
Teachers to get 5.5% pay rise

The government has accepted the independent pay body’s recommendations on teacher pay for 2024-25

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New CEO hired to lead 31-school White Horse Federation

Dr Dan Nicholls, currently deputy CEO at Cabot Learning Federation, will take up new role from September

Weekly round-up: The education battle lines are drawn

Tes' essential education news round-up includes the three main political parties setting out their policies for schools ahead of next month's election

Biggest rise in EHCPs since pandemic

New data shows an increase in the number of education, health and care plans and requests for assessments at a time when funding is being squeezed

Funding crisis ‘will increase class sizes’ in most schools

One head in an ASCL poll warns that the only thing left to cut is teaching staff after 'paring everything back to the bone'

Most bullying in secondary ‘linked to sexuality or gender’

School leaders believe their staff need 'increased confidence' in handling bullying incidents, according to a DfE-funded report

Key policy of rooting music tuition in education at risk, warns union

Council urged to abandon plans to put its instrumental music service in an arm’s-length body, amid fears the plans could have Scotland-wide ramifications

Revealed: The most popular education policies for voters

Analysis shows strong support for hiring more teachers and increasing apprenticeships but a negative response to dropping single-word Ofsted judgements

Glasgow teachers to take industrial action over job cuts

EIS members in Glasgow vote heavily in favour of taking in favour of action that could result in strikes

Conservatives’ education policies: all you need to know

The Conservative Party pledges to make guidance on banning mobile phones statutory and to protect 'day-to-day' per pupil spending on schools

Real-terms cuts to schools in Wales laid bare by new data

Education bodies and unions collectively call for all political parties to commit to a plan to invest the funding needed to eradicate all school cuts

Liberal Democrats’ education policies: all you need to know

Lib Dems pledge to make teacher pay fully funded and independent, and to cut the amount schools pay towards education, health and care plans

Schools under ‘severe strain’, ASCL warns party leaders

Spending money on managing SEND deficits rather than meeting children's needs is a situation 'close to madness', says the union

Labour: Breakfast clubs plan ‘could cut half a million days of absence’

Labour sets out plan to turn primary school classrooms into 3,300 new nurseries

School counselling ‘would deliver £1.9bn boost to country’

Analysis suggests school-based counselling would provide an eight-fold financial benefit to the government

Most special schools have ‘less funding than in 2010’

Special schools have suffered a £419 million real-terms cut in spending power over 14 years, unions warn