
Teacher pay rise 2024-25: all you need to know

The government has offered a 5.5 per cent pay rise for teachers from September 2024. What will happen next?

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DfE to research risks posed by older school buildings

Headteachers' leaders say they hope researching building risks leads to DfE 'correcting perpetual underinvestment in the school estate'

Kate Forbes: ‘Gaelic must be brought to life beyond the classroom’

Gaelic should be ‘a living, breathing language’ – not just a language of the classroom, deputy first minister tells MSPs

SQA: Scottish schools to get access to marked exam papers for first time

Marked exam papers in five subject areas will be made available to all schools on results day in August – the SQA says it hopes the move will 'ensure transparency'

National maths specialist appointed in Scotland

Former secondary school leader Andy Brown will be 'leading the work to update the maths and numeracy curriculum'

Heads call for end to ‘annual circus’ of teacher pay settlements

Schools need a 'long-term approach to reliable pay and progression' to end recruitment crisis, a headteachers' think tank has warned

MPs call for urgent curriculum review to expand financial education

Content in the 'overcrowded' curriculum must be reduced to deliver more financial education, say heads' leaders

Music hubs: experts sound warning over cut in numbers

MPs have questioned sector experts and schools minister Damian Hinds about the government's music hubs programme. Here are six things we learned

Ballot opens over education cuts in Scotland’s largest council

Industrial action is on the cards in Glasgow – which could entail strikes – if plans to cut 450 teaching posts over three years are not reversed

Nearly 1 in 3 female students ‘very worried’ about climate change

Findings from the International Baccalaureate come as schools report growing levels of anxiety around the impact of climate change

Teachers complain of ‘obscure’ English lit GCSE extract

Teachers warn exam board AQA that some students were at a disadvantage in this year's GCSE English literature paper

Independent review will probe Oak National Academy

The chief executive of DfE-funded property company LocatED will lead a review into the controversial curriculum resources quango

Better guidance on sexual harassment needed, say 1 in 3 staff

Most school staff believe safeguarding concerns have increased since last year, a Tes poll shows

Oracy ‘neglect’ leaves pupils struggling, warns exam board

Oracy needs to be more integrated into the curriculum, says OCR

AI added to ‘outdated’ computer science GCSE

These are the main changes to GCSE computer science set out by the Department for Education in plans published today

Scottish parents’ body ‘shocked’ by funding cut

The government is cutting funding for the National Parent Forum of Scotland, despite a recent review highlighting the 'critical role' of the forum