dot shaded in the 18th position. Great for demonstration and practical activities
Set of 10 information cards which also include whole class activities, spelling rules and explaining the meaning of ordinal numbers.
2 sets of digit cards (6 to a page) to laminate and cut out (for long use) – the ordinals numbers range from 1 to 102 (black outline and green outline).
A set of cards for ordinal number matching activity in figures and words up to 100. You can laminate the cards and cut out to set up a matching up of figures an words game with for ordinals up to 5 or 10 and for more able up to 20. Students can play snap - either matching two ordinal numbers the same or matching figures and words.
Teacher Notes with suggested activities. (2 pages)
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For US Version
All Images from : Microsoft Clipart, creative commons clker.com.
Updated to included b/w worksheets and number lines clipart.
This mixed bag maths resource pack contains:-
5 Flexible Lesson Plans
5 PowerPoint Presentations.
Number line 0-10
Number line 0-20.
Worksheets to go with each of the lessons
Content of lessons:
Lesson 1: Addition with number line up to 10; extension up to 20 for more able children.
To use number line to work out addition sums.
Lesson 2: Subtraction with number line up to 10; extension to 20 for more able children.
To use number line to work out subtraction sums.
Lesson 3: Money activities - recognising coins and using exact value to pay for items.
Extension work adding two items together up to 20p.
To recognise coin values and use exact coins to pay for items.
Lesson 4: Counting in twos. Worksheet activities on this. Gap filling number sequences and counting in two worksheets.
Counting in twos - money worksheet 2p.
To recognise number sequences and count in twos.
Lesson 5: Simple word maths problem for children to solve. Worksheets differentiated.
To solve simple maths problems using addition or subtraction operations.
Learning objectives, starter activites and main lessons are in the lesson plans.
US Version
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This resource relates to a mixed bag of 1 week's maths activities.
5 detailed lesson plans to hand supported by PowerPoint Presentations and worksheets.
More suitable for Foundation stage/Year1 level.
The lessons are:
Lesson 1: Counting and ordering up to 5.
More able counting and ordering up to 10
Lesson 2: More Counting and ordering numbers up to 10 and missing numbers track activities.
Lesson 3: Describing 2D Shapes and activities - shape snap game.
Lesson 4: Adding 1 more and 2 more and worksheets.
Lesson 5: Comparing lengths - long and short and using vocabulary longer than/shorter than.
- Circles clipart (you can adjust size and incorporate into worksheets)
- Whole page sheet of circles to cut out for caterpillar (Lesson 5)
US Version also available
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Updated to include b/w worksheets and number lines saved as clipart with transparent background.
This mixed bag math product contains:-
5 Flexible Lesson Plans
5 PowerPoint Presentations to go with each of the lesson plans.
Number line 0 - 10
Number line 0 - 20
Worksheets and activities for each of the 5 lessons.
Content of Main Lessons:-
Lesson 1: Addition with number line up to 10; extension up to 20 for more able students.
To use number line to work out addition sums.
Lesson 2: Subtraction with number line up to 10; extension to 20 for more able students.
To use number line to work out subtraction sums.
Lesson 3: Money activities - recognizing coins and using exact value to pay for items.
In addition - extension work adding two items together up to 10 cents.
To recognize coin values and use exact coins to pay for items.
Lesson 4: Skip counting by two. Worksheet activities on this. Gap filling number sequences and skip counting by twos worksheets.
To recognize number sequences and skip count by 2.
Lesson 5: Simple word problems for students to solve. Worksheets differentiated.
To solve simple math problems using addition or subtraction operations step by step.
Learning objectives, lesson starters and recap sessions are in the lesson plans.
Thank you for visiting my store.
UK version
CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.1, 1OA.2
CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.C.5, 1.OA.C.6
This resource relates to addition and missing numbers from 1 to 10 using minibeasts, bugs and insects. Children count in order from 1 to 10 and then looking at a range of numbers decide which number(s) is missing. As the children get used to seeing missing numbers, they then add the missing numbers together. This resource includes worksheets and PowerPoint Presentations.
UPDATED with ‘I Spy’ Find and Count fun activity.
Aimed at: Reception/Year 1 (US: Pre-K/K)
This resource contains two lesson starters on PowerPoint.
The numbers are from 1 to 10 on each grid.
Learning objectives: Count in order; recognise missing numerals, add two sets of numbers together - extension to adding three single digits for more able children.
Presentation 1 (45 Slides) - Each grid has a missing number and children write down the missing number. This extends to two missing numbers then three.
Presentation 2 (30 Slides) - Each grid has two missing numbers. The children write down the missing numbers and then add the missing numbers together.
Extension to three missing numbers for more able.
The total of the numbers range up to 20.
There are also 4 activity sheets. These are extension options. They can be used to supplement other teaching of number work and addition.
Also included Find and Count activities in colour and black and white - all versions are different.
Includes US paper size.
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This resources relates to numbers 0 to 5 and missing numbers. There is basic addition to 5 for the early years children and for more able up to 9
UPDATED to include worksheets in PDF Format.
Aimed at: Early Years/Reception/Year 1
This resource contains two lesson starters on PowerPoint.
The numbers are from 0 to 5 on the grid.
Learning objectives: Recognise numerals to 5 and count in order; to begin to add two sets of numbers together.
Presentation 1 (24 Slides) - Each grid has a missing number and children write down the missing number. This extends to two missing numbers.
Presentation 2 (20 Slides) - Each grid has two missing numbers. The children write down the missing numbers and then add the missing numbers together.
The total of the numbers range from 1 to 9.
3 activity worksheets - finding missing number, cut/paste activity and adding numbers together to no more than 9.
Activity worksheets in b/w
Counting activity - Find and Count Minibeasts and colour and b/w
There are extra worksheets for early finishers. They can be used to supplement other teaching of number work and addition.
Also includes US paper size.
This comprehensive resource pack is on the theme of minibeasts, bugs and insects to help children count, add and to begin to write number sentences (calculation).
**It takes the learner from the early stages of counting through to writing and calculating number sentences. **
It introduces the + and = symbols.
78 Slides of Presentation on all the lessons - Includes whole class activities and plenaries. The some slides have animation where the children can count along with the numbers as they ‘float in’ above the minibeasts.
Also includes:
5 Lesson Plans:
All contain learning objectives and outcomes, starter activities and plenaries.
Lesson 1: Counting and cut/paste activity on counting.
Lesson 2: Adding groups of minibeasts to obtain a given total
Lesson 3: Introducing the plus and equals symbol – to add groups - children progress to writing number sentences.
Lesson 4: Children begin to calculate – number sentences using + and = symbols.
Lesson 5: Children work out numbers - Worksheets and extension worksheets.
Worksheet/activities on all the lessons.
Laminate digit cards and the minibeasts cards for practical activities.
The learning objectives are in the lesson plans.
You may be interested in:
All resources are printable/editable.
Updated to include US Size worksheets
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This bundle relates to telling the time from the 12 hour clock to the 24 hour clock analogue and digital.
The total pack consists of:
14 Lessons Plans
(including worksheets and activities for each lesson)
PowerPoint Presentations for both Pack 1 and Pack 2
Time Problems
Time/Clock games and activities to reinforce learning the time
Set of 27 worksheets - digital and analogue times and time problem questions
Please see individual product details.
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This resource is on the theme of minibeasts. The teachers notes explain how each set of loop cards are used and how they are different. It is similar to other loop cards or follow me games but counting minibeasts and revising addition and subtraction.
A fun way to practise reading numbers and counting and reviewing addition and subtraction through listening and speaking. Student learn to read ‘I have’ and ‘Who has?’ to start the game.
The cards can be used in small group sessions or whole class sessions.
**Preparation: Laminate, print off and cut round coloured borders onto card paper. **
This resource has now been updated to include 7 sets of loop cards.
The borders are different colours so that the sets are not mixed up.
Teachers Notes (3 pages)
Total Download: 66 pages (2 large cards on each page)
Includes US spelling - ladybird/ladybug
Please see preview pane.
Learning objective: Counting and reinforce number recognition.
To review addition and substraction
You may be interested in the free minibeast subtraction loop card:
<strong>UPDATED with colourful text around the operation signs for display.</strong>
This pack contains visual displays for the classroom and also a presentation of the numbers from zero through to 100.
<strong>Contents: </strong>
- Zero flashcards - number and word
- A4 sizes display of numbers 1 to 100
- Flashcards - 1 to 120 and words one to twenty
- Number cards for children to trace over the dots - 1 to 30
- Operation Sign displays - plus, minus, multiply, division and equal signs
- Set of flashcards for teaching step counting in twos - every second card is a different colour - 2, 4, 6, 8 etc.
- Set of flashcards for teaching step counting in fives - every fifth card is a different colour- 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 etc.
- Set of flashcards for teaching step counting in tens - every tenth card is a different colour - 10, 20 , 30, 40 etc.
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This worksheet activity is suitable for Reception upwards. It can be adapted into sorting numbers into 2s or 5s and used as revision.
The number track must first be completed and then the children attempt the calculations.
In practice, the children are making their own number track.
This is an adaptation of the sorting in tens worksheets.
There are 32 mixed addition and subtraction loop cards - I have… Who has?
Use as a lesson starter or at the end of the lesson.
Print out the loop card sheets.
Laminate and cut out.
Hand a card to each pupil starting with the simpler card for the less able.
The pupils have to listen careful to see if they have the correct answer and then read out their addition or subtraction sentence for the next person to answer.
Eventually the first person who started the loop ends the loop.
Plain background and blue background.
File Type: Word Format and PDF.
This is a minibeast science topic that can also be used in maths for presenting data in a block graph. Feel free to adapt worksheets.
Pictures of minibeasts obtained from the kidspuzzlesandgames website, pixabay public domain images and clipart.
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